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Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

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  • Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

    I need some advice... seems that since the MPK patch, I've lost my Universal Release macro functionality. What I mean is simply that my macros were set up pre-patch as:

    ALT 1 Carb...
    /pet "Release" <me>
    /equip main "Apollo's Staff" <me>
    /equip hands "Carbuncle's Mitts" <me>
    /ma "Carbuncle" <me>

    and so on for every one of the 8 avatars I currently own/use. Each of my macros has that first line of "Release" added for the Universal Release functionality when I'm in combat. Now, these macros normally work fine for party use, or when I actually have an avatar out, but since the MPK patch they don't work solo or after my avatar has died. This makes them pretty useless for solo work. If I try them out when the avatar is alive, they'll release and recast as normal. If I'm solo though, I get a few lines of:

    "That action requires a pet"

    and nothing happenning until I break down and cycle through the menus. Does anyone have a Universal Release built into their macros that actually works ATM? I got everything set up the way I like it finally, and I don't wanna waste another macro slot on just /release.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

  • #2
    Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

    Originally posted by Kitalrez
    I need some advice... seems that since the MPK patch, I've lost my Universal Release macro functionality. What I mean is simply that my macros were set up pre-patch as:

    ALT 1 Carb...
    /pet "Release" <me>
    /equip main "Apollo's Staff" <me>
    /equip hands "Carbuncle's Mitts" <me>
    /ma "Carbuncle" <me>

    and so on for every one of the 8 avatars I currently own/use. Each of my macros has that first line of "Release" added for the Universal Release functionality when I'm in combat. Now, these macros normally work fine for party use, or when I actually have an avatar out, but since the MPK patch they don't work solo or after my avatar has died. This makes them pretty useless for solo work. If I try them out when the avatar is alive, they'll release and recast as normal. If I'm solo though, I get a few lines of:

    "That action requires a pet"

    and nothing happenning until I break down and cycle through the menus. Does anyone have a Universal Release built into their macros that actually works ATM? I got everything set up the way I like it finally, and I don't wanna waste another macro slot on just /release.
    "Universal Release functionality"

    I don't understand?


    • #3
      Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

      Maybe it's trying to run all of those actions together at once, but idk, I haven't even unlocked Smn.

      I'd suggest putting a /wait 1 or /wait 2 between the release command and the rest of the macro.

      With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


      • #4
        Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

        Yeah since update they will cause an error when used if no pet. The way you have your structure it cannot work.

        /pet "Release" <me>
        /ma "Carbuncle" <me>

        Cause errors with no pet or a pet is out. Thefor can no longer stack. You will either have to make a new macro, or put it on another macro.

        I am not to sure why SE did this but it screwd up my macros aswell.

        I have not tested if the error cancels the macro or not, but you might try putting in a /wait 1 after the Release. But I doubt that will work...



        • #5
          Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

          Originally posted by framerate
          "Universal Release functionality"

          I don't understand?
          Really simply, if you hit any avatar summoning macro, (I have one for each of the 8 avatars I currently own), it releases your current avatar and then summons a new one. Before the MPK patch, my macros worked just fine this way, after I'm having problems. So, by double tapping any summoning macro I had, I could release an avatar and then summon a new one, which was really useful when using controllers.

          Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


          • #6
            Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

            Originally posted by Kitalrez
            Really simply, if you hit any avatar summoning macro, (I have one for each of the 8 avatars I currently own), it releases your current avatar and then summons a new one. Before the MPK patch, my macros worked just fine this way, after I'm having problems. So, by double tapping any summoning macro I had, I could release an avatar and then summon a new one, which was really useful when using controllers.
            AHh I understand now. That could be pretty handy. I never thought of doing that, so I'm just so used to hitting my release macro and then my next summon anyways


            • #7
              Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

              Ok, quick update. Looks like adding a /wait 1 in between the equipment change and the actual summoning spell does work. Although this has the unfortunate negative effect of making my release macros now summon whether I wanted to or not, (Like in Sky next to pots or dolls). Guess I'll just have to retrain myself to navigate the menus for release when I'm next to magic aggro. Life sure was simpler before S-E monkeyed with our stuff.

              Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


              • #8
                Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

                Try putting the release after the summon like this:

                ALT 1 Carb...
                /equip main "Apollo's Staff"
                /equip hands "Carbuncle's Mitts"
                /ma "Carbuncle" <me>
                /wait 1
                /pet "Release" <me>

                I'm not going to log on to try it, but it seems like this will work, because if you have an avatar out, it'll skip summoning carby then go to the release line. And if you have no avatar, it'll summon carby ^_^. Now that I think about it you might not need the /wait 1 even. Try it like that, and again without the /wait, and see how it works.

                Double Post Edited:
                Although... you won't be able to double-tap anymore if the /wait 1 line is needed. You'd have to hit the macro, wait a second, then hit it again.
                Last edited by zagex; 07-16-2006, 01:28 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9
                  Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

                  You could also try:
                  ALT 1 Carb...
                  /pet "Release" <me>
                  /wait 1
                  /ma "Carbuncle" <me> <st>
                  /equip main "Apollo's Staff"
                  /equip hands "Carbuncle's Mitts"

                  again, don't know if you need the /wait 1 there or not. But then it'll release, and then you choose whether or not to cast carby


                  • #10
                    Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

                    Originally posted by zagex
                    Try putting the release after the summon like this:

                    ALT 1 Carb...
                    /equip main "Apollo's Staff"
                    /equip hands "Carbuncle's Mitts"
                    /ma "Carbuncle" <me>
                    /wait 1
                    /pet "Release" <me>
                    When you have a pet out this will not work as a command-error will be given, and on the "/ma "Carbuncle" <me>" line, cause the macro to stop.

                    Originally posted by zagex
                    You could also try:
                    ALT 1 Carb...
                    /pet "Release" <me>
                    /wait 1
                    /ma "Carbuncle" <me> <st>
                    /equip main "Apollo's Staff"
                    /equip hands "Carbuncle's Mitts"
                    Wont work either. "/pet "Release" <me>" will cause a command-error and exit macro when no pet is out.



                    • #11
                      Re: Does anyone have working Universal Release Macros?

                      I went out and made this macro:
                      ALT 1 Carb...
                      /pet "Release" <me>
                      /ma "Carbuncle" <me>

                      and it worked fine, so maybe something else is wrong, but it doesn't seem like there's anything the matter with the macro.

