I'll get the obvious necessary stuff out of the way first. Starting with the most obvious.
-- I was bored and I needed some cactus arms.
-- Throw an avatar at a sabotender and pray it uses 1000 needles. Notice what percent avatar HP drops, record data, repeat until sanity goes out window.
Basic Info, to answer questions before they're asked, even if I feel they're irrelivant:
Level: 75 SMN/WHM
Summoning magic skill: 278 - 288 (268 natural).
Race: Cat.
I personally was (am) an avid believer of "No stats help avatars, including summoning magic skill". Unfortunately for me, my test results have shaken my faith a bit. Which is the whole reason for this post really, I want to get other people's opinions. My testing isn't complete, as I do need to sleep eventually...even on a friday night, but I'm curious as to what the community has to say about this.
All avatars were summoned right before I threw them at a sabotender in eastern altepa. So no TP on the avatars already, and their HP was at 100%. Not that this really matters. Sabotenders shave off 2% of carbuncle's life a hit, and about .5% of fenrir's life per hit, and they rarely would hit. (At worst, my numbers should have a 2% margin of error.)
I'd summon an avatar, throw it the unsuspecting cactus, while hitting <pethpp>, then I'd note the % HP the avatar had left after 1000 needles landed and subtract to get the % damage done to the avatar by 1000 needles.
It should be noted that avatars/spirits have -50% physical damage taken. (Incase somebody out there didn't already know that.)
Darkday - 64% moon - Earth Weather:
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 56% HP lost - Approx. HP: 895
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 50% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1000
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 46% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1085
Fenrir (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Fenrir (288 skill) : 45% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1110
Fenrir (288 skill) : 45% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1110
At this point, I assumed the large difference between the carbuncles was caused by darkday. Although that did not explain why there was almost 20% difference in HP ranges, despite the presense of only darkday (-10%).
Fireday - 67% moon - Earth Weather:
Fenrir (288 skill) : 22% HP lost (I was too close) - Approx. HP: 1110-1135
Earth weather gone.
Fenrir (288 skill) : 44% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1135
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 57% HP lost - Approx. HP: 875
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 46% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1085
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Earthday - 69% moon
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
I was thrown off when carbuncle had ~875HP during the middle of fireday. So my interest in him went up fast. I decided for kicks that I'd just summon carbuncle with my AF2 mitts (which have +10 skill on them) on and keep them on... And Carbuncle suddenly got consistant HP over 4 tries. It's definitely possible that carbuncle just got lucky four times in a row (five, if you count the time I was using carbuncle mitts) and his HP was high.
I talked to a friend about it; Nyiri, who largely solo bombed her way up through SMN. She pointed out something I feel is a potential explination for some of this. She mentioned how avatars stats themselves are random on time of summoning. Sometimes you get a good avatar, sometimes you get a bad one.
That would explain the differences in HP when there was no weather/effect that should effect the avatar. So now this question arises:
Wait, isn't it common knowledge that summoning magic skill does squat?
I always felt it didn't do anything special. I'd always say something along the lines of "if it does anything, it's very small". This is sort of small, but it looks larger than I expected. If (and it's a huge if still, I think) summoning magic skill does indeed do that, then it wouldn't exactly be a groundbreaking discovery. It might help a couple people who solo often, but in parties 100 more HP on an avatar isn't a whole lot.
I'm doing more testing on this the next chance I get. (I'll have to brush off the old summoning torque that I couldn't manage to sell for 1m when they first mentioned changing summoning magic skill.) To me, four carbuncles in a row with the same HP is a bit too consistant for me to just disregard. It might be that the more over your natural cap in summoning magic skill you are, the more likely you are to get a normal avatar instead of a slightly underpowered one.
Opinions are most welcome, including negative ones. Like I said before, I'll put up more results once I get the chance to do more. I do have some screenshots. They're a pain to upload, but if somebody wants some, I can put them up.
Edit - incase people only decide to read the first post:
After more testing, I'm at the opinion that summoning magic skill does not effect avatar HP. If I don't see a difference between 268 and 295 skill, I doubt I'd see one at all.
It's still possible that avatar HP hits a cap at a certain skill or something like that. (Like so many low level SMN claim.) I can't test that myself, and so far...people have been too lazy to test it themselves. It seems unlikely to me though.
