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KS30 "E-vase-ive Action" Solo

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  • KS30 "E-vase-ive Action" Solo

    Tried to do "E-vase-ive Action" solo today. Heres the strat+results copy and pasted from my LJ cause I am too lazy to re-type them (and tired too).

    I tried to solo the KS "E-vase-ive Action" as SMN. It is versious 6 pot-type mobs each representing an Element. When you attack one pot the other 5 disseaper and its just the player(s) and that one pot. The pot has access to all magic spells of that element, plus the standard pot attacks. I've heard rumors taht a 75 SMN can solo this, so I thought I would give it a shot. I went in with:
    10 Yagudo Drinks
    1 Pro-ether
    1 Vile-elixer
    Reraise Hairpin
    Before I entered the fight I buffed with ProII, ShellII, Aerial Armor, and Earthen Ward. Entered the BC on Firesday. Summoned Ramuh and sent him to attack the Water Pot (Didnt want to go against Ice pot cause of Ice Spikes and didnt want to fight Thunder pot with Titan cause of Stun and Shock spikes). Used Yag drinks as refresh wore off. When MP got below 200 the first time, I poped the Vile-exlier. When it happend again I used Astral Flow to drop perpetuation to 0. After Astral Flow wore off I used the Pro-Ether. Had Ramuh use Chaotic Strike when every Blood Pact was ready. Did 799-812 damage with 0 attack merits, 1 acc merit, Summoner's Bracers, Evokers Spats+1 and Summoners Pigashes as well as causing Stun 100% of the time. 2 times when my MP was below 500 (like 200 and 250 at seperate times) I summoned Carby to gain MP back for another guarentied Chaotic strike. Never saw Chainspell go off, but I am sure it had to have happened. The pot's normal attacks doesnt hit Ramuh too hard, about 70-80, but Dual Ray and Mysterious Light cause a lot of damage, taking 1/4-1/3 of Ramuh's HP.
    It actually went pretty well all said and done for a first try. I didnt win, I died twice, once at 3% (><) and then again at 16% (it regened 30% HP after I RRed and had to rest to get enough MP for Ramuh+Chaotic strike.) Try not to get hit with the spells they hurt a lot..example: Water 4 did 1114 with Barwater and Thunder Staff. Going to try again when I have enough seals. Probably would have won if I had another mass MP boosting drink. Definatly going to duo this with a SMN friend, it will be really easy with another SMN. Would have taken pictures but I was too focused and nervous to remember.

    Comments, Suggestions, whatever, the floor is open.

    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

  • #2
    Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

    I'm not sure the exact size of the arena, but it might be possible to use Evoker's Bracers (yes the horrible AF version) and to have the same avatar be pelted by chainspell. Remember that if the Water pot starts spamming Flood, Leviathan takes very little damage and you gain the damage back as MP back. Spinning Dive is also physical and simply destroys pots. Again...I haven't done this and the only information I got about it was from a SMN who used to do it with a PT. Basically, they'd send Garuda against the air pot, then beat on it to death after Chainspell was over.
    All spells obtained!
    Homam Gear: 2/5


    • #3
      Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

      Summoner these days is getting boring. Ever since I hit 75 on my SMN (which has been for a while now), my LS always requests for me to come to events as SMN. I don't really have a problem with it and I know the importance of SMN at end game. I just need something to do between the daily HNMs & end-game events.

      SO....Your post led me to wonder if I could do it solo as well. I've been to E-vase-ive Action before on several occasions, but as BLM in a general party setting (NIN/WAR/DRK/RDM/SMN/BLM). So I'm quite familiar with how the BCNM works. However, I've never heard of using Ramuh to fight the pots. I've always seen/heard/fought pots with either Titan or Garuda.

      Well I ended up winning and I don't really have any fantastic SMN gear. In fact, I'm rather gimp in that area because luck never falls my way in terms of AF2 or the Yinyang Robe. My gear consists of the following:

      Head: Austere Hat
      Neck: Uggalepih Pendant
      Body: Austere Robe / Dalmatica
      Hands: Zenith Mitts
      Legs: Zenith Slacks
      Feet: Zenith Pumps
      Waist: Forest Rope
      Ring 1: Tamas Ring
      Ring 2: Evoker's Ring
      Earring 1: Desamilion Earring
      Earring 2: Death Earring
      Back: Blue Cape
      Throwing: Hedgehog Bomb
      Weapon: All HQ Elemental Staves

      As you can see, it's nothing awesome. I didn't even use any of my AF (most SMNs use the Evoker's Spats for ACC+).

      My drops consisted of the following:
      Kamper Earring, Soldier's Earring, Demon Horn, Shell IV, Darksteel Ore, Raxa.

