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Question about SMN and +INT

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  • #16
    Re: Question about SMN and +INT

    I am going to try out all my BLM equipable gear on my summoner and do some
    tests with myh tier IV and my nether blast just to see for myself. I will share the results


    • #17
      Re: Question about SMN and +INT

      Originally posted by Shirai
      Bard songs generate a lot of hate, things like provoke just a little more.
      Like I explained before enmity decreases over time making the mob turn to the person with the most hate at that time.

      Your bard gtting hit out of the blue while he's inactive makes sence if the hate decrease on him is less quick then on another person.
      We came to this theory because bards and beastmasters in my LS had the same experience.
      Its not just their CHR thats doing that, more correctly its not their CHR by nature of having a lot. All beneficial AOE effects generate a lot of hate. You would just generate a little more by upping the related stats. He's getting hit for no apparent reason not because CHR keeps hate on you, but because he has done nothing to lower his place on the hate list, whereas by virtue of getting smacked on by a mob you begin to shed off enmity. If the battle goes on long enough, unless the tank is top notch, it is inevitable that the bard is going to get hit. The same with beastmasters, their pet is doing the most damage, but is also the one getting hit. Every once and a while thats going to even out, so between hits from the pet the mob is coming after the BST.

      Originally posted by nanatsu
      THF has a very high base INT. Their AF hat also has a large int boost on it. Why?
      The status bolts that THF can equip are affected by INT, the one they can not (Holy Bolts) are MND based.

      More on topic, I have no idea why SMN AF would have INT+ on it, but I do believe that all the stats are there for a reason and not just randomly thrown in to take up space. I asked the same question once about CHR+ on the RDM AF, and the answer someone gave me was Shadowstitch. So, is INT a major modifier for a WS on a weapon that SMN generally use as their main weapon?
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #18
        Re: Question about SMN and +INT

        Originally posted by Mhurron

        The status bolts that THF can equip are affected by INT, the one they can not (Holy Bolts) are MND based.

        More on topic, I have no idea why SMN AF would have INT+ on it, but I do believe that all the stats are there for a reason and not just randomly thrown in to take up space. I asked the same question once about CHR+ on the RDM AF, and the answer someone gave me was Shadowstitch. So, is INT a major modifier for a WS on a weapon that SMN generally use as their main weapon?
        AF devoted to status bolts? That seems kind of meh. The idea that SE would create AF pieces for specific weapon skills or indirect damage from ammo that wasn't there at the start of the game simply does not satisfy as an explanation for me. I don't think SE had status bolts in mind when they came up with thf af. It just worked out well that's all. THF has high base INT to begin with, and they weren't given INT for status bolts.

        Having said that, there are two staff ws that have INT as a modifier: Rock Crusher and Spirit Taker.
        My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

        Which FF Character Are You?
        Originally posted by Balfree
        Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


        • #19
          Re: Question about SMN and +INT

          Originally posted by nanatsu
          AF devoted to status bolts? That seems kind of meh. The idea that SE would create AF pieces for specific weapon skills or indirect damage from ammo that wasn't there at the start of the game simply does not satisfy as an explanation for me. I don't think SE had status bolts in mind when they came up with thf af. It just worked out well that's all. THF has high base INT to begin with, and they weren't given INT for status bolts.
          Then what do they have INT for? Well there's also weponskills that are probably effected by it too. Also why is there one added effect bolt type that THF can't equip that also just happens to use MND instead of INT as a related stat. THF's INT and INT bonus is most likely there for weaponskills since between them and SATA that is how THF does most of their damage. It was just the status bolts that came to mind first.

          Originally posted by nanatsu
          Having said that, there are two staff ws that have INT as a modifier: Rock Crusher and Spirit Taker.
          Well there's no reason for RDM and BLM AF to have CHR+ except that both can equip daggers and use Shadowstich, so upping one or two weaponskills via a stat boost on AF is not outside the realm of possibilities. Increasing the MP obtained through Spirit Taker could be a very good thing for a SMN.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #20
            Re: Question about SMN and +INT

            I believe Starburst and Sunburst can do either dark or light damage, and I heard on a weapon skill modifier guide that when it does dark damage, INT affects it, and when it does light damage, MND affects it.
            I crush up my pills and snort them like dust. They are my sugar. They are the sweetness in the days that have none. They drip through me like tupelo honey. Then they are gone. Then I need more. I always need more.

