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Avatar and Spirtis FAQ v. 1.2

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  • Avatar and Spirtis FAQ v. 1.2

    Please post commentary on this FAQ:HERE

    Avatars and Sprits FAQ v. 1.2
    By: Darkhound
    Last revision: May 12th, 2006

    The purpose of this post, is to compile and offer information about all the avatars and spirits up to date with their complete abilities. I know that there are many guides out there, but I thought it would be a good idea to compile that information from our personal experience and share it with our community. I do ask to respect the fact that I chose to post this information on this site, so please do not copy paste this information to any other place without first asking me.

    Please limit your replies to this thread unless you have information to add to the current guide, to note me of mistakes or things that I have left out. I think this would be an EXCELLENT idea for us to work as a group in the summoner section and would be very nice to get feed back.

    I will try to update this list as much as possible and keep checking the 1st post since I will be doing the editing on it to keep this thread as spam free as possible.

    Last but not least, if you get info from another source please be sure to mentnion it so I can give full credit. The information provided by me will be of my own experience! I will be working on this guide throught the week, dont expect it ready on 1 - 2 days!

    Thanks everyone in advance



    1. Avatars
    1.1 Carbuncle

    Lvl (1) :: Healing Ruby :: 5 MP :: Small heal to target (8 HP + Level X 2).

    Lvl (5) :: Poison Nails :: 11 MP :: Poisons Target

    Lvl (24) :: Shining Ruby :: 11 MP :: Party melee and spell resist buff.

    Lvl (44) :: Glittering Ruby :: 62 MP :: Random attribute bonus buff. Each time is different, effect is different for each party member.

    Lvl (55) :: Meteorite :: 108 MP :: Light element based nuke to target
    (This can used to Magic Burst with a light skill chain)

    Lvl (65) :: Healing Ruby II :: 166 MP :: Party heal (28 HP + Level X 4).

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Searing Light:: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE light based attack

    1.2 Ifrit

    Lvl (1) :: Punch :: 9 MP :: Melee attack on target.

    Lvl (10) :: Fire II :: 24 MP :: Casts Fire II on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a fire based skill chain)

    Lvl (23) :: Burning Strike:: 48 MP :: Fire based attack.

    Lvl (30) :: Double Punch :: 52 MP :: Melee double attack on target

    Lvl (38) :: Crimson Roar :: 84 MP :: Adds "warcry" effect to the party for a short time 15% bonus buff

    Lvl (60) :: Fire IV :: 118 MP :: Casts Fire IV on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a fire based skill chain)

    Lvl (70) :: Flame crush :: 164 MP :: Melee attack X 3 :: Blunt attack

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Inferno :: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Fire based attack

    1.3 Garuda

    Lvl (1) :: Claw :: 7 MP :: Melee attack on target.

    Lvl (10) :: Aero II :: 24 MP :: Casts Aero II on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a wind based skill chain)

    Lvl (25) :: Aerial Armor :: 92 MP :: Adds "blink" effect to party members within range

    Lvl (36) :: Whispering wind :: 119 MP :: Heals party members within range.

    Lvl (48) :: Hastega :: 112 MP :: Adds "Haste" effect to the party for a short time

    Lvl (60) :: Aero IV :: 118 MP :: Casts Aero IV on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a wind based skill chain)

    Lvl (70) :: Predator Claws :: 164 MP :: Melee attack X 3 :: Slashing attack

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Aerial Blast :: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Wind based attack

    1.4 Titan

    Lvl (1) :: Rock Trow :: 10 MP :: AoE attack that adds "slow" on targets within range and causes damage!

    Lvl (10) :: Stone II :: 24 MP :: Casts Stone II on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a earth based skill chain)

    Lvl (21) :: Rock Buster :: 39 MP :: AoE attack that adds "bind" on targets within range and causes damage!

    Lvl (35) :: Megalith Throw:: 62MP :: AoE attack that adds "slow" on targets within range and causes damage!

    Lvl (46) :: Earthen Ward :: 92 MP :: Adds "Stone skin" effect to the party members.