      Not terrible, but not awesome. Basically I'm 100K ahead since I got the Raxa. Basically the Raxa paid for my meds. I'm going to try again today (or whenever I have free time). I have over 200+ Kindred Seals and eventually I'll get the good drops (I got Damascene Cloth & Damascus Ingot both in 1 BCNM once).

      I have screenshots if nobody believes me.
      Character: Faluzure
      Server: Quetzalcoatl
      Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
      Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
      Black Mage Profile
      Red Mage Profile
      Summoner Profile


      • #4
        Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

        Lying for e-peen cred is generally a KI issue. I don't think anyone here would call b.s. unless it was really obvious you were lying. =P

        Grats btw.


        Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


        • #5
          Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

          Grats, got a few questions though:

          Did you use anyother meds other than the ones I used? Also which Avatar did you use? For me it was a question of Titans slightly higher HP and VIT vs Ramuh's ablility to Stun. (since both 70 BPs are blunt type attacks)

          Next time I go (when I get the free time myself) I might throw on my Zenith Slacks instead of the Evk Spats+1 for the extra MP.
          Last edited by Gobo; 02-02-2006, 10:18 AM.

          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


          • #6
            Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

            Originally posted by Gobo
            Did you use anyother meds other than the ones I used? Also which Avatar did you use? For me it was a question of Titans slightly higher HP and VIT vs Ramuh's ablility to Stun. (since both 70 BPs are blunt type attacks)

            Next time I go (when I get the free time myself) I might throw on my Zenith Slacks instead of the Evk Spats+1 for the extra MP.
            This is what you used:
            10 Yagudo Drinks
            1 Pro-ether
            1 Vile-elixer
            Reraise Hairpin

            This is what I used:
            2 Marron Glace (1 extra just in case I died).
            4 Yagudo Drinks
            1 Persikos Au Lait (Used after 1st BP. It has a 10 minute timer)
            1 X-Potion (Just in case I get hurt badly; never used though)
            1 Super-Ether
            36 Muslums (3 Stacks)
            Reraise Hairpin

            Here's why I did what I did. First of all, I have a couple high level jobs, so I'm really pushing it for inventory space. When buying my meds/drinks, I had to take inventory space into consideration (especially after I pop the chest). It would suck to lose a Damascus Ingot because I had no inventory space.

            A Marron Glace gives you one of the highest +MPs in the game. It's no wonder why some SMNs use this to boost their MP pool.

            The fight itself shouldn't last longer than 12 minutes tops. Yagudo Drinks are 2 MP/tick for 3 minutes. So 4 x 3 minutes = 12 minutes. When I killed the pot, my last Yagudo Drink was still activated. With that into consideration, Persikos Au Lait lasts 10 minutes. If I happened to get whacked, I couldn't waste MP on healing myself. This is where the Persikos comes in. A constant 4 HP per tick for 10 minutes is pretty good regen. I had 1 X-Potion just in case I got hurt bad, but it never came down to that.

            I didn't use a Vile Elixir because I couldn't remember if you get a medicated state after using it or not. I'm not too keen on medicines by being a caster (compared to a melee job), so all I remembered was medicated state = no more meds. I avoided these.

            I screwed up on buying the Super Ether. It's only 100 MP but takes 14 seconds to use. Bad bad. 14 seconds is a lot of activation time. So I'm gaining nothing by using this. I should've went your Pro Ether w/ a 5 second activation for 250 MP.

            The Muslums. I've been using these since I was a level 60 SMN. Why? They are 30K a stack on my server. 1 Muslum = 10 MP. It has no cooldown so you can spam these. So it's a quick way to get 120 MP over about 10 seconds.

            Pre-Battle Explanation: I read your post on using Ramuh and I just missed Lightning Day. I figured you used Ramuh for his stun effect on Chaos Strike and the benefit of Thunder over Water. However, I didn't really feel comfortable with your choice over Ramuh because he does low damage compared to the other Avatars. Pots are Red Mages w/ high resistance against magic & are extremely weak to physical attacks. I don't think Ramuh's Chaotic Strike has any element attached to it (like Ifrit's Flame Crush) but because of that, Ramuh would only give me Stun (which may or may not be beneficial) w/ low damage output.

            Damage of Avatars (from highest to loweset) is the following when using level 70 BPs: Garuda, Leviathan, Titan, Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva. Garuda WILL do the most damage if she connects all her hits. I decided to go for a tried & true method vs pots (which I've used during Romaeve Water farming trips in Sky). Titan or Garuda.

            These two decimate pots like no other. I ruled Titan out because of two reasons. Vs Thunder Pot he will take no damage, but that pot has access to Stun & Shock Spikes. No thanks. I ruled out a Stone Pot because that gives the pot access to Stoneskin. No thx to damage reduction. For Garuda, I could either fight a Stone Pot or a Air Pot. I choose the latter because I'd rather deal with Blink than I would Stoneskin.

