Just for fun and showing off. I hear they drain MP when they are out but how much and how fast? On average, how long can I keep a summon out?
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Can I walk around town with my summons out?
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
the mp drain increases as you lv lol so it depends on ur mp at 30 i think carby is -3 perp cost without auto refresh avatars but dark have -4 i think
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
the mp cost varies with avatar/spirit, and it rises with level. also there are items which reduce the mp cost to keep avatars out.
with all the proper gear, it's possible to have a free carbuncle )meaning no mp cost, you can ceep him out indefinitely). some of the other avatars can be free to almost free, too. again, that's only with the proper gear/ correct conditions.
ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
I live to entertain!
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Even that's going to become difficult if they add Bahamut, Phoenix, or Alexander. Those Avatars will take a lot of MP.
What gear are you talking about anyway if you don't mind telling.Summoners....There might be a lot but one will always be better than the others.
Alexander will rise again
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Originally posted by XalioniafI wonder if you'll be able to summon them in the Commoner's Ward... :/Summoners....There might be a lot but one will always be better than the others.
Alexander will rise again
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Originally posted by Adam-AtlantianWhat is that. I Apoligize for my ignorance but i haven't gotten the game yet.Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Originally posted by XalioniafIt's a part of a city in the comming expansion pack that's supposed to have monsters inside it.Summoners....There might be a lot but one will always be better than the others.
Alexander will rise again
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Originally posted by Adam-AtlantianEven that's going to become difficult if they add Bahamut, Phoenix, or Alexander. Those Avatars will take a lot of MP.
What gear are you talking about anyway if you don't mind telling.
elemental staff or even better hq elemental staff, and the smn only staff astral signa or simply anything that - Avatar perpetuation cost.
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
There's also the Carbuncle Mitts which have obvious effects when you have Carby out.
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Originally posted by SG4Just for fun and showing off. I hear they drain MP when they are out but how much and how fast? On average, how long can I keep a summon out?
Edit: Let me clarify. No you can't, and please S-E gods don't ever make it possible. Jeuno would be completely screwed with lag moreso than it is today.
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
SMN equippable items that add refresh effect:
Level 71 - Yinyang Robe
Level 73 - Dalmatica
Level 59 - Vermillion Cloak
These items will cause you to regain MP at the rate of 1MP/3seconds when you do not have an avatar out. With an avatar out, you get the same effect, but instead of your MP actually *increasing,* you will see that your avatars cost 1MP LESS every 3 seconds. The exception is Carbuncle. I'll cover that shortly.
Items which decrease avatar perpetuation cost at all times:
Level 50 - Austere Robe [cost -1]
Level 50 - Pennance Robe (HQ of Austere) [cost -2]
Level 71 - Evoker's Ring [cost -1]
Level 71 - Evoker's Pigaches +1 [cost -1]
Level 75 - Nashira Gages [cost -1]
Level 51 - All elemental staves (normal and HQ) [NQ cost -2, HQ cost -3]
Level 75 - Bahamut's Staff [cost -3]
These items, WHENEVER equipped, will lower the cost to keep your avatar out. Unlike "refresh" items, you do not receive any benefit from avatar perpetuation cost decreases when you do NOT have an avatar out.
In order to obtain the +1 AF pants or the Nashira Gages, you must have sea access. They are obtained through Limbus. In order to obtain Bahamut's Staff, you must have completed ALL CoP missions and two subsequent Bahamut battles (and then pray for the drop). Elemental staves are created through woodcraft. The Austere/Pennance robes require high level leathercraft skills, and the Evoker's Ring is obtained through a quest wherein you must defeat all seven avatar primes. Please note, Diabolos, in his uncapped battle, is NOT referred to as "Diabolos Prime" and does not need to be defeated in order to obtain the Evoker's Ring.
Items which lower avatar perpetuation cost under certain conditions:
Level 74 - Summoner's Doublet (both normal and HQ)
Level 75 - Summoner's Horn (both normal and HQ)
Level 50 - Conjurer's Ring
When equipped under CERTAIN CONDITIONS, these items will decrease the cost to keep your avatar out. For the Summoner's Doublet, the effect is dependent upon the day of the week. For the Horn, the effect is dependent upon the current weather. For the ring, you must have orange or red hitpoints AND less than 100% TP.
Special item:
Level 14 - Carbuncle Mitts
These lower the perpetuation cost for CARBUNCLE ONLY. This is why I indicated previously that Carbuncle is a special case. Carbuncle, as others have mentioned, can be free. You need to have some combination of items listed above in order to lower your perpetuation cost to a certain degree in order to keep him free. If you have one of the "refresh" items listed above, you can actually regain MP at the rate of 1MP/3seconds while keeping Carbuncle out. No matter HOW MUCH avatar perpetuation- equipment you have, you CANNOT regain more MP than that with Carbuncle out. No other pet can be made free (astral flow notwithstanding).
At level 75, with an HQ elemental staff, evoker's ring, and yinyang robe, "standard" avatars cost me 7MP/tick, Fenrir costs 5, and Carbuncle costs 3 without mitts. With mitts, of course, I regain MP as previously mentioned.
This means that the NATURALLY OCCURRING COST of the avatars (NOT INCLUDING AUTOREFRESH, even though you CANNOT get rid of it) is as follows:
Carbuncle: 9MP every 3 seconds
Fenrir: 11 MP every 3 seconds
All other avatars (including Diabolos): 13 MP every 3 seconds
Elementals: Uh.. Someone who uses elementals feel free to chime in here... although I have them all I really don't know offhand how much they cost because I only use them in "summon and run" situations really
Yes, I know the original question wasn't nearly this complicated. But I felt I'd be as informative as possible ^^
Short answer to the question: No, you can't keep an avatar out in town. Yes, you can walk around with an avatar out OUTSIDE anywhere you please, however, with the exception of Carbuncle, you will eventually run out of MP and your pet will vanish. See above for equipment that will help you get Carbuncle to be free.召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed
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Re: Can I walk around town with my summons out?
Pigashes are feet silly (Incase you are wondering, I got +1 pants for the MH space by puting AF in NPC, since I have AF2 feet and dont really have a use for +1 feet).
For elemenatls its about 16or17 MP raw. the last time I used them was a few weeks about when me and the other SMN got bored at a Tatami shield run and didnt feel like getting trashed by Grand Slam. :psigpic
PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)
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