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Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

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  • Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

    Hiya everyone,

    Just wondering with all the new jobs out now, was wondering is SMN is still wanted in partys? Also is Diablos really needed to get a pt? And are there any new Avatars since Diablos? I am coming bk to FFXI this week hehe so need some advice ^^ ty

    Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
    Diablos Won: 07/03/2007

  • #2
    Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

    i always appreciate a good summoner in a party. As long as they know what there doing lol. On my server i still see a lot of summoners.


    • #3
      Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

      I normaly Buff the pt with my Avatars, Then I'll throw out a Double Slap from Shiva then heal if they need it and use my Pineapple Drinks(As seen on my Bazaar for 200Gil yes! 200gil hahaha) I make my own drinks so MP is always kept in good condition

      Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
      Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


      • #4
        Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

        To answer the first answer truthfully, sometimes I don't get invited for 2 weeks and sometimes I'm not even logged in for 5 minutes and get an invite.
        In my experience on Titan, summoner invites became rare around level 60.
        Most of the time I get invited there are no whms LFG.
        Sometimes I plainly refuse those invites, most of the time I take them just to get a party.
        Sometimes I get the rare invite to be invited DD/Buffer/Debuffer those are very rare invites tho.
        I spend most my exp time soloing up in Uleguerand Range feeding Carby snolls.
        Simply to get Kindred seals, snoll arms and pretty good exp when they like to splode quickly.

        Is diabolos needed to get a party?
        No he's not needed to get invited into experience parties and frankly I have hardly use him for that.
        He has some nice buffs, and Nightmare can come in handy when you pull a link but generally on exp mobs he's not that useful.
        Getting him can be really hard tho, you really need a 70+ job to be useful in that fight or try to hire the right setup to kill him quick and leech the fight.
        I really dislike leeching but to be very honest so did I after being 0/17 on the prime with any possible partysetup where I tried to beat him the "regular" way.
        You can understand I begged my LS for 4 BLM and an rdm/drk after losing 10K+ exp on him.
        People that have fought him will not call you gimp for not having him at your level.

        Have there been any other avatars added to FFXI?
        After Diabolos no, but SE has said to add more avatars in the future so keep your eyes open to any news regarding our favorite job.
        Last edited by Shirai; 05-10-2006, 06:11 AM.
        Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


        • #5
          Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

          SMN invites are definately hit and miss. Even with the new jobs though, we still are the only ones that offer some of the better party based buffs while being able to throw out nice damage and unlike the new jobs, ours is still hate free.

          Personally, I found Diabolos to be a situational avatar, one used mainly in end game. While his buffs are nice, I find that I often opt for a different pact over them in merit parties. I did find a nice thing about using him for crowd control though with the mpk fix by accident.

          A friend aggrod a puk and when trying to get to a safe area he linked a few more. Knowing that we couldn't duo 3 at once, I figured I'd sleep them with nightmare. After I released diabolos, the two adds despawned. I ran some more tests on it and it seems to be consistant.


          • #6
            Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

            Hello, and glad to see you are comming back to the game.
            As for your question about Summoners, it has basically remained the same.
            On my server, there has been a slight increase on the summoner count given our role in END GAME activites, such as Wyrms, HNMSs and recently Diabolos makes us really good at Kirin with Nether Blast!

            The key for a summoner IMO is to find a nice group of friends with who you can pt on a constant basis, or like me try to make up your own parties. I try to always make an xp party in Sky where I usually repalce a BLM, and i use leviathan on weapons! We get tood xp and there is usually no problem. On other ocassions I get invited as a main healer, and while i keep these invites to a minimum, i take the from time to time, and i heal while i let carby melee and do things like healing ruby, meteorite etc. I have surprisingly found this technique very fun and people in the party will love it!

            I have to give FULL credit to Taziari for the carby meeling technique while partying!

            My 2 cents,


            • #7
              Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

              I'm still getting party invites for healing (main & backup) as well as damage dealing.

              I'm not familar with the three new jobs, but unless they can heal and enhance a party, we're safe in parties needing a main or backup healer.

