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KS30 "E-vase-ive Action" Solo

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  • #16
    Re: KS30 "E-vase-ive Action" Solo

    I finally got my Yinyang Robe on Superbowl Sunday, so I tried this BCNM again. I got Raxa & Rainbow Cloth (total of 500K).

    Godo... (or anyone else for that matter), have you gotten a Damascene Cloth or D. Ingot yet?
    Character: Faluzure
    Server: Quetzalcoatl
    Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
    Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
    Black Mage Profile
    Red Mage Profile
    Summoner Profile


    • #17
      Re: KS30 "E-vase-ive Action" Solo

      Not yet, gonna do one with a SMN friend and see if duo-ing it nets better drops. (just need a few more seals >.<)

      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


      • #18
        Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

        wow. . . that sounds like nice gil compared to some other smn soloing that I'm capable of. . . (27 smn atm /sigh I need to get it so much higher =/)

        Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

        Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

        80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


        • #19
          Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

          Originally posted by silentsteel
          wow. . . that sounds like nice gil compared to some other smn soloing that I'm capable of. . . (27 smn atm /sigh I need to get it so much higher =/)
          500K isn't very much... Not given the current pricing on my server. Thank goodness that most end-game SMN gear can be obtained for free (AF2, AF+1, Yinyang Robe). I'm still in the process of getting a Serket Ring and Astral Earring though.
          Character: Faluzure
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
          Black Mage Profile
          Red Mage Profile
          Summoner Profile


          • #20
            Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

            Hello, instead of making a new thread about this, i thought i would ask on this one. Is it possible that i could do this KSNM as a level 70 smn? or should i just wait untill i hit 75?

            please note that i do not have the dalmatica or the relic staff, sig is just for show.


            • #21
              Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

              75 is a must. There is a fair share of gear post 70 that can help, as well as having more MP and a tad more HP. Also your avatars will be stronger, since Lvl determines their base stats, for now...

              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


              • #22
                Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                I just tried this recently and didn't fair so well. Garuda missed 2 predator claws doing 300 damage for both of them. I have 1 merit in accuracy.

                I don't think I will attempt this solo again until I get some more in accuracy. Maybe 3 in accuracy and she should do fairly well. I wiped once, but had plenty of meds to continue.

                I brought in,
                1 Pamama au lait 3k
                1 pro ether 70k
                2 marron glance friend crafted 2k
                3 stacks of mulsum 90k
                3 yagudo drinks 12k
                Reraise Hairpin 120k
                total cost = 297k

                Pot ga 3 me at the end as well as pot aero 4 me in the beginning (had to reraise and start over)

                Any suggestions? Gobo? Faluzure?
                Hacked on 9/9/09
                FFXIAH - Omniblast


                • #23
                  Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                  Originally posted by Alauna
                  *buzz* wrong answer!

                  While Spinning Dive is a physical BP, its a peircing-type of attack. Pots (and dolls and bones) take a 1.5x damage modifier to a blunt-type attack. For that, you need Mountain Buster or Flaming Crush. (Same reason MNK pts rule in KRT).I'm nor sure if Chaotic Strike is blunt or Slashing. Predator Claws is a slashing-type attack, which doesnt get the damage modifier, but doesnt suffer from a damage reduction like piercing.
                  According to the Jailer of Temperance (at least when I last fought him), spinning dive is blunt, and unless rush is piercing for some odd reason, there are no piering level 70 blood pacts. If you don't know how/why that mob can tell, here's a brief explination: It's immune to 2 of the 3 forms of physical damage at once, and magic all the time. I used my first fight against him as an opporunity to test out what damage types level 70 blood pacts were. I just never bothered with rush...since nobody ever seriously uses it.

                  Chaotic Strike is blunt, and the stun actually lasts quite long on sprinklers/aura pots, but I can't say I've tested it on these BC pots.

                  Originally posted by Omniblast
                  I just tried this recently and didn't fair so well. Garuda missed 2 predator claws doing 300 damage for both of them. I have 1 merit in accuracy.

