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Soloing Issues...

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  • Soloing Issues...

    So I'm level 50 now and popped down to Garlaige to throw Carby at some Hellmines... With Austere and Carby Mitts - he's 1 per tic so it really isn't all that taxing. First two enemies - Fantastic... 300.. and then 360! It really does work! But ever since then I've ran into a problem - that being.. No experience given.

    Even within visual range - sometimes it'll just turn unclaimed and then vanish. What's going on? I'm within the alotted range - I'm not sure why I keep losing these. Considering the risk that I'm putting into this - I'd like the reward!

    Has anybody has this issue since that patch? How did you deal with it?

  • #2
    Re: Soloing Issues...

    Yes. Had this issue in different situations

    As a BLM soloing wamoura princes, they were withing range... i'd sleep em to run back a bit, they would wake up and start running to me then all of a sudden poof... gone.

    Same happened with some slimes down in koroloka tunnel, i sometimes go there to get some slime oils, what i do is diaga/poisonga as the DOT seems to extent their hate on me simply because they hate me as long as im doing damage, what happened to me more often than not is i run a long way, then after a bit the message says "the jelly's poison wears off" and they stop following and depop all of a sudden, but i dont let it happen anymore, i just cast a DOT -ga spell frequently so they keep following. Try using dia or some other DOT on the mob, it extends their hate on you for a lot longer.
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: Soloing Issues...

      Dia probably isn't doable with the very very fine line of hate that we have to walk on for soloing...

      Tested it out again and lost hate - always takes a few carbies - never on the first few I throw at the mine... I still don't know what is goin on =/


      • #4
        Re: Soloing Issues...

        It happens sometimes when you for whatever reason lose all hate on the mob.
        I don't know why but if you run far away from a mob you agroed it can lose hate if you get far enough.
        It doesn't work with every mob tho but it happens.

        GC could be an exceptional case however with losing hate quickly since the Hellmines there were used for massive MPKing for a certain NM that pops there.
        (An issue that should have been resolved in the last big update.)

        As for Dia or any other action towards the mob is highly unrecommended.
        We indeed have a very thin line of hate we walk on and any action we do extra towards the mob can result in the mob happily hugging us instead of carbuncle.
        Which isn't a highly desired effect when your fighting a VT or IT.
        I know beastmasters do have that option but their pets are a lot stronger as well and keep hate much better.
        Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


        • #5
          Re: Soloing Issues...

          Wasnt aware you would get hate that easily o.o;
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #6
            Re: Soloing Issues...

            Have you done any solo work in other zones since that patch? You make me wonder if this is solely a hellmine related issue. Perhaps it's all just a streak of bad luck.

            I'm tempted to go play with the snolls or gases...

            Or if anybody else has recently experienced on them - please let me know how that went for you. It's rather frustrating to put yourself into a risky situation and come out with nothing to show for it over and over again

            Edit -- Discovered this post over on KI... Hmm.

            I wanted to put in my 2 cents about the despawining of a snoll while fighting. I've been soloing since I was 55 and am now 62. Ever since the MPK patch I've noticed that the mobs I've been fighting will despawn in the middle of a kite session, but I think I've figured out why. Let's see if I can explain this right, though:

            I'm in the middle of a kite session with a Moro and somehow I get hate. Take a little damage, but then Carbie gets hate back (usually after the Moro hits me twice - unless Berserk is on, then that just sucks). Run away, resummon when Carbie is dead, and if I'm lucky Carbie will have hate back, if not I'll get pounded again a couple of times and then carbie will get the hate back on him. Now, let's say I have a straight run where I don't have to pass the Moro on the next kite. If I summon Carbuncle and then run away, but notice that the Moro is chasing me (Carbie's hp won't be diminishing, so I'll know by that) but I keep running, and eventually Carbie gets hate back (I think he runs a little faster than the Moro) before the Moro is able to hit me. If the Moro doesn't explode on this will despawn. So, the rule is, if you have hate, make sure the Moro/snoll/bomb hits you before running away, because if it doesn't it will despawn if Carbuncle gets hate back before it's able to hit you.

            I've actually used this little trick to my advantage on those Moros that take forever to explode and I've ended up getting hate one way or another. If I'm running low on hp and mp, I'll just keep running until Carbuncle gets the hate (doesn't take very long usually) and then after Carbie dies, the Moro will despawn giving me the time I need to get my mp/hp back. Sure the last ten minutes will seem wasted, but it beats dying.
            Last edited by KaworuNagisa; 05-22-2006, 04:13 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Soloing Issues...

              I've been soloing the most part from 51 to where I am now.
              I make sure the bombs hardly ever hit me tho it happens occasionally.

              In my experience I have hardly seen mobs despawn tho it has happened to me sometimes.
              I can't explain why they do it but it does.
              However in most cases I can go on until they explode or I kill them off entirely <- which rarely happens but it does as well.
              Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75