            The Battle: I used Titan's Earthen Ward & Garuda's Aerial Armor instead of standard Blink/Stoneskin because their durations are twice as long. I needed to save my MP as much as possible. As for equipment, I equipped the Austere Robe & Austere Hat first. Even though I'm taking a hit on my initial MP by not using my Dalmatica/Zenith Crown, I need to access my BPs as soon as possible. As I said earlier, I have no AF2 or AF+1, or Yinyang Robe.

            You mentioned using the Zenith Slacks over your Evoker's Spats+1 in order to enhance mana. I would do this at the start but after the first BP, you won't ever see that amount of mana for the duration of the fight. So after the first BP, I would swap back to your Evoker's Spats+1 to ensure that Garuda nails every swing from her Predator Claws.

            I walked up right next to the Air Pot (so that I may use my BP right away) and popped a Yagudo Drink. I summoned Garuda and the first thing I did was hit it with a Predator Claws. Boom, every hit connected for about 1080 damage (I have no Merits in SMN at all). The other Pots disappeared. I ran away just far enough so I could see them fight. As I waited for my BP to come back, I would just spam my Muslums to keep up with Garuda's perpetuation. When my BP was ready, I unleashed another Predator Claws. Same damage, 1080.

            I kept this up and I continuously used my Muslums and Yagudos as it went away. When I got down to about 400 MP, I used my Super Ether. One thing to note is that I left Garuda out everytime until she died. This may or may have not been a good idea due to her high perpetuation. I notice you said you used Carbuncle to get mana back. Towards the end, I used one more BP and then swapped to Carbuncle because I my Muslum and Yagudo were my only way to get MP back. This is when I equipped my Dalmatica for that extra refresh. I knew if I didn't get at least 180 MP, I would be finished. I then used Astral Flow and summoned Carbuncle.

            The pot chased me a few times because Carbuncle couldn't hit it to gain hate. I remember having to do the "Carbie tank method" 3 times so I could get enough MP for 1 more BP. Everytime the pot swung at me & connected, I recasted Blink & Stoneskin. When I hit 190 MP, I let Carb die and resummoned Garuda. The pot hit me a few times but Stoneskin & my regeneration soaked up the damage. I did one more BP for 888 (one of Garuda's 'claws' missed) and it fell.

            The battle itself isn't that hard. If you have solo'd anything before (particularly bombs in Ifrit's Cauldron or Ulegrand Range), you'll know the ins & outs of soloing as SMN. Basically that principle applies here. Summoner your avatar, assault the mob, do a BP if you can, and run as far away as possible so that when your avatar does die, you can resummon again and your avatar will engage before the mob will ever hit you.

            You may probably think that I could have dismissed Garuda more and use Carbuncle to tank & regain MP, but you have to remember that these pots use spells. Carbuncle will take full damage from the pot's Aero/Aeroga/Tornado spells whereas Garuda will take reduced damage & last longer. So you have to decide which is more important, avatar durability or MP perpetuation? I think you avatar durability is more important because you can always regain MP through meds. However, you can't do anything to "up" Carbuncle's durability against the pot. So next time around, I'm just going to bring a few more meds because I missed about 3 possible BPs I could've done by not having enough MP.

            I hope this helps and good luck to you if you try it again. I'm going to try one more time so that I can get a Damascus Ingot. Below are a few screenshots of my battle.

            Last edited by Faluzure; 02-02-2006, 11:17 AM.
            Character: Faluzure
            Server: Quetzalcoatl
            Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
            Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
            Black Mage Profile
            Red Mage Profile
            Summoner Profile


            • #7
              Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

              Wow thats really helpful. I didnt even think to use a Au lait to restore HP

              Also Vile Elixer doesnt give Medicated effect, but Pro-ether does. However forsome reason you can still pop meds while under the Pro-ethers effect.

              I'm gonna try again soon, I just need to get some exp back that Kirin (Searing Light 2 pops in a row) and Dynamis have taken away.

              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


              • #8
                Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                Spinning Dive is also physical and simply destroys pots.
                *buzz* wrong answer!

                While Spinning Dive is a physical BP, its a peircing-type of attack. Pots (and dolls and bones) take a 1.5x damage modifier to a blunt-type attack. For that, you need Mountain Buster or Flaming Crush. (Same reason MNK pts rule in KRT).I'm nor sure if Chaotic Strike is blunt or Slashing. Predator Claws is a slashing-type attack, which doesnt get the damage modifier, but doesnt suffer from a damage reduction like piercing.
                Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                >> Alauna : yeah...


