This is a message to all players who tell SMN's how to do their jobs in PT's, unless you are a higher lvled smn than the one in your pt (and im taling like 10-15 lvls not 1 or 2 lvlshigher) please do your job and see if you are doing yours right. It hasnt happend alot but its 3 parties now that have told me no u have to leave your avatar out and let him fight...that drains my mp, i do the BP and release unless its Carbuncle, another thing...people please listen, if smns really wanted to main heal, WE WOULD BE WHM'S!!!!!!!!!! the only way most smns should heal if their is a rdm, cor, or brd in the pt to refresh us. SMN's hold in way too much power to be degrated to a whm (no offense whm's i love yall too). in a pt (50-52) some thf whoes smn was lvl 7...SEVEN...was trying to tell me that i should STOP summoning and help heal....when we had a whm that was doing perfectly fine...i call that person a noob...wait, a S.I.R...stands for Stupid Ignorant Retard lol. so again, unless u HAVE smn at least 10-15 lvls higher then the smn in ur pt dso not tell us what to do and learn to do ur own freaking job...THANK YOU
