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Avatar and Fenrir fights...

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  • Avatar and Fenrir fights...

    I was wondering what would be the lowest requirement would be for a level 1 summoner / 30 Whm and friends (high levels) would take to beat all the avatars and fenrir.

    my first friend being able to help me would be a 75 RDM if he could help me by himself or...
    -There is nothing their to believe nor is their a need to believe -Vicious

  • #2
    Looking down a few threads on the Summoner forum = your friend.

    For all the avatars, you're better off have a 60+ party. For avatars like Shinra and whatnot, it's always better to have 65+. For Fenrir, 72+ with a good strategy.
    Windurst: Rank 5

    RNG 60 | WAR 49 | NIN 29 | THF 21 | MNK 17 | RDM 14 | BRD 9 | BLM 6 | SMN 4 | DRG 6 | DRK 3 | WHM 3 | SAM 4 | BST 2 | PLD 1


    • #3
      Fenrir strat is usually, if you're lucky the tank(s) doesn't die at 2hr.

      This is besides specialize pts.

      You can do it with a lvl 70pt it's not really that big of a difference.

      For all other avatars 2-3 lvl 75s will breeze through. It's usually harder/longer to get there then fight avatars.


      • #4
        cant RDMs solo them by themselves? thats what i've heard i dont know if its true or not but there pretty nice soloers
        -There is nothing their to believe nor is their a need to believe -Vicious


        • #5
          Yes, but's it's very slow and annoying. Dragging someone along usually isn't the hardest, or just shouting for extra bodies.


          • #6
            Takes about 10-20 mins for a RDM to solo one. Much quicker than trying to get a group together. Leviathan and Garuda take longer than the others because they can heal themselves. Those are the only ones that could possibly take longer than 15 mins.

            I personally soloed Ifrit and Titan as a 74 RDM/ 37 NIN. I duoed Garuda with another RDM. Leviathan, I basically soloed, but a friend came along as 50 WHM and hasted me and threw me a couple of heals.

            They were all pretty easy though, and I know I could solo all of them.

            Fenrir, best bet is just go with 4 summoners 70+ as they can beat him on their own.
            FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
            FFXI: Shiva Server


            • #7
              For Fen, if you choose to go before you're level 70+, there are only a couple of ways you can get away with this.

              1) Be a WHM with at least raise2

              2) Be a RDM with a decent pool of MP

              3) Pay 5 level 70+ SMNs to fight him for you. The going rate on Ramuh is 100k per SMN, and I'd imagine the going rate is similar on other servers. This is a guaranteed win.

              If you choose to go with a normal PT, absolutely the only way they can POSSIBLY afford a member who isn't 70+ is if it's one of those two jobs. RDM because, frankly, high level RDM can't really stick enfeebles on Fen that actually last, so a lower level one wouldn't really hurt the team that badly. WHM because, well, there's a high chance of death and having a raise2 would definately be a benefit.

              As for previous comments that were made about people dying during Fen's 2hour... Just a tip, if you go with a normal (not 4-5 SMN) PT, pull Fen a good distance from where he lives normally. Be sure somebody who has raise also has reraise up right before he uses his 2hr. Since Fen SPAMS dispel during the battle, don't count on reraise that's cast at the beginning to last for the rest of the battle. I suggest that everyone who has raise bring either a reraise potion, a reraise scroll, or a reraise torque and be prepared to use it when it's clear that the 2hr is upon you. If you have a BRD, have them use hynmus. With a little luck, at least one person will be able to raise the party. Then you can rest up and try him again, but this time he doesn't have a 2hr and will be much easier to defeat.
              召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
              San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


              • #8
                Nope, I wouldn't take a redmage in unless (s)he has stun. That means 74rdm/37drk.

                A whm I could let in underlevel because there is limited purpose of a whm.

                Stun is probably your best weapon againist fenrir in a straight normal pt fight. Fenrir normal hits isn't nearily as deadly as his bp hits, which is where stun comes in to give you time to recover.

                Heck with 2 stuners you can avoid dispelga on a straight kite. Dispel ga has a short range and will get out of range, if your tank is constantly on the move.

                Lvl 75s usually don't die to 2hr, only the one who is tanking, because of the follow up, or being in yellow before the 2hr. It's just that without intermediate tanking, you're screwed. One tactic sometimes used is a sacrifical DD like a Ranger who takes hate near 2hr point. Once your ranger dies, you (shadow)bind, chain stun, raise, shadowbind more healing, And face fenrir renew.


                • #9
                  is it possible to face fenrir with a party of 5 and a 6th person as a leecher. Have the 5 people fight fenrir with the whm leecher sitting in back getting no agro, have the party die to 2hr and have the whm res them all and never die by fenrir or 2hr cause he was never in combat?
                  -There is nothing their to believe nor is their a need to believe -Vicious


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kifka
                    is it possible to face fenrir with a party of 5 and a 6th person as a leecher. Have the 5 people fight fenrir with the whm leecher sitting in back getting no agro, have the party die to 2hr and have the whm res them all and never die by fenrir or 2hr cause he was never in combat?
                    This has already been answered
                    - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
                    Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
                    My Profile On Lodestone

