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Enmity on the AF+1 and AF2+1 feet.

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  • Enmity on the AF+1 and AF2+1 feet.

    Awhile ago I was able to obtain the Evoker’s Pigaches+1. Well, this past week I decided to go do something I haven’t done in awhile, which was kite bombs up in Uleguerand Range.

    Well, I got talking to people in my linkshell and was late on one of my recasts, so thus the bomb saw me cast the next Carby. I then had to run four lengths of my kiting path before Carby took back the hate from me. When I had been doing this before that had never happened and Carby would normally quickly take the hate back after one or two hits on the bomb.

    So I looked at what had changed. Both then and now I had Avatar: Enmity +5 from the Yinyang Robe. But now I was wearing my new AF+1 boots; on these boots it has Enmity -4. But this was not listed as Avatar: Enmity-4, so I didn’t think it would be affecting the avatar this way.

    I decided to try something out. I took off my boots and then did the exact same thing starting my cast later then normal so the bomb was in range to see me casting the new Carby. This time I had to run a little bit on my kiting path, but after three hits from Carby the bomb turned to Carby and stuck with him.

    That got me thinking, could this be a translation problem in the game?

    I know SE put a patch to clarify the AF+1 legs to where the second –Enmity on them was listed as being for the Avatar. So I went out to eLeMeN to look at this since someone had mentioned to me that this was the way the traits were listed in the Japanese text. Looking out there it shows a list of stuff after ‘Avatar:’ and doesn’t look as unclear as they are on the English translation.

    Here’s the Evoker’s Spats+1 as an example:

    (Original Japanese)
    防25 MP+22 敵対心-3
    召喚獣:命中率アップ 敵対心-2
    Lv74~ 召

    (Poor Translation)
    Prevention 25 MP+22 hostility mind -3
    Summons beast: Hit rate improvement hostility mind -2

    (Original Questionable NA Translation)
    Def 25 MP+22 Enmity-3 Enhances avatar accuracy Enmity-2

    Now on both of those you see that the second line of text looks to be all about the Avatar since it starts as ‘Summon Beast:’.

    So, now taking a look at the feet now:

    (Original Japanese)
    防10 MP+25 召喚獣維持費-1
    召喚獣:回避率アップ 敵対心-4
    Lv74~ 召

    (Poor Translation)
    Prevention 10 MP+25 summons beast maintenance expense -1
    Summons beast: Evasion rate improvement hostility mind -4

    (Questionable NA Translation)
    Def 10 MP+25 Avatar perpetuation cost-1 Enhances avatar evasion Enmity-4

    Looking at this and bringing in my own thoughts from my experience of bomb kiting with these boots on and off leads me to believe that the Enmity -4 on the AF+1 feet is for the Avatar.

    Now moving on to the AF2+1.

    I don’t have any of this but if you look at the above examples as a starting point, then the AF2+1 pants and feet both have +Enmity on them. The English translation of the pants actually say Avatar: Enmity +2 on them, but the feet just say Enmity+2 on them. So I thought I’d look at the Japanese translation of the feet.

    (Original Japanese)
    防15 MP+25 召喚獣:攻撃力アップ 敵対心+2
    Lv75~ 召

    (Poor Translation)
    Prevention 15 MP+25 summons beast: Attack power improvement hostility mind +2
    Compact prosecution use interval -2

    (Questionable NA Translation)
    Def 15 MP+25 Enhances "Avatar Attack" Enmity+2 "Blood Pact" ability delay-2

    This makes me wonder if both the –Enimty on the AF+1 feet and the +Enmity on the AF2+1 feet are actually for the Avatar instead of the wearer.

    If anyone else has any experience with this or thoughts, feel free to chime in as I would like to know.
    SMN 75 / COR 63 / THF 60 / WHM 53 / NIN 53 / RNG 40 / WAR 30 / BLM 28 / BRD 20 / MNK 16 / DRG 14 / SAM 13 / PAL 1 / DRK 1 / BST 1 / RDM 1 / BLU 1 / PUP 1

  • #2
    Re: Enmity on the AF+1 and AF2+1 feet.


    I don't presently possess any AF+1 or AF2+1, so I can't speak from personal experience concerning these items. However, I played FFXI for over two years in Japanese before I finally switched to the English version. I learned how to read an awful lot of JP, particularly where item effects are concerned and ESPECIALLY as they relate to SMN.

    Tazairai (or however he spells his damned FFXIO name lol) would be absolutely the best person to confirm this, since his JP is about 1,000,000 times better than my own, but all the same, I'm going to give you the run down of what the text ACTUALLY "should" say, in plain FFXI terms, based on my own knowledge and information.