            Sig thanks to Aksannyi of Dreams In Vana'diel


            • #21
              Re: Question about SMN and +INT

              Originally posted by Mhurron
              Well there's no reason for RDM and BLM AF to have CHR+ except that both can equip daggers and use Shadowstich, so upping one or two weaponskills via a stat boost on AF is not outside the realm of possibilities. Increasing the MP obtained through Spirit Taker could be a very good thing for a SMN.
              I think that attributing the +stats on any AF1 armors is an exercise in futility. About half of the AF1 boosts look like this happened:

              *FFXIProgrammer starts synthing AF1 Armor*
              Synthesis failed. You lost your marbles.

              Either that or the developers just threw darts at a board to pick the extra bonuses aside from the obvious ones.



              • #22
                Re: Question about SMN and +INT

                Originally posted by Mhurron
                Then what do they have INT for? Well there's also weponskills that are probably effected by it too. Also why is there one added effect bolt type that THF can't equip that also just happens to use MND instead of INT as a related stat. THF's INT and INT bonus is most likely there for weaponskills since between them and SATA that is how THF does most of their damage. It was just the status bolts that came to mind first.

                Well there's no reason for RDM and BLM AF to have CHR+ except that both can equip daggers and use Shadowstich, so upping one or two weaponskills via a stat boost on AF is not outside the realm of possibilities. Increasing the MP obtained through Spirit Taker could be a very good thing for a SMN.
                Well I already explained why I thought thf has INT and why INT is on their AF. WAR has 1+ INT on their AF head. you gonna tell me that's for the int based ws they can use? The base stats were in place in the game before status bolts were introduced so thf has always had high INT. Why is that?
                My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                Which FF Character Are You?
                Originally posted by Balfree
                Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                • #23
                  Re: Question about SMN and +INT

                  Gust slash and Cyclone have Dex and Int modifiers.

                  Oh, and Dancing Edge modifiers are Dex 30% and Chr 40%.

                  As for warrior, I can't think of a reason for the +1 Int. All the axe and great axe weapon skills have Str and Vit modifiers. But, warrior can use almost any weapon. So it's doubtful but possible.

                  Maybe because it's on their head piece it's supposed to make them smarter? lol
                  I crush up my pills and snort them like dust. They are my sugar. They are the sweetness in the days that have none. They drip through me like tupelo honey. Then they are gone. Then I need more. I always need more.

                  Sig thanks to Aksannyi of Dreams In Vana'diel


                  • #24
                    Re: Question about SMN and +INT

                    Like I said, some stat boosts on AF appear useful while others are there for specific reasons. Like Ice mage said, hit or miss with stat bonuses. I still think DEX was chosen for THF AF because THF as supposed to be dextrous. Same reason why there is AGI there. THF is supposed to be agile. The fact that it helps ws is secondary to the reason the stat is placed there. I'd place SATA above WS as real reasons anyway.

                    Not only that but THF has the lowest CHR score of all jobs. No CHR on their AF. How come they don't get any CHR bonus on AF? Just as many WS use CHR for thf as INT. It's a higher modifier than DEX with Dancing Edge. WHY was INT chosen over CHR? Why doesn't thf CHR stat and AF support their CHR based WS, but instead support ONLY the WS that make use of stats that reflect thf's image as dextrous and quick-minded individual?

                    As far as INT for SMN goes, I see it like this: SMN possess aspects of all magic in their avatars. It makes sense that their INT and MND scores would reflect this, giving SMNs aspects of both magical stats in a balanced way. In fact, I believe that SMN has high mnd and int base stats, neccessary for harnessing the various kinds of Avatar power. This goes with the "image" of what SMN is about, not neccessarily anything particularly connected to gameplay mechanics.

                    ((Side note: Found exact wording for enmity and chr.

                    . Does charisma affect hate/enmity(aggro)? Or is it only for Bard songs and Beastmaster charms?

                    The charisma attribute score does not affect hate or enmity(aggro). It does, however, affect how a bard`s songs and a beastmaster`s charm ability are not only used but also resisted. There are also weapon skills that are greatly affected by charisma.

                    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                    Which FF Character Are You?
                    Originally posted by Balfree
                    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                    • #25
                      Re: Question about SMN and +INT

                      im actually curious if having a boost of Chr would affect Spirits, since TP doesn`t help Spirits Magical attack, so would a boost in Int help it?


                      • #26
                        Re: Question about SMN and +INT

                        Hmm... I've always heard it said that INT affects the strength of your summons pacts.
                        I can't wait til Darkwolf does his testing.

                        Of course, it's all pretty moot now til they bring out the new job abilities and change SMN completely. SMN Magic will actually do something then as well!
                        Windurst Rank 6

                        SMN:33/BST:9/RDM:8/THF:32/RNG:19/DRK:15/SAM: 27/NIN:19/BLU5/PUP10/COR5

