Well, as you all know, post 70-75 everyone has a nice long waiting period for a party sometime. So I found that instead of running circles in jeuno, soloing Sprinklers is a great way to gain EXP while seeking. At level 70-73 most of these con Tough. Simply sic titan on um, use mountain buster and run away, resummon rinse and repeat. These dont have a lot of HP and mountain buster kills them usually the third or forth run. Only real danger is if they start casting an AGA3. Also using the new Empress/Chariot Ring, you get 50 or 75% more EXP on these for a bit. I can usually solo 2-3k an hour off these. The Crow gear also helps, i use relic hands, AF1 pants, so i get accuracy bonus and then the rest is crow for the emnity -, this way a pet can get hate easier and keep it if you need to cure.
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End Game soloing