    Originally posted by Nekaru
    防25 MP+22 敵対心-3
    召喚獣:命中率アップ 敵対心-2
    Lv74~ 召
    ((Shar's translation of Evoker's Spats +1))
    Def 25, MP+22, enimity-3.
    Avatar: Accuracy up, enimity -2.
    Lv74 SMN.

    The way this reads to me is that the FIRST enimity- effect is for the summoner, and the SECOND one is for the pet. That entire line is preceeded by "Avatar:" in the JP text.

    Originally posted by Nekaru
    (Original Japanese)
    防10 MP+25 召喚獣維持費-1
    召喚獣:回避率アップ 敵対心-4
    Lv74~ 召
    ((Shar's translation of Evoker's Pigaches +1))
    Def 10, MP+25, Avatar perpetuation cost -1
    Avatar: Evasion up, enimity -4
    Lvl 74 SMN

    Again, the entire line containing evasion and enimity is preceeded by "Avatar:" in the JP text, so my understanding would be that the enimity- effect would apply to the avatar, not the summoner.

    Originally posted by Nekaru
    (Original Japanese)
    防15 MP+25 召喚獣:攻撃力アップ 敵対心+2
    Lv75~ 召
    ((Shar's Translation of Summoner's Pigaches +1))
    Def 15, MP+25
    Avatar: Attack up, enimity +2
    Blood pact re-use timer -2
    Lv75 SMN

    In this case, I think there's really very little question that the enimity+ effect applies to the avatar, not the summoner.

    The translation problem here comes in the fact that SE for some reason elected to change the way certain avatar effects "read" in the NA version vs. the JP version. In Japanese, ALL effects pertaining to the avatar are preceeded with "Avatar:" but for some reason, they decided to fix something that wasn't broke when they released the NA version and change certain things to "Enhances avatar accuracy" instead of the more simply translated "Avatar: Accuracy up." Doesn't seem like a major change, I know, but in the case of these items, coupled with a little laziness or oversight, it definately made an enormous difference.
    召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
    San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


    • #3
      Re: Enmity on the AF+1 and AF2+1 feet.

      I wish I could test this out myself. I've done avatar enmity tests before in a more controlled environment, but I'm 4 coins short of being able to afford SMN AF1+1, plus the fact that my account isn't active right now...

      I'm unsure what to think about this. Normally I just assume that whatever they put in the item description is correct. But the Evoker Spats +1 had the -worst- description ever when they first came I think in this case, a mistranslation is definately possible.
      Generic Info!


      • #4
        Re: Enmity on the AF+1 and AF2+1 feet.

        I dont know about the AF+1 boots (hopefully getting Yarn tonight), but the Spats there changed to: MP+22 Enmity -3 Enhances Avatar Acc. Avatar: Enmity-2, 2 patches ago. This came to me as a bit odd because before they were changed, it behaved like I had -5 Enmity when I wore them.

        During the last Patch, the Summoner's Pgsh +1 were changed to have Avatar: Enmity+2, instead of Enmity+2.

        If your bored we can mess around with it in Ulg or something and see which Carby pulls hate. If things are as they are written, yours should pull hate in just 1 hit compared to mine.

        PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


        • #5
          Re: Enmity on the AF+1 and AF2+1 feet.

          A good test would be somebody wearing yinyang robe and evoker feet (AF1)+1, and no other enmity gear while somebody else of equal level wore summoner feet (AF2)+1 and no other enmity gear.

          Then you just have to figure a safe way to pull hate on yourself... I'd personally suggest earthen ward and too weak monsters with a /WAR sub. Provoke + Defender. Then record the results. The hard part here would be trying to ensure that the level of the monsters were the same. Although if both tests were done on a good number of the same type of monster in the same zone, it probably wouldn't matter anyway.

          Edit for clarity:
          The SMN/WAR process being:
          Level 75 SMN earthen ward's up.
          Finds their prey. Let's say...Dolls at the entrance to pso'xja in the glacier. To be even more specific, let's say the ones that aren't at Nue's tower. Since those might be higher level, since (and because) they're so out of the way.
          Summon carbuncle.
          Defender - to keep earthen ward up longer. And because SMN's defense is laughable.
          Provoke doll.
          Count the number of hits carbuncle makes before stealing hate, and number of hits you take.
          Repeat until you want to rip your hair out.
          Sell doll shards. :D
          Share results, including gear, merits (any that would apply: enmity/avatar acc/avatar atk), and even day the tests were done on, if we want to be really specific...
          Last edited by Tirrock; 03-19-2006, 04:55 PM. Reason: Adding information to post.
          Generic Info!