    Lvl (60) :: Stone IV :: 118 MP :: Casts Stone IV on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a earth based skill chain)

    Lvl (70) :: Mountain Buster :: 164 MP :: Melee attack with occasional "Bind" status on target :: Blunt attack

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Rage of the earth :: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Earth based attack

    1.5 Shiva

    Lvl (1) :: Axe Kick :: 10 MP :: Melee attack to target.

    Lvl (10) :: Blizzard II :: 24 MP :: Casts Blizzard II on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a ice based skill chain)

    Lvl (28) :: Frost Armor :: 68 MP :: Gives party members within range the effect of "Ice spikes" that occasionaly will paralyze a mob attacking you.

    Lvl (40) :: Sleepga:: 54MP :: A very effective AoE sleepga!

    Lvl (50) :: Double slap :: 96 MP :: Melee attack X 2

    Lvl (60) :: Blizzard IV :: 118 MP :: Casts Blizzard IV on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a ice based skill chain)

    Lvl (70) :: Rush:: 164 MP :: Melee attack X 5 :: Blunt attack

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Diamond Dust :: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Ice based attack

    1.5 Ramuh

    Lvl (1) :: Shock Strike :: 6 MP :: AoE attack that causes damage and ocassionaly stuns targers within range.

    Lvl (10) :: Thunder II :: 24 MP :: Casts Thunder II on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a thunder based skill chain)

    Lvl (19) :: Thunderspark :: 38 MP :: AoE attack that causes damage and occasionaly paralyzes the target.

    Lvl (31) :: Rolling Thunder:: 58MP :: Adds "Enthunder" effect to party members within range for a short period of time.

    Lvl (42) :: Lightning armor :: 91 MP :: Gives the party members within range the effect of "Shock spikes" and will occasionaly stun who is attacking you.

    Lvl (60) :: Thunder IV :: 118 MP :: Casts Thunder IV on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a thunder based skill chain)

    Lvl (70) :: Chaotic Strike :: 164 MP :: Melee attack X 3 that will regularly stun the target for a considerable time. :: Blunt attack

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Judgement Bolt :: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Thunder based attack

    1.6 Leviathan

    Lvl (1) :: Barracuda Dive :: 8 MP :: Melee attack on target

    Lvl (10) :: Water II :: 24 MP :: Casts Water II on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a water based skill chain)

    Lvl (26) :: Tail Whip :: 49 MP :: Melee attack that will damage and add a very effective "Gravity" effect on target

    Lvl (33) :: Slowga :: 48MP :: Adds "Slow" effect to targets wihtin range.

    Lvl (47) :: Sring water :: 99 MP :: Heals all party members within range. (47 HP + Level X 3) and removes status aliments such as: Slow , Blind, Silence, Sleep , Petrified, Paralysed, Sickness, Poison, Desease.

    Lvl (60) :: Water IV :: 118 MP :: Casts Water IV on target
    (This can be used to Magic Burst with a water based skill chain)

    Lvl (70) :: Spinning Dive :: 164 MP :: Melee attack to target :: Slashing attack

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Tidal Wave:: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Water based attack

    Last edited by Icemage; 09-11-2007, 01:29 AM. Reason: Updated commentary thread link

  • #2
    Re: Avatars and Spirits FAQ :: v 1.0

    1.7 Fenrir

    Lvl (5) :: Moonlight Charge :: 17 MP :: Melee attack on target and adds "Darkness" effect

    Lvl (10) :: Crescent Fang :: 19 MP :: Melee attack on target and adds "Paralysis" effect

    Lvl (24) :: Lunar Cry :: 41 MP :: Reduces the Evasion and Accuracy of the targeted monster.

    Lvl (32) :: Lunar Roar :: 27MP :: AoE debuff that removes 2 enhancing effects from the target

    Lvl (43) :: Ecliptic Growl :: 46MP :: Boosts all the stats of all party members within range for 3 minutes!

    Lvl (54) :: Eclipcic Howl:: 57 MP :: Raises the Evasion and Accuracy of party members within range for 3 minutes

    Lvl (65) :: Eclipse Bite :: 109 MP :: Melee attack X 3 to target

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Howling Moon:: Lvl x 2 MP :: AoE Dark based attack

    1.7 Diabolos

    Lvl (1) :: Camisado :: 20 MP :: Melee attack on target.