-- I was bored and I needed some cactus arms.
-- Throw an avatar at a sabotender and pray it uses 1000 needles. Notice what percent avatar HP drops, record data, repeat until sanity goes out window.
Basic Info, to answer questions before they're asked, even if I feel they're irrelivant:
Level: 75 SMN/WHM
Summoning magic skill: 278 - 288 (268 natural).
Race: Cat.
I personally was (am) an avid believer of "No stats help avatars, including summoning magic skill". Unfortunately for me, my test results have shaken my faith a bit. Which is the whole reason for this post really, I want to get other people's opinions. My testing isn't complete, as I do need to sleep eventually...even on a friday night, but I'm curious as to what the community has to say about this.
All avatars were summoned right before I threw them at a sabotender in eastern altepa. So no TP on the avatars already, and their HP was at 100%. Not that this really matters. Sabotenders shave off 2% of carbuncle's life a hit, and about .5% of fenrir's life per hit, and they rarely would hit. (At worst, my numbers should have a 2% margin of error.)
I'd summon an avatar, throw it the unsuspecting cactus, while hitting <pethpp>, then I'd note the % HP the avatar had left after 1000 needles landed and subtract to get the % damage done to the avatar by 1000 needles.
It should be noted that avatars/spirits have -50% physical damage taken. (Incase somebody out there didn't already know that.)
Darkday - 64% moon - Earth Weather:
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 56% HP lost - Approx. HP: 895
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 50% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1000
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 46% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1085
Fenrir (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Fenrir (288 skill) : 45% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1110
Fenrir (288 skill) : 45% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1110
At this point, I assumed the large difference between the carbuncles was caused by darkday. Although that did not explain why there was almost 20% difference in HP ranges, despite the presense of only darkday (-10%).
Fireday - 67% moon - Earth Weather:
Fenrir (288 skill) : 22% HP lost (I was too close) - Approx. HP: 1110-1135
Earth weather gone.
Fenrir (288 skill) : 44% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1135
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 57% HP lost - Approx. HP: 875
Carbuncle (278 skill) : 46% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1085
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Earthday - 69% moon
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
Carbuncle (288 skill) : 47% HP lost - Approx. HP: 1065
I was thrown off when carbuncle had ~875HP during the middle of fireday. So my interest in him went up fast. I decided for kicks that I'd just summon carbuncle with my AF2 mitts (which have +10 skill on them) on and keep them on... And Carbuncle suddenly got consistant HP over 4 tries. It's definitely possible that carbuncle just got lucky four times in a row (five, if you count the time I was using carbuncle mitts) and his HP was high.
I talked to a friend about it; Nyiri, who largely solo bombed her way up through SMN. She pointed out something I feel is a potential explination for some of this. She mentioned how avatars stats themselves are random on time of summoning. Sometimes you get a good avatar, sometimes you get a bad one.
That would explain the differences in HP when there was no weather/effect that should effect the avatar. So now this question arises:
Wait, isn't it common knowledge that summoning magic skill does squat?
I always felt it didn't do anything special. I'd always say something along the lines of "if it does anything, it's very small". This is sort of small, but it looks larger than I expected. If (and it's a huge if still, I think) summoning magic skill does indeed do that, then it wouldn't exactly be a groundbreaking discovery. It might help a couple people who solo often, but in parties 100 more HP on an avatar isn't a whole lot.
I'm doing more testing on this the next chance I get. (I'll have to brush off the old summoning torque that I couldn't manage to sell for 1m when they first mentioned changing summoning magic skill.) To me, four carbuncles in a row with the same HP is a bit too consistant for me to just disregard. It might be that the more over your natural cap in summoning magic skill you are, the more likely you are to get a normal avatar instead of a slightly underpowered one.
Opinions are most welcome, including negative ones. Like I said before, I'll put up more results once I get the chance to do more. I do have some screenshots. They're a pain to upload, but if somebody wants some, I can put them up.
Edit - incase people only decide to read the first post:
After more testing, I'm at the opinion that summoning magic skill does not effect avatar HP. If I don't see a difference between 268 and 295 skill, I doubt I'd see one at all.
It's still possible that avatar HP hits a cap at a certain skill or something like that. (Like so many low level SMN claim.) I can't test that myself, and so far...people have been too lazy to test it themselves. It seems unlikely to me though.