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who is going to cap their smn skill?

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  • who is going to cap their smn skill?

    After so much debate in smn skill lv's affecting avatars (not counting spirit cast time/random magic use time) I am just curious what ppl believe to be true?

    Some smn on my server swears that their avatars do more damage and have higher acc with more skill. Others claim it does nothing. I've personally got too many fishing lv's to gain to care much about smn skill so I only raise it when I'm lfg or there's down time in the pt since one dude went to the bathroom.

    What are your takes on this thing. Will you raise your skill via hundreds of hrs of work? or will you just let it be and do whatever else with your time?:angel:
    75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk

  • #2
    To me the higher level of SMN skill the less delay, more damage a avatar does, and less casting interuptions. Thats so far for me how i look on it. Even though my SMN is only 23 <sigh>.

    Nothing is Impossible for a Taru


    • #3
      At lvl 20 right before the avatar fight I raised my SMN skil like 20 levels to make sure I was tip for fight but to be honest I didnt notice any difference at all and I still dont.

      I dont bother about it anymore at all really.


      • #4
        avatar seems to do more damage when i'm soloing EP while waiting for pts.


        • #5
          yeah... it seem to deal significant increase of damage..... i guess
          Nick - Hikarukaze | Nation- Windurst | Server-Seraph | Jobs - Whm38 | Blm36 | Smn70 | Rng16 |
          Genkai1 1/1
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          Genkai3 1/2
          Genkai4 1/1
          Genkai5 1/3(All Genkai cleared)
          Carbuncle ¡º£


          • #6
            it's capped.

            I am still disappointed...



            • #7
              Sure! I enjoy timesinks with unknown results.
              Profile: Summoner
              Linkshell: CheckMate
              Cooking: 58
              Clothcraft: 34
              Bonecraft: 8

