I got bored on my self debate on if the V.cloak is worth it or not.
So in my infinite boredom I've crunched the following numbers very roughly on a bar napkin so please excuse any rounding errors and generalizations within a tolerance of 1 decimal place.
v.cloak available at lv 59
exp require to get to lv 75 from lv 59 ~ 475,000. Rounded to 500,000 just to factor in deaths and some buffer exp at lv 75.
I forget the exact numbers but I'm sure it's posted somewhere.
at a very average pt set up exp/hr estimated to be 4k/hr just to be on the slow side. (faster exp/hr actually hurts the v.cloak buying power potential)
so 500,000/ 4,000 -> 125 hours of fighting time in exp party.
2 kazham pineapples and water crystals makes 1 pineapple juice which gives the same 1mp/3 sec w/o too much inventory space.
Costs me about 220 gil to make and lasts 4 minutes.
If I drank pineapple juice for the entireity of my lving time, it would take: 125hr x 60 min / 4 min/juice = 1875 bottles
@ 220 gil per bottle, that gives me roughly a bill of 412,500 gil.
Vermillion cloak will cost me 5,700,000
drinking juice non stop for every minute of exp partying will cost me 412,500
Net savings of 5,287,500 gil. for almost the same effect as a v.cloak.
Of course you say: but juice doesn't stack with rdm yet the cloak will.
In these cases, yes, a rdm + cloak > juice
However, I must qualify that since I was lv 39, within range of a rdm with refresh pt standard, I have had exactly 2 rdm's in my parties and now I'm lv 55. So basically for 16 levels, I have not been able to convince many a rdm to join my pt or had a pt with a rdm in it.
Most of the time I'm either the only mage (probably why I got the exp pt invite in the first place maybe >.>?) or at best a blm and surprisingly enough, about 4 pt's where there was already a whm.
I'm pretty much ticked off when I did the math of this. For the rare occassions when I can actually manage to find a rdm to pt with, sure the cloak is nice. But for me, 7/8 of the time, I'll be my own MP battery and a v.cloak is just as good as chugging juices nonstop for hours on end. Inventory takes a hit but how much inventory can you buy for an extra 5.2 million gil savings?
All the gobbie bags together won't cost that much.
Of course I can always get the cloak and chug juice but if I had 6.1 million gil to throw around, I might as well buy a scorp harness or just go craft with that money. 5.2 million will get you pretty far in pretty much any craft save goldsmithing. But still pretty far even then.
So in my infinite boredom I've crunched the following numbers very roughly on a bar napkin so please excuse any rounding errors and generalizations within a tolerance of 1 decimal place.
v.cloak available at lv 59
exp require to get to lv 75 from lv 59 ~ 475,000. Rounded to 500,000 just to factor in deaths and some buffer exp at lv 75.
I forget the exact numbers but I'm sure it's posted somewhere.
at a very average pt set up exp/hr estimated to be 4k/hr just to be on the slow side. (faster exp/hr actually hurts the v.cloak buying power potential)
so 500,000/ 4,000 -> 125 hours of fighting time in exp party.
2 kazham pineapples and water crystals makes 1 pineapple juice which gives the same 1mp/3 sec w/o too much inventory space.
Costs me about 220 gil to make and lasts 4 minutes.
If I drank pineapple juice for the entireity of my lving time, it would take: 125hr x 60 min / 4 min/juice = 1875 bottles
@ 220 gil per bottle, that gives me roughly a bill of 412,500 gil.
Vermillion cloak will cost me 5,700,000
drinking juice non stop for every minute of exp partying will cost me 412,500
Net savings of 5,287,500 gil. for almost the same effect as a v.cloak.
Of course you say: but juice doesn't stack with rdm yet the cloak will.
In these cases, yes, a rdm + cloak > juice
However, I must qualify that since I was lv 39, within range of a rdm with refresh pt standard, I have had exactly 2 rdm's in my parties and now I'm lv 55. So basically for 16 levels, I have not been able to convince many a rdm to join my pt or had a pt with a rdm in it.
Most of the time I'm either the only mage (probably why I got the exp pt invite in the first place maybe >.>?) or at best a blm and surprisingly enough, about 4 pt's where there was already a whm.
I'm pretty much ticked off when I did the math of this. For the rare occassions when I can actually manage to find a rdm to pt with, sure the cloak is nice. But for me, 7/8 of the time, I'll be my own MP battery and a v.cloak is just as good as chugging juices nonstop for hours on end. Inventory takes a hit but how much inventory can you buy for an extra 5.2 million gil savings?
All the gobbie bags together won't cost that much.
Of course I can always get the cloak and chug juice but if I had 6.1 million gil to throw around, I might as well buy a scorp harness or just go craft with that money. 5.2 million will get you pretty far in pretty much any craft save goldsmithing. But still pretty far even then.