Re: Sub for WHM
I'd say less than 5% of my XP parties have had a bard (outside of my days levelling Bard myself, that is), so /BRD is a pretty good catch-all sub at 50+. Generally speaking, almost all decent parties in the 50+ range have a red mage as main source of MP regeneration, and the increase in party potency when you leave Ballad I on your RDM is *very* significant, not to mention the extra MP you're giving any BLM, PLD, or DRK in the party. You can also give melees some extra accuracy with Madrigal, which is more than any other sub can do for you (well, you could sub /RDM for Gravity, but it won't land often).
Yes, and this is why a lot of people use /BLM or /SMN, since they aren't dependent on the party configuration. /BRD is really bad when there's a main job bard, but it really shines when there isn't - but 19 times out of 20, there isn't. You should absolutely have either /SMN or /BLM levelled for those occasions when you DO have a main job Bard around though, even if you plan on using /BRD most of the time.
Having levelled both jobs, I can tell you that I unequivocally spend way more MP on RDM than WHM - if I had to guess at it, it's probably close to 50-75% more MP per 10 minutes. I go through my complete Convert cycle MP religiously every 10 minutes, which adds up to about 1300MP spent per 10 minutes on RDM. I didn't spend anywhere near that on WHM, at any level.
True, and that emphasizes the point about Auto-Refresh being not so cool at higher levels, since it pales in comparison to the MP you're using. It's better than nothing, but 1MP for you per 3 seconds from Auto-Refresh isn't nearly as good as 1MP each for you, the PLD, the DRK, the BLM, and the RDM every 3 seconds from Mage's Ballad, or saving ~1/3 of the cost of a spell like Cure V or Regen III.
Originally posted by Karinya
Originally posted by Karinya
Originally posted by Karinya
Originally posted by Karinya