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New Leepe-Hoppe quest: Tuning in. What is it? (STORY SPOILERS)

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  • New Leepe-Hoppe quest: Tuning in. What is it? (STORY SPOILERS)

    I knew that my WHM wasn't nearly high enough to take on Fenrir yet, but I was bored yesterday so I talked to Leepe-Hoppe yesterday just to see if he would say anything to me. What I got was a really cool cutscene involving a Mithra DRK appearing and terrorizing poor little Leepe-Hoppe, demanding that he tell his secrets. She wanted to know how she could shatter the giant protocrystals. Leepe-Hoppe told her that it was inpossible to harm the crystals from the outside and the only possiblity might be that she'd have to talk to the avatars themselves, but only certain Tarus (the avatar quest-givers, I assume) know how to do that. Near the end of the confrontation, Leepe-Hoppe asks for a list of items (can't remember off the top of my head) so that he can make a NEW TUNING FORK!

    Anyone here care to speculate? Or has anyone actually completed the quest and can tell me how to get this items and what the reward is? I seriously doubt if this is a new, low-level way of getting Fenrir. Maybe it is, or maybe it has something to do with a whole new super-powerful avatar, like Bahamut? I have no idea, but it's interesting.

    sig created by the uber-wonderful Iyaeka of KI

    Current Job Levels:
    SMN 75 | WHM 50 | BLM 35 | RDM 20 | DRG 25 | WAR 20

  • #2
    It is not a method of getting Fenrir.
    Fenrir is re-energized by the whispers you bring to FMF, so destroying the protos would be pretty counterproductive.
    The items he wants are a majicked ingot, spruce lumber, and fine file or something.

    The items are crafted via the key items I'm guessing, and I haven't seen any of it on the AH as of yet.


    • #3
      Don't get your hopes up.

      All of the items are Rare/Ex drops from mobs in the new areas.

      The Steel comes from Moblins in Moval
      The File drops from Fomors in Lusafe Meadows(sp?)
      The Lumber supposedly comes from Aquaducts from Stegotaurs

      Reward is 4,000gil

      The Steel drops like candy. Me and a friend got 6 in maybe an hour of exploring.

      Info from


      Although they could be lying. Allakhazam isn't very exact on their information.


      • #4
        Oh, I knew right away that it had nothing to do with getting Fenrir. I know how the Moonlit Path quest works. I was just intrigued by the mentioning of a new, more powerful tuning fork. So, all you get is 4,000 gil for doing this quest? Hmm, kinda disappointing.

        sig created by the uber-wonderful Iyaeka of KI

        Current Job Levels:
        SMN 75 | WHM 50 | BLM 35 | RDM 20 | DRG 25 | WAR 20


        • #5
          well...there is a quest after it, its in FFXI Tool its called Tuning out. the person you give the fork to has gone missing so you have to go find the person. it ssaid something about a ledgiondary Protocrystal in teh idea what or where that is. ; ;
          Sephiroth The Great

          SMN 75, BLM 54, WHM 37, RDM 24, THF 9 DRK 9,RNG 6,WAR 21, MNK 4,BST 16 NIN 6, SAM 41 DRG 9, PLD 5, BLU 20, BRD 6, .....ect. Austere set: Hat Body Gloves Pants (Penance) Boots, Staves: all HQ. Evoker's Pigaches+1, Astral Staff, Sacrifice Torque.


          • #6
            The quests dead-end at the moment and (unless you have high cooking and access to the drops) cost more to finish than what you get out of it.


            • #7
              Ok, so whats the "High cooking skill," for?
              Sephiroth The Great

              SMN 75, BLM 54, WHM 37, RDM 24, THF 9 DRK 9,RNG 6,WAR 21, MNK 4,BST 16 NIN 6, SAM 41 DRG 9, PLD 5, BLU 20, BRD 6, .....ect. Austere set: Hat Body Gloves Pants (Penance) Boots, Staves: all HQ. Evoker's Pigaches+1, Astral Staff, Sacrifice Torque.


              • #8
                This new quest will most likely deal with a new avatar in the future sometime when decide to add it. It has nothing to do with Fenrir. I got him from NPC way before this new quest that just came out.
                Country: Bastok
                Rank: 10
                Server: Midgardsormr
                Avatars: Diabolos, Fenrir, Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Carbuncle
                Elementals: Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Earth, Thunder, Light

