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New bloodpacts

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  • #16
    Re: New bloodpacts

    Originally posted by Onionsoilder
    I'm not talking about manaburn. Heck, I PREFER conventional parties.

    It's just... All the drama...
    Except that even if you were referring to Manaburn it wouldn't matter since manaburn exp hasn't been affected.

    I don't see any drama.


    • #17
      Re: New bloodpacts

      @ zagex
      Next 3p means it costs 3 merit points to merit that ability. So it's going to take 3 merit points to learn the bloodpact, then probably 6 to merit the same one again, or 3 to learn a new bloodpact.
      And exactly that contradicts
      You can access Group 2 abilities by spending 1 point on the ability you wish to learn.
      What is correct now? Would it be fair if SMN were the exception of this rule and could just get 2 abilitites out of 6, while other jobs could perhaps get all? Shouldn't we be the masters of versatility?


      • #18
        Re: New bloodpacts

        It's not any different than the way merits currently work. That number six just means you can raise things 6 times in Group II. Just like Combat skills have a max of 12, Group II just has a max of 6. How many times a particular ability can be raise has never been shown before, but the max for a category has (just like shown in the picture).

        Be like a Paladin.
        Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


        • #19
          Re: New bloodpacts

          Is it just me, or do ifrit and leviathan not have their blood pact's in that pic


          • #20
            Re: New bloodpacts

            Originally posted by framerate
            Is it just me, or do ifrit and leviathan not have their blood pact's in that pic
            Well, it looks like there is room to scroll further down if that eases your mind any.


            • #21
              Re: New bloodpacts

              Meteor Strike isn't Ifrit's? I swear I've seen him use it.


              • #22
                Re: New bloodpacts

                (Editpps messed it up, meteorite is carbuncles )

                I will live, and die by the Sword


                • #23
                  Re: New bloodpacts

                  I think it should be noted:

                  All the new BPs are Elemental based and thus are effected by the upcoming resistance nerf.

                  Makes you wonder just how strong they are doesn't it?
                  All spells obtained!
                  Homam Gear: 2/5


                  • #24
                    Re: New bloodpacts

                    Originally posted by Murphie
                    Well, it looks like there is room to scroll further down if that eases your mind any.
                    Heh.. I have a ways to go before I can merit anyways

                    I'd be happy with "Heavenly Strike" and "Wind Blade" anyways...


                    • #25
                      Re: New bloodpacts

                      I can't wait for this >_>

                      Thinking Thunderstorm and possibly Heavenly Strike since Shiva is so useless.


                      • #26
                        Re: New bloodpacts

                        Originally posted by framerate
                        Is it just me, or do ifrit and leviathan not have their blood pact's in that pic
                        Ifrits 75 BP is Meteorstrike .. heres a Video I mad elast year with all the 75 BP's

                        In this thread.

                        Heres a direct link to the video.
                        If you dont like hip Hop.. tough ^^ it suits th evideo.

                        Double Post Edited:
                        It's also my first video so it's kinda choppy and tossed together.
                        Last edited by tazirai; 07-23-2006, 12:40 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                        • #27
                          Re: New bloodpacts

                          Woohoo, 70 pacts > these. Nice to know I used 3 merits for half the damage I can already do.

                          EDIT: 200% TP and I got maybe 100-150 more damage than normal...about 700 compared to the 1k+ on 70 pacts. Have to see what it's like on HNMs still.

                          We do not get access to them in capped areas as of the first upgrade.
                          Last edited by Kazuki; 07-24-2006, 04:42 PM.


                          • #28
                            Re: New bloodpacts

                            Originally posted by Kazuki
                            Woohoo, 70 pacts > these. Nice to know I used 3 merits for half the damage I can already do.

                            EDIT: 200% TP and I got maybe 100-150 more damage than normal...about 700 compared to the 1k+ on 70 pacts. Have to see what it's like on HNMs still.

                            We do not get access to them in capped areas as of the first upgrade.
                            Yah damage wise, its a bit silly. But i got a different TP->damage output. After resting on a few Lesser Colibri, I got near a flat 1TP->1damage. 0 TP got me 500ish damage, while 100TP got me 600ish and 300TP got me 800ish. Wish I could find some T+ to see if its any different.

                            PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                            • #29
                              Re: New bloodpacts

                              70 pacts and even Eclipse Bite is more damage without tp and much more mp efficient. SE might as well have given us nothing. I can .dat switch if I want to see flashy animations.


                              • #30
                                Re: New bloodpacts

                                So the consensus so far is we can't even unlock them all, we have to choose, and they (for now) are doing less damage than our 70 BP's? That seems rather anti-climactic. But of course they'll have to fine tune these as time goes in other updates, and by the time I actually get to where I *can* merit, it may be a whole other story.

                                ..wish I didn't have to choose though. It seems possible for all the other jobs to get all of their happy new shiny abilities. Then again, I don't know jack about the merit system, I'm just going off what I read from previous posters here.

                                What about the changes to our skill? It affecting our buffs and making them last longer, etc.? Is that ever going to come about?
                                "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                                ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~

