i have looked around a little and can't find this. What is the least amount of Fame needed to obtain avatars? Right now im one mission from rank 3.
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Re: Avatars
missions do not equal fame, they equal rank
fame is from doing quests, and is checkable by someone inside the taverns in the main citys
but you need lvl 6+ fame for the avatar battles and you need to have finished diabolos bc to get himWAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP
"The man all the ladies want."
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Re: Avatars
ok thanks that'll save me some time.
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Re: Avatars
I believe its lv7 for Leviathin in norg but only lv3 fame for a lv20 smn to do the mini battles. Im not sure if all mini battles are lv3 fame tho. They all require you to be 20smn though.75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
Woodworking 91.9+2
ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27
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Re: Avatars
thanks. I noticed some of the towns are grouped together does that mean i can do Bastok fame and gain fame in Selbina and Rabao, or vice versa?
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Re: Avatars
There are some quests that will grant you fame in just one city, or in two cities. "Outland Citys" are linked to thief "Mainland City" bu default. (ie. Rabao is linked to San d'Orian, and Kazham to Windhurst, Selbina links to San d'Oria and Bastok). Norg fame is linked with the Tenshodo, so not all "bastok" quests give Norg fame, just the "Tenshodo" quests do. (reps. in Norg, Bastok, and Lower Jeuno).
One of the easiest ways to gain fame in San d'Oria and Bastok is to do Only the Best (http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/quests...lm=&fquest=180) in Selbina. Load up on Boyahda Moss, and trade em, one at a time.Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
>> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
>> Alauna : yeah...
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Re: Avatars
Yes i remember that quest -_- 30 stacks of million corn, that was the most boring thing ever. I only have a few more questions, Can i fight the Avatar Primes as a different job other then SMN? I've asked ppl but im not clear. I know i can fight them solo at lvl 20 SMN. Not to sound lazy, but can i have ppl fight the uncapped battles for me as long as im in the BCNM when they fight it? I've searched for this and every time i find something it isn't clear.
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Re: Avatars
The uncapped fights which require a higher fame are free for all Jobs.
The only thing you need is the Fork KEY-item which will be handed by the same NPC who also gives you the Mini Forks.
You will know that you have enough fame if he continues Talking after the "Ouchy-wouzy me hurt all over part."FEAR THE POWER OF A SUMMONER
- everytime a SMN has to mainheal a Galka rapes a Moogle -
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Re: Avatars
Thanks, that clears up everything
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