    Lvl (20) :: Somnolence :: 30 MP :: Melee attack on target and adds "Gravity effect

    Lvl (29) :: Nightmare :: 42 MP :: Deals darkness elemental damage that puts all enemies within the area of effect to sleep and gradually reduces their HP.

    Lvl (37) :: Ultimate Terror :: 27MP :: Reduces attributes of the targets within range

    Lvl (49) :: Noctoshield:: 92MP :: Gives party members within area of effect the effect of "Phalanx." for 3 minutes.

    Lvl (56) :: Dream Shroud :: 121 MP :: Enhances magic attack and magic defense of party members within area of effect. Lasts 3 minutes.

    Lvl (65) :: Nether Blast:: 109 MP :: Delivers a ranged attack that deals darkness elemental damage. (This can be used to Magic Burst with a dark based skill chain)

    2hr. Lvl (1) :: Ruinous Omen:: Lvl x 2 MP :: Deals a percent of damage according to the targets HP.

    Last edited by Darkhound; 05-12-2006, 01:16 PM.


    • #3
      Avatar and Spirtis FAQ v. 1.1 plz merge!!

      Special thanks to Kametame from the Lakshmi server for the compilation of this info.
      Plasese give me feeback if there is any information missing regarding spirits.

      The following is a list of the known spells that Sprits are able to cast on targers and PCs
      2. Sprits

      2.1 Fire Spirit

      Fire I (13)
      Fire II (38)
      Fire III (62)
      Fire IV (73)
      Burn (24)
      Flare (60
      ) :: Ancient Magic

      2.2 Earth Spirit

      Stone I (1)
      Stone II (26)
      Stone III (51)
      Stone IV (68)
      Rasp (18)
      Slow (13)
      Quake (54) :: Ancient Magic

      2.3 Ice Spirit

      Blizzard I (17)
      Blizzard II (42)
      Blizzard III (64)
      Blizzard IV (74)
      Paralyze (4)
      Bind (7)
      Frost (22)
      Freeze (50) :: Ancient Magic

      2.4 Thunder Spirit

      Thunder I (21)
      Thunder II (46)
      Thunder III (66)
      Thunder IV (75)
      Shock (16)
      Stun (45)
      Burst (56) :: Ancient Magic

      2.5 Dark Spirit

      Bio I (10)
      Bio II (35)
      Sleep I (20)
      Sleep II (41)
      Sleepga (31)
      Sleepga II (56)
      Drain (12)
      Aspir (25)
      Absorb-STR (43)
      Absorb-VIT (35)
      Absorb-AGI (37)
      Absorb-DEX (41)
      Absorb-INT (39)
      Absorb-MND (31)
      Absorb-CHR (33)

      2.6 Light Spirit Cure I (1)
      Cure II (11)
      Cure III (21)
      Cure IV (41)
      Cure V (61)
      Curaga I (16)
      Curaga II (31)
      Curaga III (51)
      Curaga IV (71)
      Protect I (7)
      Protect II (27)
      Protect III (47)
      Protect IV (63)
      Shell I (16)
      Shell II (36)
      Shell III(57)
      Shell IV (68)
      Haste (40)
      Regen (25)
      Dia (3)
      Dia II (36)
      Banish I (5)
      Banish II (30)
      Banish III (65)
      Flash (45)
      Holy (50) :: Ancient magic ???

      2.6 Water Spirit

      Water I (5)
      Water II (30)
      Water III (55)
      Water IV
      Drown (27)
      Poison (3)
      Poison II (43)
      Flood (58) :: Ancient Magic

      2.7 Air Spirit

      Aero I (9)
      Aero II (34)
      Aero III (59)
      Aero IV (72)
      Silence (15)
      Choke (20)
      Tornado (52) :: Ancient Magic
      Last edited by Darkhound; 05-12-2006, 04:46 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Avatar and Spirtis FAQ v. 1.1

        I've split away the commentary into a separate thread to avoid clutter.

        If anyone would like to add more information to this, please use the following link:

        Please post commentary on this FAQ:HERE

        Last edited by Icemage; 09-11-2007, 01:29 AM. Reason: Updated commentary thread link

