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Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

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  • Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

    As many of you know, it can be very difficult to develop and maintain solid
    finances during the early levels. Even farming can be a chore.

    Luckily for you, Summoners are capable of making a great deal of money at
    very little expense and very little risk. And all you need is to reach level 20 and
    obtain Ramuh.

    Once you have done this, you can easily solo the level 20 BCNM "Shooting
    Fish" in Horlais Peak. This BCNM allows up to 3 people to participate, but
    soloing means that you don't have to split the rewards.

    That means more money for you.

    This is a great way to make some extra gil in the lower levels.

    All you need is:
    - 20 Beastman Seals
    - Level 20 (Minimum)
    - Ramuh summon
    - Yagudo Drink

    And that's pretty much it. You may want to pick up some alternative gear, but
    these are the only items you will require to make a small fortune.

    Some instant MP restore items (ethers, mulsum) will give you a little bit of
    cushion to work with, but are not necessary.

    How Do You Do It?

    In Port Jeuno, there's an NPC named Shami who will give you a BCNM orb if
    you trade him an appropriate number of Beastman Seals.

    For this particular BCNM, you need to trade Shami 20 seals and, in return, he
    will give you a Cloudy Orb.

    All you have to do then is take the orb to Horlais Peak and trade it to the
    Burning Circle there. When you trade it, you will be given the option of entering
    the Burning Circle and taking part in the BCNM named "Shooting Fish."

    That's It?

    Well... not exactly. If you are trying to do this BCNM at level 20, you may have
    trouble getting through Yughott Grotto and reaching Horlais Peak.

    The upper section of Yughott Grotto contains several Orcs that will aggro you
    up until level 28. If you try this at level 20, you could very well find yourself
    dead before you even make it to the Burning Circle.

    You're best bet is to either wait until you gain a few levels or ask a friend to
    escort you. It is possible to make the journey without injury, but in my opinion,
    it's not worth the risk.

    If, however, you manage to make it to the Circle, then you are ready to start the

    What Does the Event Involve?

    Once you enter the BCNM, you will have to face three NM pugils: 2 Archer
    Pugils and 1 Sniper Pugil. The Sniper Pugil is the strongest and will be your main

    These enemies are obviously water-based so you will want to use Ramuh. Their
    natural weakness to Lightening is what makes it possible for a Summoner to
    solo this BCNM.

    Since the avatar you will be using is Ramuh, you will want to run this on
    Lighteningsday. This will boost the strength of you avatar and reduce your
    chances of getting resisted.

    The event has a 15 minute time limit and a maximum of 3 players can
    participate. Only one player needs to trade a Cloudy Orb though.

    What Happens During the Event?

    You will start the event in a small cave. The cave leads to a mountain pass that
    travels upward. If you follow this pass, it will take you to the arena.


    As soon as you enter, you will get aggro. You don't want that just yet. First, you
    have things to do.

    You'll want to use your Yagudo Drink and Astral Flow right before entering the
    arena. Be careful that you don't get to close though because these actions will
    build up your hate level.

    Once you have the AF and refresh effects up, summon Ramuh and slowly enter
    the arena.

    You'll only want to take one or two steps into the actual arena in order to start.

    You just need to be close enough to use the pet ability "Assault" and have
    Ramuh attack the Sniper Pugil.

    As soon as Ramuh makes his first strike, you need to use Judgment Bolt. All
    three fish will be grouped together and should take serious damage.

    You need to immediately start running down the path and use the "Retreat" job
    ability. You will use Ramuh to kite the Pugils until the recast timer on Judgment
    Bolt resets. Speed is of the essense here as every hit Ramuh takes is one step
    closer to him being beaten and you being defenseless.

    WARNING: You need to wait for theYagudo Drink's refresh effect to bring
    you back to at least 44 mp. Otherwise, Judgment Bolt will not go off and you
    will have nothing between you and three very ugly fish, but an old guy with a

    Just before you reach the mouth of the cave where you started the event, your
    mp should hit 44 and your timer should be back to zero. Turn quickly, target the
    Sniper Pugil and have Ramuh Assault it.

    You'll need to act fast. Get as close as you can to the Sniper Pugil and use
    Judgment Bolt again. If all goes well, the two Archer Pugils will be defeated and
    the Sniper Pugil will be left with only a small fraction of health.

    You and Ramuh can then melee the Sniper Pugil to death.

    WARNING: If either Judgment Bolt is resisted by one of the Archer Pugils, you
    may be stuck with two fish instead of one. This is bad.

    What If Things Go Wrong?

    If you take hate, you will most likely die. These pugils use a ranged attack that
    has a knock back effect. You character will be thrown a fair distance and will
    be unable to react for a few seconds.

    Ramuh should take all damage during this event.

    What Sub/Gear/Food Should I Use?

    Subjobs and Gear are not vital in this event. As you will be using Astral Flow almost immediately, total MP is not an issue here. Each Judgment Bolt will reduce your MP to zero so normal Summoner MP builds are not necessary.

    Your best bet is to maximize your DEF and VIT, just in case you take hate
    during the final melee portion.

    And If I Win?

    Should you defeat all three pugils, an armoury crate will appear in the battle arena where you first found the NMs.

    Opening the crate will end the event and all rewards will drop into the treasure pool.

    Then, you run to Jeuno and bazaar those mannequin parts. Pretty soon, your bank account should be much healthier.

    I hope you enjoyed this guide and that it helps some of you make the extra gil you need so desparately.

  • #2
    Re: Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

    After you send Ramuh in to Assault the Sniper pugil, make sure he actually manages to hit it before you use Judgement Bolt. If he swings and misses, your usage of the BP can pull hate, and they can be out of range by the time he uses it. Carrying an ether with you just in case isn't a bad idea if you're soloing this, if you have to resummon, you likely won't have enough MP to fire off Judgement Bolt.

    If you befriend another SMN to duo this, it is much much easier and very difficult to lose. Pretty much the same strategy, generally when I do it, Orb user uses Astral Flow, 2nd SMN uses Ramuh > Thunderspark timed right after Judgement Bolt. They can also allow their Ramuh to trail along after the Sniper Pugil to get some smacks in while it is being kited. Run back through the grotto and trade roles with your friend. Only bad thing about this is it does put another mannequin head out there to compete with you, it's nice to agree on a price beforehand so you're not undercutting each other.


    • #3
      Re: Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

      Wow, good guide.


      • #4
        Re: Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

        A better idea would be to use your drink and astral flow (by which I mean activating your 2hr, not using Judgment Bolt) right outside their aggro range. You won't get hate and there's more of a chance that Astral Flow will last you enough for 3 Judgment Bolts.
        Server: Lakshmi

        75 BLM | 75 SMN | 37 WHM

        Summoning Skill 262/269 (ZOMG! 7 to go!)

        w/Equips and Merits 304/269


        • #5
          Re: Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

          If you are anywhere on the ramp, you will gain hate. I made that mistake once and paid for it.

          You really shouldn't need 3 Judgment Bolts to do this.

          And MrFrodo, I used to have a SMN friend come in with me during this event whenever he was on. He'd wait for me at the bottom of the hill and Thunderspark the Sniper. Made the whole event much easier.

          Once we both 2 hred at the top to start and destroyed the time record.


          • #6
            Re: Solo BCNM20 Strategy Guide

            OMG this guide rocks, i owned the bcnm twice, i got 3 jse rings and both parts of the mannequin it offers as expensive drops, the other stuff like the platoon gear sells for a good 20-40k here and there on ferir, once i get 4 more seals im gonna go do it again ^^
            To be Forgotten is worse than Death...