                • #9
                  Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                  Just an update. I did it again today and won. I used even less meds than before and took only 1 hit (which Stoneskin absorbed). I didn't even use Carbie either. Too bad no ingot or cloth though. Just Raxa again. I'm going to try one more time either today or tomorrow.
                  Character: Faluzure
                  Server: Quetzalcoatl
                  Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                  Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                  Black Mage Profile
                  Red Mage Profile
                  Summoner Profile


                  • #10
                    Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                    Think a SMN70 & a RDM70 could go in and duo this KSNM? I have a SMN friend who I plan to duo with here soon, see if we can get some good EXP, but this might be helpful. Would Refresh, and possibley a RDM's nukes help in this fight? Or help kite it while he's getting MP back, or even Haste? Sounds like this would be a fun challenge for the two of us. What do you guys think?
                    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                    RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                    Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                    SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                    • #11
                      Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                      Originally posted by tdh
                      Think a SMN70 & a RDM70 could go in and duo this KSNM? I have a SMN friend who I plan to duo with here soon, see if we can get some good EXP, but this might be helpful. Would Refresh, and possibley a RDM's nukes help in this fight? Or help kite it while he's getting MP back, or even Haste? Sounds like this would be a fun challenge for the two of us. What do you guys think?
                      I think a SMN 70 wouldn't really have a problem with this. However, note that this is a BCNM, not an ENM. So if you do this and win (you get no XP) and if you die (you lose XP).

                      You could give the SMN refresh and give him/her 1 more MP per tick than Yagudo Drinks, but I would avoid casting spells at the beginning. The whole point of this BCNM w/ SMN is let the Avatar have all the hate. So the initial first 5 Bloodpacts that the SMN uses must be the SMN alone. I think when you get towards like 30% HP, you can start adding to the battle.

                      As for kiting, you could probably do that as well, but a SMN alone is capable of all of that.

                      Those are just my thoughts, but I don't see why you couldn't come. You could probably hold medicines for the SMN if he/she has no room. You can even bring your own orb so that you get 2 shots at a Damascus Ingot.
                      Character: Faluzure
                      Server: Quetzalcoatl
                      Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                      Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                      Black Mage Profile
                      Red Mage Profile
                      Summoner Profile


                      • #12
                        Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                        Originally posted by Faluzure
                        I think a SMN 70 wouldn't really have a problem with this. However, note that this is a BCNM, not an ENM. So if you do this and win (you get no XP) and if you die (you lose XP).

                        You could give the SMN refresh and give him/her 1 more MP per tick, but I would avoid casting spells. The whole point of this BCNM w/ SMN is let the Avatar have all the hate. So the initial first 5 Bloodpacts that the SMN uses must be the SMN alone. I think when you get towards like 30% HP, you can start adding to the battle.

                        As for kiting, you could probably do that as well, but a SMN alone is capable of all of that.

                        Those are just my thoughts, but I don't see why you couldn't come. You could probably hold medicines for the SMN if he/she has no room. You can even bring your own orb so that you get 2 shots at a Damascus Ingot.
                        That's what I needed to know Faluzure, if I'd be helpful at all. Wouldn't wanna just ride on Carbuncle's back for a chance at making gil.

                        Then again our LS can do Copy Cat with no problem. Our last run, each fight dropped 4mil+ gil in items, so maybe that's more profitable. But this might be fun to do.
                        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                        • #13
                          Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                          Originally posted by tdh
                          That's what I needed to know Faluzure, if I'd be helpful at all. Wouldn't wanna just ride on Carbuncle's back for a chance at making gil.

                          Then again our LS can do Copy Cat with no problem. Our last run, each fight dropped 4mil+ gil in items, so maybe that's more profitable. But this might be fun to do.
                          Well if anything, you are supplying an Orb. So that entitles you to at least some money.
                          Character: Faluzure
                          Server: Quetzalcoatl
                          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                          Black Mage Profile
                          Red Mage Profile
                          Summoner Profile


                          • #14
                            Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                            Yay. Beat it eariler today. 2.9 stacks of Mulsum (ah was out so LS member made 3 stacks but broke one), 1 Marron G, 6 yag drinks, RR hairpin, Perkis AuLait, Pro Ether and Vile-Elixer+1 just incase (no NQs). I'm really glad I had the extra stuff because 2 min into it right as second Garuda was using Predetor Claws, Air Pot Chainspelled and fired Aeroga III, instantly killing me. Had plenty of meds left over to keep going (only used one stack of Mulsum). Average Predator Claws was ~1200 (gogo AF2 boots) except the last which only did 776. Only Raxa (200k) and a Phil. Stone (170k) but I will cover medicine. Thank you Fal for the helpful tips. Gonna try again when i get the seals.


                            PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                            • #15
                              Re: KS30 &quot;E-vase-ive Action&quot; Solo

                              NP man. I'm glad you won! Now I hope we start getting some decent drops
                              Character: Faluzure
                              Server: Quetzalcoatl
                              Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                              Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                              Black Mage Profile
                              Red Mage Profile
                              Summoner Profile

