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Phoenix as an Avatar .....overpowered

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  • Phoenix as an Avatar .....overpowered

    Phoenix BC,

    There is no protocrystal for phoenix since she is a terrestrial avatar,
    The BC will take place at the Cradle of Rebirth or perhaps a similar location in Tenzens hoemland since it exists there.

    Phoenix, Non-elemental or Fire/Light element.

    Dive : Phoenix normal attack is a Diving attack that ignores armor

    Buffet Double attack on a single foe

    Spin Wing Spinning attack to a single target does fire/stun damage

    Raise 2 towards a single PT member

    Re-raise as the WHM spell for the entire PT

    Rebirth Flame Phoenix explodes in a nova of fire and light damage and is reborn

    Curaga2 as the WHM spell

    2 hr ability Nova Burst
    Phoenix explodes for large radius AOE damage and is reborn
    at full life .

    help me out here Im sleepy and reaching and hoping to one day be insanely frustrated with the Phoenix BC that doesnt exist , as of yet.

    Add your thoughts or abilities.
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  • #2
    I think the highest skill should just remain at mass re-raise , any further will be too much overpowered. But i agree with the rest of the skill thou , but...honestly do u think tat 2hr is fair??
    Nick - Hikarukaze | Nation- Windurst | Server-Seraph | Jobs - Whm38 | Blm36 | Smn70 | Rng16 |
    Genkai1 1/1
    Genkai2 1/1
    Genkai3 1/2
    Genkai4 1/1
    Genkai5 1/3(All Genkai cleared)
    Carbuncle ¡º£


    • #3
      Mmmmm, dual-elemental avatars.

      Fusion, Phoenix fits like a glove..

      Gravitation, Atomos or Cerberus match.

      Distortion, the only one I can think of is character specific, Rydia's mother's Mist Dragon. Well... there's Bismark, but ICK.

      Fragmentation, Quetzacoatl could work.


      • #4
        I like tat mist dragon suggestion
        Nick - Hikarukaze | Nation- Windurst | Server-Seraph | Jobs - Whm38 | Blm36 | Smn70 | Rng16 |
        Genkai1 1/1
        Genkai2 1/1
        Genkai3 1/2
        Genkai4 1/1
        Genkai5 1/3(All Genkai cleared)
        Carbuncle ¡º£


        • #5
          GIMMIE THAT AVATAR lol

          Yea sounds really cool although the entire pt Re-Raise is gonna make quite alot of ppl jealous of SMN

          Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
          Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


          • #6
            Originally posted by kzhijian
            I think the highest skill should just remain at mass re-raise , any further will be too much overpowered. But i agree with the rest of the skill thou , but...honestly do u think tat 2hr is fair??
            Yah, after all, when Astral Flow is over, and you just used an Astral Flow attack, you have no MP to sustain an avatar for very long anyways.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kzhijian
              I think the highest skill should just remain at mass re-raise , any further will be too much overpowered. But i agree with the rest of the skill thou , but...honestly do u think tat 2hr is fair??

              Its 2hr is completely unfair , But remember monsters in this game cheat.

              BUt after you get auto refresh the avatar will be around for it to survive its rebirth. Also keeping with the Phoenix of lore, it would be born from fire. So the damage and things would probably be what would happen in a BC situation where a BRD is 100000% useful. light Carol + barfira.

              Front line tanks would suffer 100% .

              If a summoner PT was to attack Phoenix it would most likely be Levithan Fenrir for the attackers.
              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


              • #8
                SPOILER ALERT
                Phoenix returns to the mothercrystal after you defeat Ultima Weapon. Phoenix is gone, forever. Sacrificed to save Vana. Sorry.


                • #9
                  pffft and fenrir's brain belongs to the body of a dead tarutaru and came back from the dead and you gotta get hold of some really annoying to get sheet music. While in the quest mode you gotta get all the whispers. Not related at all. Fenrir is supposed to have gone away but hey, I see dudes outside of jeuno casting away.

                  Who says there has to be just one story line?

                  Joker is like all over the missions and quests and he's completely different almost in the different scenarios.

                  There can definately be a phenoix avatar as a side storyline. They'll just make you go get more annyoningly hard to get sheet music from gob knows where and write a song or something to bring phenoix from whever he's hiding. As an NPC told me once, sometimes they get amnesia you know. Did I say he died? I mean he's like right there man. Wait, have I met you before?
                  75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sudo
                    There can definately be a phenoix avatar as a side storyline. They'll just make you go get more annyoningly hard to get sheet music from gob knows where and write a song or something to bring phenoix from whever he's hiding. As an NPC told me once, sometimes they get amnesia you know. Did I say he died? I mean he's like right there man. Wait, have I met you before?
                    haha I agree, joker even turns up in the summoner flag quest depending on your fame level in windurst.

                    You either get Ajido or Joker.
                    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                    • #11
                      Maybe the 2hr could be Phoenix burn chaoticly in this fiersome inferno causing Extreme light/fire dmg to anything around (including party members and ofcourse Phoenix herself which should most likely wipe out the entire PT) and then give Raise III (or IV with 100% exp back) to all members.

                      In other words if you dont kill the enemy with this attack you will be in big trouble.

                      I would like that because it would be so dead sexy to see everything die in this whirlwind of fire leeching life from everything no matter side like water drains in a desert.

                      It would surely raise some eyebrowns aswell when they go "WTH was that right now?" o.O


                      • #12
                        well what about it raising party memebers cause thats what the avatar did in most of the other FF's rather then havingt it as a blood pact
                        People look at the world and think why, i look at the world and think why not.


                        • #13
                          Phoenix did that special ability in FF8 doing fire damage and raising all party members. That is not overpowering.

                          All I got to say is Summoner is supposed to be most powerful in my opinion any way besides Black Mage.
                          Country: Bastok
                          Rank: 10
                          Server: Midgardsormr
                          Avatars: Diabolos, Fenrir, Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Carbuncle
                          Elementals: Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Earth, Thunder, Light


                          • #14
                            I'd rather have Diablos myself...but Phoenix works too
                            All spells obtained!
                            Homam Gear: 2/5


                            • #15
                              Phoenix not overpowered

                              Personall party reraise is not overpowerful. Plus if SE makes Bahamut, Diablos and Phoenix as summons that only lvl 60+ summoners can cast it will keep everyone from running around with them. Personally I think no pre-60 summoner should be running around with them.

                              And like Fenrir only 70+ party can obtain or fight new smns. Any job can go and fight for them but need to be 60+ summoner to obtain smn from NPC. That would make most sense and keep other ppl getting piss seeing summoners lvl 1 with bahamut.
                              Country: Bastok
                              Rank: 10
                              Server: Midgardsormr
                              Avatars: Diabolos, Fenrir, Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Carbuncle
                              Elementals: Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Earth, Thunder, Light