                  I don't think I will attempt this solo again until I get some more in accuracy. Maybe 3 in accuracy and she should do fairly well. I wiped once, but had plenty of meds to continue.

                  I brought in,
                  1 Pamama au lait 3k
                  1 pro ether 70k
                  2 marron glance friend crafted 2k
                  3 stacks of mulsum 90k
                  3 yagudo drinks 12k
                  Reraise Hairpin 120k
                  total cost = 297k

                  Pot ga 3 me at the end as well as pot aero 4 me in the beginning (had to reraise and start over)

                  Any suggestions? Gobo? Faluzure?
                  Well, obviously I'm neither Gobo nor Faluzure, and I've never actually tried soloing this BC, so take my opinion how you will. If I were trying to solo one of those, I'd probably go with a blunt damage type avatar like Ramuh. I've never really had accuracy issues with him, and you can fight one of the weakest pots, the water pot. My second choice would be titan... But you have to deal with shock spikes, which may or may not actually effect him, or stoneskin...

                  I'd probably pick garuda over leviathan though. Leviathan, although a very nice shade of blue, just doesn't do enough damage and the pot's evasion isn't high enough for his abnormal accuracy to be an issue. Even if it means having to deal with blink or stoneskin (which is one of the major reasons I'd avoid using Garuda).

                  Anyway, good luck on it.
                  Generic Info!


                  • #24
                    Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                    Originally posted by Omniblast
                    I just tried this recently and didn't fair so well. Garuda missed 2 predator claws doing 300 damage for both of them. I have 1 merit in accuracy.

                    I don't think I will attempt this solo again until I get some more in accuracy. Maybe 3 in accuracy and she should do fairly well. I wiped once, but had plenty of meds to continue.

                    I brought in,
                    1 Pamama au lait 3k
                    1 pro ether 70k
                    2 marron glance friend crafted 2k
                    3 stacks of mulsum 90k
                    3 yagudo drinks 12k
                    Reraise Hairpin 120k
                    total cost = 297k

                    Pot ga 3 me at the end as well as pot aero 4 me in the beginning (had to reraise and start over)

                    Any suggestions? Gobo? Faluzure?
                    Hmm. I don't have any merits whatsoever on my Summoner. I don't use any AF/AF2 that gives my avatar accuracy either.

                    All I can think of to ask is what day did you fight the pot on? Wait a minute... Here's another explanation that I think may be more clear. When you did your BP, it is possible that the pot had blink up. When you use Garuda to fight the Air Pot, make sure that it doesn't have Blink up. Blink is killer to your Predator Claws.

                    Here is a further in-depth explanation for those of you wanting to try this. If you've ever solo'd bombs before, you'll know what I'm talking about when I say this. Fight the pot like you would a bomb. Start off the fight with a Predator Claws, this gives your Garuda max hate at the start and big damage. Then run away. DO NOT RUN ALL THE WAY TO THE TELEPORTER. This is BAD. You only need to run as far as until your health bar on Garuda disappears. Why? I'll tell you in a minute.

                    Pay attention to whether or not your Avatar is still alive. Once it's dead, recast Garuda ASAP. Once she's summoned, she will run to the pot. Now here is where I explain why you do not run all the way to the teleporter. In the event that the pot has blink up, Garuda has a chance to miss. A chance of missing = no hate on Garuda and the pot keeps coming at you. Once it becomes in range of casting a spell, it has a chance to cast Aeroga 3 or Aero IV. This is where you back up to the teleporter. This saves your ass. If you run all the way to the teleporter at the beginning, you have no other place to run when the pot comes down the corridor and you get socked in the face with an Aero IV or Aeroga 3 and you die.

