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Gil farming for Smn

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  • Gil farming for Smn

    I know it may be an old topic, but I really don't know how to make gil with smn... I have soloed Shooting Fish, but no one want the head nowaday, and the body is just rare... I have hunted Demon Horn for awhile, but it just as rare as "Mann. Body" from shooting fish

    So.. any other suggestion? I really need gil badly thx

  • #2
    Re: Gil farming for Smn

    6 smn doing molbol KS BCNM and soloing the trees in lufaise meadows are themore popular ones for smn that I know.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Gil farming for Smn

      At 75 you could try soloing KS30 E-vase-ive Action, but its not an easy or cheap task. Its one of those "put gil in hope you get more out" things. Hmm what did I farm on SMN when I was in my anti-RDM mood. You could farm drops needed to make equipment used to pop NMs (like the white steel and Magholia Lumber for Oderous Knife, Hickory lumber for Hickory shield, etc). Theres always doing avatars with LS members/friend and take the 10k (15k for Diabolos) reward (even though you can't Marathon them anymore). Theres always the standby stuf like Beehive chips, Goobbue cuttings and so forth.

      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


      • #4
        Re: Gil farming for Smn

        You could try soloing cactaurs outside the Cloister of Tremors for Cactus Stems. SMN has the easiest job of surviving the 1000 needles crisis.
        All spells obtained!
        Homam Gear: 2/5


        • #5
          Re: Gil farming for Smn

          I was always a fan of subbing THF and killing spiders in boyahda. At the very least you can look at that as "kindred seal farming".
          Generic Info!


          • #6
            Re: Gil farming for Smn

            You can solo KS (mentioned above), solo a few ENMs ("Like the Wind" comes to mind), camp NMs forever, and garden. SMN/THF farming with Carby and using Full Swing isn't bad either.


            • #7
              Re: Gil farming for Smn

              hmm. you can kill crawlers near windurts going for 50k a stack on my server.
              come all light people


              • #8
                Re: Gil farming for Smn

                Originally posted by Mamimi
                You can solo a few ENMs ("Like the Wind" comes to mind)
                You have piqued my interest...could you enlighten?
                All spells obtained!
                Homam Gear: 2/5


                • #9
                  Re: Gil farming for Smn

                  Originally posted by Drakoen
                  hmm. you can kill crawlers near windurts going for 50k a stack on my server.
                  i sold a stack of silk thread for 80K on fairy!


                  • #10
                    Re: Gil farming for Smn

                    nice woot i wish i could get that amount.
                    come all light people


                    • #11
                      Re: Gil farming for Smn

                      Hello, starting posting on this forum site, thought i would give my input on this. If you are high enough, try farming tree cuttings in Zi' tah, =P unless you have botters around there. if you plant them, you can get about 200k (on my server) for a stack of saplings.

                      please note that i do not have the dalmatica or the relic staff, sig is just for show.


                      • #12
                        Re: Gil farming for Smn

                        One place I've been having fun farming with my NPC lately is the Killer Mushroom room at K-10 of CN. The funguar there are level 45-47 and so far as I know, the only mobs in the game that drop King Truffle, which goes for 30k each on Lakshmi. On a good moon with TH1 you can get a stack in 90 minutes, though on new moon I've done as badly as 1 truffle in the same amount of time ...

                        There are no other mobs in that room and the funguar are not aggressive, but they link vicously, making it hard for other jobs to farm there. I have to be very patient and break up their spawn pattern when I go there to keep from getting mobbed by 6 EPs. A summoner could pull them into the tunnel one at a time and have a very easy time of it.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Re: Gil farming for Smn

                          Im lvl 53 summoner on fenrir and i need gil anyone know wat i could farm .........i have tried silk but there not worth the time because the price has fallen wat can i farm ????


                          • #14
                            Re: Gil farming for Smn

                            "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day... Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself." Or something like that.....

                            It's hard to give a good answer on what you should farm...and it just hurts you anyway. Look at spider webs. They used to be pretty high priced on every server. Their price is plummeting due to massive over-farming of the expansion spiders, which drop the webs like candy. If you were just told to farm spiders for webs, you'd have to come back and ask what to farm now...

                            You've already done the very checked the AH price for one thing. Now, why don't you check the AH for other items that are dropped that sell for more? Or perhaps, something that sells for less, but much faster drops. If you have a lot of inventory room, look into unstackable items that sell fast. Or even take up crafting and look at things that you can make money on.
                            Generic Info!


                            • #15
                              Re: Gil farming for Smn

                              Originally posted by Tirrock
                              "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day... Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself." Or something like that.....
                              ... you need to take up fishing if you want teh gilz.