              As for damage dealing, I can't say - but I'm looking forward to the Summoner update. Hopefully, SE won't nerf us ... lol ... /sigh

              As for Diabolos, no he's not required even at level 75. Fenrir is a different story. You'll need to get him in your 60s (earlier is better).



              • #8
                Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                Have fenrir already ^^

                Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
                Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


                • #9
                  Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                  As for Diabolos, no he's not required even at level 75. Fenrir is a different story. You'll need to get him in your 60s (earlier is better).


                  Is Wrong if u plan on being anyhelp in HMNLS Diabolos is required on all gods cuz Nether Blast is Unresisted and Ranged.. so if u fight for say Kirin which is kited u need Diabolos or gonna get a BP off every 3min or so

                  But as me on 75SMN my BP is at 45Sec with just hat AF2Gloves and YY so rather have a BP hit every 45sec than everyother..

                  just imo


                  • #10
                    Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                    So I'm gonna have to get Diablos?
                    How do I get Diablos?
                    Am I right in thinking I complete the CoP Promys then can fight him? What lvl should I be fighting Diablos?
                    My SMN is around 55 maybe 54 >.< I can't quite remeber lol My new PC arrives tommrow so I will be back ingame tommrow ^^ with some luck I got my expansion today aswell,
                    I got Fenrir was I was lvl 30 ^.^ loved it since the BP's for him are wicked party wise anyway I may even be a WHM yet but unlikely as I love SMN!

                    Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
                    Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


                    • #11
                      Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                      to get Diabolos u have to beat PM3-5 Which is the ut LVL 40 Capped fight (Must have DRK to stun Nightmare) but after that go get key item in windy and fight him same place just uncapped.

                      Best Setup is BLM, BLM,BLM,BLM,BLM,RDM(Chainspell Stun) thats gaureented win

                      but my win was BLM,BLM,BLM,SMN,RDM took 3mins cuz of all the buffs so fight lasted bout 20sec Easiest avatar fight ever done Garuda was harded psshh


                      • #12
                        Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                        So whats P3-5? I havent really done anything on CoP
                        Do I need to do the Promys first?
                        Yea Garuda's HARSH hehe shes my fave avvy

                        Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
                        Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


                        • #13
                          Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                          Originally posted by pyromaniac
                          if u plan on being anyhelp in HMNLS Diabolos is required on all gods cuz Nether Blast is Unresisted and Ranged.. so if u fight for say Kirin which is kited u need Diabolos or gonna get a BP off every 3min or so

                          But as me on 75SMN my BP is at 45Sec with just hat AF2Gloves and YY so rather have a BP hit every 45sec than everyother..

                          just imo
                          I agree with this,
                          With kited mobs like Kirin and King Behemoth Diabolos is godly to have since indeed Nether blast is unresisted on most monsters.
                          And that 450~510 damage (Nether blast damage increases every level) every minute or so does add up.
                          Chi-Blast from a MNK/WHM with the proper mnd equip can do up to 1.2/1.3k damage takes 3 minutes to boost, but you can do ~500 damage every minute so 1.5k damage every 3 minutes is certainly not a bad thing.
                          Especially when you have more then one summoner using him on a specific monster.

                          Most good HNM/Sky/Endgame shells will not mind you not having him and will probably help you defeat him if you prove yourself useful.
                          But before 70 or before you start doing HNM/Sky you don really need him.

                          But that is something we shouldn't even be talking about yet.
                          Moral: you can get parties without too much problems even without Diabolos.
                          someone calling you gimp for not having him has no idea what he/she is talking about and probably also has no idea how hard that fight actually is.
                          Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


                          • #14
                            Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                            You must complete all promys Minus Vahzl which is PM5-2(oneim on know ) 3-5 is a lvl 40 CApped Diabolos fight but must farm a chip first Cant remember names.


                            • #15
                              Re: Summoners Wanted In Pt's?

                              I have Fenrir ^^ his buffs rock
                              In partys I always make sure I'm busy the normal run is

                              Summon Fenrir > Buff Pt > Desummon > Heal(if needed) > Do a Attack > Have a Pineapple > Rebuff > The End

                              Of course it does go off course alot but thats my genral run to make sure everything runs smoothly

                              Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
                              Diablos Won: 07/03/2007