                    In the event that Garuda doesn't get enough hate when you resummon her, stand still. The pot will continue to attack you until Garuda regains that hate (this usually happens late battle). Use common sense you should know as a caster. If you get hate in XP PTs, don't run away from the tank, run towards it! This same principle applies to Garuda. She can't hit the pot if she's trying to chase it! This is why I say fight the pot like you would a bomb. When using Carbuncle to fight bombs, you don't take off running until Carbie smacks it a few times.

                    Just rinse and repeat the above strat combined with my strat earlier and you should win. There is a slight chance you won't be able to get away from the Pot when it casts Aeroga 3. Even if you die and reraise, you should still win (even WITHOUT meds). Trust me... I know. I died to an Aeroga 3 like 12 minutes into the battle when all I needed was 1 more BP and the pot went back to the original starting point and had 100% HP. I rested to 100% HP/MP and I used a mix of Carbuncle for MP regain and Garuda and I got it down to 2% before time ran out. The problem? I'm an Elvaan. Had I had just a tad more MP, I would've been ok.

                    Good luck to you!
                    Character: Faluzure
                    Server: Quetzalcoatl
                    Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                    Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                    Black Mage Profile
                    Red Mage Profile
                    Summoner Profile


                    • #25
                      Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                      Reviving this topic...

                      I gave this a try today. Mistakes were made and ultimately I failed, but I was VERY VERY close and so I'm planning to try again as soon as I get some more coins.

                      Outside the BC, I summoned my light spirit to cast protect & shell IV on me and then rested to full (after wasting about 500MP waiting for the stupid thing to stop casting haste and regen ><; ). Then I used Earthen Ward and Aerial Armor, rested up again, cast Aquaveil and used a RR hairpin and charged in.

                      Mistake #1: I forgot food. In my haste to buy up dozens of other needed items, it didn't occur to me that picking up a marron glace would give me a nice MP boost that might come in handy if I rested to full before going in. So I started the battle with 90 less MP than I could've had if I'd thought a little harder. Not the biggest or worst mistake I made, but still stupid.

                      Mistake #2: I summoned Garuda right away and used Astral Flow (for 3 minutes of free perpetuation). Do not do this. There is a long run from the entrance to the BC to where the pots are and you're wasting about 15-20 seconds of astral flow time. This might not seem like much, but as MP is one of your biggest issues, it really IS. Better plan is to summon right when you can see the pots. I've fought this battle before in a NORMAL PT and as near as I've ever been able to tell, they do NOT seem to aggro magic, unlike every other magic pot in the game.

                      Mistake #3: I used predator claws and IMMEDIATELY ran away to where resummoning was safe. Actually, running back a bit (out of aeroga range) is smart, but keep an eye on Garuda's hitpoints and the Air Pot's hitpoints too, because you can generally get two predator claws out of Garuda, assuming you have some -BP timer equipment. Use your judgment though and if you see her hitpoints drop more than you're comfortable with, run run run.

                      Despite these two mistakes, I held my own pretty nicely for the most part. I used baraera and recast whenever it went down and I was out of hate-pulling range. I did get hit with an aerogaIII but I survived it and was able to heal up once out of range. I continued to ressumon Garuda and keep using predator claws, though it unfortunately took me a few resummons to figure out what I outlined above in Mistake #3.

                      I brought in two stacks of mulsum, 4 yagudo drinks, two pamama au laits, two hi-ethers, a vile elixr, and a hermes quencher. The hermes quencher, believe it or not, was EXTREMELY useful. At some point in this fight, you're going to find yourself at one end of the battlefield and needing to run PAST the pot to get to the complete opposite end in order to get back in resummon range. Using a hermes quencher DOES leave you medicated and unable to use another one, and I'm not sure how long the medication effect lasts, but it does NOT interfere with your ability to summon or use any of the other medicines I listed above. I wouldn't recommend using it when Garuda is nearly dead though.. Use it while she's at full health just to avoid any possible issues.

