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New bloodpacts

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  • #31
    Re: New bloodpacts

    The new bloodpacts are heavily tp dependent. A friend of mine did 644 to a normal exp mob with no tp and 946 with 146tp. If maxed out with 100% tp these could very well top 1500 damage or more on magic bursts. Upgrading after you unlock them increases thier tp bonus by 20%.


    • #32
      Re: New bloodpacts

      Well, I got windblade, since garuda is my favorite, and with around 150% tp i did 850ish on those spiders outside alzabi. and like 600 ish on the madira... both were T! I wonder what would the damage be with 300tp and with a good magic burst! I will get 1 more merit then i will go unlock heavenly strike


      • #33
        Re: New bloodpacts

        Id like to see the damage that a smn can do with these pacts if they do the following: get 5 avatar magic acc and 5 avatar magic atk merits, and lvl one new bloodpact as high as you can.


        • #34
          Re: New bloodpacts

          I think it's safe to say, as of now, these new pacts are just totally not worth it. You have to get a lot of avatar TP to get damage that even compares to our physical pacts, and that's throwing out half your MP pool.

          Damage to MP to time ratio, level 70 pacts win hands down. Even if these can get better with merits, that's an insane amount of work to put into something, especially considering you can already merit to make what's better than this, even more better.


          • #35
            Re: New bloodpacts

            Originally posted by Telera
            ..wish I didn't have to choose though. It seems possible for all the other jobs to get all of their happy new shiny abilities. Then again, I don't know jack about the merit system, I'm just going off what I read from previous posters here.
            Actually, SMN can get all of the new blood pacts. You can upgrade the SMN group 2 category 6 times total. There are 6 new blood pacts. You just can't upgrade any of them past level 1.
            Generic Info!


            • #36
              Re: New bloodpacts

              Crappy or not, I am getting them all. I have waited far too long to be able to use these to get upset over damage taht does less on EP->T mobs than the standby lvl 70 BPs. Its just the first day that they have been released. There still needs to be more testing done. I can say that Drachen Roll of 9 gave a very nice boost to Heavenly Strike wasting my time fighting Strooper Chime while helping out with COR AF weapon (by wasting my time, i mean we figured we were in the wrong zone, its Maze no matter what you pick).

              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


              • #37
                Re: New bloodpacts

                I'd get the blood pacts if I had nothing else to spend merits on, but that's just me. I still need to increase MP 4 more times, STR 2 more times, shove points into WHM regen potency, and cap out avatar physical attack/accuracy. Plus fairly soon I'll probably have my MNK at 75. So then I need 8 hand to hand and 5 kick/counter attack merits. ._.

                It wouldn't be too bad, but I haven't been in a merit party in about 9 months, due to connection issues.
                Generic Info!


                • #38
                  Re: New bloodpacts

                  Not my tests, but damage with MBs on HNMs as well as straight damage on VT mobs

                  Today on Fafnir, Ramuh's did 720 on a Magic Burst.

                  Saw a shiva do heavenly strike for 700ish against a Wam. Prince.

                  The new Nether Blasts?

                  PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                  • #39
                    Re: New bloodpacts

                    Tested last night, got Wind Blade & Heavenly Strike.

                    Wind Blade test results
                    Ebon Puddings
                    TP: 0%~99%
                    Damage: 666 (consistant)
                    Magic Burst: 1111

                    TP: 100%~199%
                    Damage 787
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    TP: 200%~299%
                    Damage Untested
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    TP: 300%
                    Damage Untested
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    Aht Urghan Spiders
                    TP: 0%~99%
                    Damage: 500~600
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    TP: 100%~199%
                    Damage: 600~700
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    TP: 200%~299%
                    Damage untested
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    TP: 300%
                    Damage: 1045
                    Magic Burst: Untested

                    Please rep up, I will proceed with more tests tonight during dynamis and more to come.
                    Hacked on 9/9/09
                    FFXIAH - Omniblast


                    • #40
                      Re: New bloodpacts

                      Maybe its just me, but these new BP sound weak. From the tests i've seen with them, lvl 70 BP put out way more dmg.


                      • #41
                        Re: New bloodpacts

                        Omni....thanks for the imput.... I tried my windblade on those same spiders and got similar numbers to you. while my Garuda's predator claws did 1600+

                        It seems, that atleast for me, my Physical Blooc pacts are a better choice. Given the fact that im capped on merits on both physical damage and physical acc. So I am not sure how worth it will be to "enchance those" I think they might get changed in the future.

                        This would be interesting, if you can try it and let us know, I will try it as well.

                        What skillchain did you bursted wind blade with?
                        What is the difference between bursting the same skill chain with garudas aero IV and wind blade?


                        • #42
                          Re: New bloodpacts

                          Originally posted by Darkhound
                          Omni....thanks for the imput.... I tried my windblade on those same spiders and got similar numbers to you. while my Garuda's predator claws did 1600+

                          It seems, that atleast for me, my Physical Blooc pacts are a better choice. Given the fact that im capped on merits on both physical damage and physical acc. So I am not sure how worth it will be to "enchance those" I think they might get changed in the future.

                          This would be interesting, if you can try it and let us know, I will try it as well.

                          What skillchain did you bursted wind blade with?
                          What is the difference between bursting the same skill chain with garudas aero IV and wind blade?
                          My Predator Claw did 1700 damage, just about the same as your 1600 (the damage varies a lot and very unpredictable group sets.).

                          Physical Blood pacts do a lot of damage, just hope SE doesn't make Physical Blood Pacts depend on TP or else we would really be in trouble.

                          Bursted Wind Blade with Fragmentation, I believe, it was a Paladin & Red Mage doing the Skill Chain. I will try to do a check with mob (/check) as well as noting tier 4 & advanced blood pact differences (I'm calling them Advanced Blood Pacts because I'm not sure what else they are called ATM. ABP?).

                          Also note, I was just bored and tested out Wind Blade vs. a Mandragora in Tahrongi Canyon, and it did 700 damage, same vs. the Tigers in the north land. Their base seem to be 600 to 700 damage, while tier 4's seem to be 400 to 500. Tier 4's commonly burst for 600 damage only.
                          Hacked on 9/9/09
                          FFXIAH - Omniblast


                          • #43
                            Re: New bloodpacts

                            Great tests omnib, i'd love to see more from your tests soon.

                            on another note, why is everyone already putting their verdict in on the new bp? i mean, anything short of 1 shotting an IT mob is considered 'looks like se dropped the ball on smn again' seriously cmon now, they're not trying to give new content for the sake of making some fanboys happy to see big numbers on bp's. They're giving new content to just bring something new to the job.

                            Let further and deeper testing go before condeming your new abilities.
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • #44
                              Re: New bloodpacts

                              700 constant!! mmmmm what if we try it on KIRIN? Wind Blade vs Kirin!!! Advanced blood pacts.. well I call them Final Bloodpacts

                              As much, as I have to regret, I still insist that I was expecing something more poweful, what abot you?


                              • #45
                                Re: New bloodpacts

                                Having fun on the damage hax VT Qutrub on Dvucca Isle (take double damage to everything, ice..poor Shiva) MB'd Thunderstorm for around 1400 consistantly (so around 700 normally) with 0 TP. Constrast that to 1200-2800 Predator Claws and 1500-3100 Flaming Crush. Damage comparison to BLM; 3800-4000 BurstII.

                                Unbursted were doing 1000ish damage, save poor poor Shiva who couldn't break 400 unless she got TP (Ice resist, go fig).

                                (Oh I have 0 Magic Attack merits btw)

                                PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

