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Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

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  • Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

    I would to like the opinion of Zalora and the other expert SMN on is it possiblet o eat Titan and Shiva at level 17 ? Would you take the 3x SL strategy or patiently kite the avatar ? I'm playing on the Hydra server so yagudo drinks and Ether potion are hard to come by. Realisticly what are my chance of success ?

  • #2
    Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

    probably not very good. your chances of sucess at 20 is hard as it is with meds, without and 3 levels lower...

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

      Originally posted by Symtex
      I would to like the opinion of Zalora and the other expert SMN on is it possiblet o eat Titan and Shiva at level 17 ? Would you take the 3x SL strategy or patiently kite the avatar ? I'm playing on the Hydra server so yagudo drinks and Ether potion are hard to come by. Realisticly what are my chance of success ?

      At lvl 20 with 3 yags, 3 ethers and a few hi-potions you can win farily easy.

      Best I have done is beat levithian with 1 yag 2 ethers (20 SMN Cap). He was hard but I won. With tons of items you might be able to win at 17. But without theres no way.



      • #4
        Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

        Dude even at lvl 20 you prolly wilkl go through the Hell.
        I really do NOT recommend you to even try this especially when you say that meds are hard to get - it will just get you frustrated

        Theese fights can be hard but at least ure not such a sucker who got all his avatars in the easy lvl 60 fights and never be a good smn.

        - everytime a SMN has to mainheal a Galka rapes a Moogle -


        • #5
          Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

          I believe in simpler terms, everyone including me, is saying we don't know for sure.

          We don't know for sure because noones really been that lazy that they can't get to 20SMN before they try.

          But, from prior experience, it is already hard enough as 20SMN with capped skills and an arsenal of items. Just do yourself a favor and fully prepare for the Fork Fights by getting to level20 at least.


          • #6
            Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

            Originally posted by PotentPotables
            I believe in simpler terms, everyone including me, is saying we don't know for sure.
            I said:

            Originally posted by Medalink
            How much simpler do I need to be?

            Originally posted by PotentPotables
            We don't know for sure because noones really been that lazy that they can't get to 20SMN before they try.
            Wrong, I am a leader of a SMN LS and get this alot. Alot of people I know have tried this. No one has ever beat them below 18. And at 18 it takes alot of meds.

            The lvl 20 fights are easy if you are prepared for them. It also helps if you have Carbuncle Mitts. And it also depends on what Race you choose. Taru are by far the hardest to win as the lack of HP. In theses fights you need to take hits from time to time and Tarus cant.


            *Edit* Also the reason it becomes easy at lvl20 you have Aguaviel. It will help alot in these fights. And you can wear Carbuncle Mitts.
            Last edited by Medalink; 02-19-2006, 10:41 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

              Originally posted by Medalink

              *Edit* Also the reason it becomes easy at lvl20 you have Aguaviel. It will help alot in these fights. And you can wear Carbuncle Mitts.
              I play on Hydra (X360 Beta), No one on the server is remotely close of being able to get the Carbuncle Mits. I made it to level 19 this weekend and will wait for Level 20 I guess. I was just anxious of trying Titan. Is there something that might substitue Yagudo drinks ? It's very rare on the server, so has Ether


              • #8
                Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

                Originally posted by Kardor
                ... but at least ure not such a sucker who got all his avatars in the easy lvl 60 fights and never be a good smn.
                What do you mean by this? That anyone who Lvl'd another job first, and fought the Lvl 70 Primes can never be a "good smn"?

                And for the record, they are not "easy" for a Lvl 60 pt. Easy starts around 65, and the jokes come around 70.
                Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                >> Alauna : yeah...


                • #9
                  Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

                  Originally posted by Symtex
                  I play on Hydra (X360 Beta), No one on the server is remotely close of being able to get the Carbuncle Mits. I made it to level 19 this weekend and will wait for Level 20 I guess. I was just anxious of trying Titan. Is there something that might substitue Yagudo drinks ? It's very rare on the server, so has Ether
                  Try muslems.

                  Originally posted by Alauna
                  What do you mean by this? That anyone who Lvl'd another job first, and fought the Lvl 70 Primes can never be a "good smn"?

                  And for the record, they are not "easy" for a Lvl 60 pt. Easy starts around 65, and the jokes come around 70.
                  He is a n00b and was trying to get his post count up.



                  • #10
                    Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

                    I saw a guy on my sever today with diablos already and his lvl was only 8... of course most of his other jobs were around level 75 so that maybe why he has it so early...

                    Which FF Character Are You?

                    Which FF Character Are You?

                    Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
                    Final Fantasy 7


                    • #11
                      Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

                      So I went to fight Titan las night. My summoning skill were at 58. I bought the following stuff :

                      2 Melon Juice
                      1 Pinnaple Juice
                      2 Hi-Potion
                      1 Boiled Crab

                      Armor :
                      Level 8 Tunic
                      Hermit's Wand
                      Justice Badge

                      The fight lasted 7 min 45 second. So I started the fight with letting carby die twice. Then went with Astral Flow, Searing light. Did 268 dmg with the first SL. Since I had to wait for melon juice to regen, I had to kit Titan a little more. Did my Second Searling light and did around 170 dmg. Just went I was about to do my 3rd Searing light, My astral flow went off. I had to use Poison Nails and Titan after a few more hit by carbuncle.

                      I had 133hp/183hp left at the end of the fight


                      • #12
                        Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

                        so wait, did you get him at 17 or lvl a bit more?

                        Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                        Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                        80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                        • #13
                          Re: Titan and Shiva : Possible to beat at level 17 ?

                          so wait, did you get him at 17 or lvl a bit more?
                          I play on Hydra (X360 Beta), No one on the server is remotely close of being able to get the Carbuncle Mits. I made it to level 19 this weekend and will wait for Level 20 I guess.
                          He said he waited