                      I whittled the pot down to about 2% (that's a guess on account of I use PS2 and don't have windower). Then I got cocky. I figured I had it won. I had about 50 MP left, not nearly enough to use another Garuda, so of course I summoned carbuncle and swapped over to mitts. Problem was, I stopped paying attention to what the pot was doing because I got so excited smelling my impending victory. It cast AeroIV. On me. And I died. With that damned pot at 1-2%. That was mistake #4.

                      Although reraise was available, I didn't really give it another go. By the time I reraised and ran back to where the pot was, it had already regenerated to about 20% and I still only have about 60 MP, so there was no chance on earth of buncling it to death at that point. I had used all my ethers & mulsums, used my vile elixr, and used 3/4 of my yagudo drinks. So I went ahead and left, and that was that. But I'm DEFINATELY planning to give this another go once I get 30 more seals. Just thought I'd share my stupid mistakes with others so they can avoid repeating them.

                      For anyone wondering about my equipment, I used my standard gear, which is as follows:

                      Weapon: Auster's Staff
                      Throwing: Fortune Egg (I haven't gotten around to picking up a hedgehog bomb yet and don't know for sure that I ever will)
                      Head: Austere Hat (still waiting on that damned horn to drop from Xarcabard XD)
                      Neck: Republican Gold Medal (Star Necklace for new areas where conquest items don't work)
                      Ear1: Death Earring
                      Ear2: Death Earring (various other earrings are on my to-do list but have not yet been obtained)
                      Body: Yinyang Robe
                      Hands: Summoner's Bracers
                      Ring1: Evoker's Ring
                      Ring2: Tamas Ring - Many people may feel that Serket/Vivian are better. While I've never owned either ring and probably never will due to relatively limited playtimes and the inability to obtain large quantities of gil or participate in HNM activities, I can definately vouch that the -3 enimity on the Tamas Ring is EXTREMELY valuable for a summoner playing solo and might even be worth the 20 MP hit over not using Serket/Vivian
                      Back: Blue Cape - At this point, I don't have any particular interest in any of the other capes out there. I don't find them to be significantly better than the blue cape to be worth the effort.
                      Waist: Hierarch Belt - I also have a Forest Rope for my other 75 job and I'm debating whether I should've used it instead, since the reason I use Hierarch on my SMN is for hMP which I didn't use in this fight. Extra 22 MP on the Forest Rope might've been worthwhile.
                      Legs: Summoner's Spats - This is a personal choice. A lot of people have turned their nose up at me for using these over Evoker's Spats on account of the avatar accuracy. Truthfully, I probably WOULD consider using Evoker's Spats if I didn't have AF2 hands. As it sits, I'd rather take the -BP timer on the legs than try and stack avatar accuracy for higher powered blood pacts. Maybe if I was into HNMing I'd feel differently, but I doubt it.
                      Feet: Summoner's Pigaches
                      Last edited by SharMarali; 05-22-2006, 10:54 AM.
                      召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
                      San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


                      • #26
                        Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                        Man it's been a while since I did this. I actually used AF after my MP fell below 500, so I could be getting MP back at a time when I might need it. And depending on when you die, you can still win. I died within 45 seconds of engauging the pot since it used Chainspell Aeroga III right after the first Predator Claws. I think I summoned near the start of the BC and then just ran.

                        Gear wise lol yours is better than mine was when I did it. I used Austere robe (Have AF2 doublet now) and NQ wind staff (I'm kinda frugal) and Phantom Thatum (just got the egg this year). Tamas>Serket and Vivan ring. I hate -HP gear on SMN so much. Why lower something you dont have for something you have a ton of? Its been the death of me many times and my only piece that lowers HP is Blue cape. Just last week I died to Kirin's Diamond Dust for 877 points of damage after Stoneskin; I have 875 HP...

                        I'm working on replacing Blue Cape with Intensifying Cape from Lebros Cavern Assault. Its nearly identical to Summoner's Cape save it has 1 less def and no -1 enmity, but still has the +30 HP and +30 MP(same MP gained from blue cape). Just need to get Superior Private so I can do the easy Assault there :x.

                        PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

