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Thoughts on the puppy dog

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  • Thoughts on the puppy dog

    Well, I'm getting close. Level 66BLM, only need shivas wisper, and that'll most likely be tonight. So...I'm looking to start working on getting the dog, Fenrir.

    Thoughts and opinions from people that have actually beat him would be appreciated. As I understand it, even as a BLM, my primary job in the battle will be to heal people, and the occasional nuke on a light renkei...

    Anyway, questions:

    1) Does a typical party work for the battle? WHM, PLD/NIN, RDM, BLM, damage, damage?

    2) Once I get the Moonlit Bobble key item, how soon, if at all, can I run back and start getting forks for the other avatars to fight them again?

    3) As I understand it, the general idea behind the dog is a full level 75 party going in and wearing him down. However, after talking to some people on my server that have done it, that's not necessarily true. They've taken as low as level 56ish SMN in the battle with little to no trouble. Anyone else had hands on with this at all? I'm going to make an attempt to get a 75NIN (you know who you are ^^) to tank the dog, a high level, maybe 69WHM to cure, possibly a 71 PLD for back up tank and a few good damage dealers along with myself, 66BLM (should be 67-68 at least by the time we go...gotta get that Black Cloak). thoughts?

    Please, I'm only looking for comments from people that have done this, not people who knew someone who knew someone that heard of this one guy that might have done it....

    Rank 8
    "Help a noob, feel better".

  • #2
    BLM is useless for most Fenrir fights, not because they can't damage him, but because they draw aggro and die in a hurry.
    He can one hit kill you with a normal hit, if you are a taru.


    • #3
      I heard rumors that if you fight him on Full Moon Magic will actually hit him. But at the time we fought him, our level 74 BLM at the time couldnt land a nuke for more then 50 damage (was some level 4 spell he tried a few of them). It was Waning at about 34% I think.

      CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


      • #4
        2 nin /nin tanks who know what they're doing and work good with each other are really good for this. The melee switch off when blink wears off (only hard moment can be when the dispel kicks in, but usually once person can do utsu:ni and get hate). Ninja friend swears brd is also key for this, they can do evade up for the tanks, and more importantly take out a lot of randomness from fenrir 2hr by using dark carol + brd 2hr at exactly the right time (get fenrir near the 2hr point, use 2hr brd dark carol, do something massive damage to get him to use 2hr, then done).

        With this, ppl in my LS have won like 4/4 fights all with different PT line ups (mainly swapping around almost any 2 mages, although 1 really needs to be a whm cuz u want raise2+), and I was a 59 rdm when I went with my friends (who were all 74+) (came in really handy while lvling smn thanks to them!)
        Still trying to play way too much...
        60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
        BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
        BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

        Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
        Alksomething - 0/8


        • #5
          blm can hit him well, you just wouldn't expect the element that hits him best is ice...


          • #6
            :confused: Ice spells are like the most powerful in the game. If I was a Black Mage the first spell i'd even think of trying to cast would be an ice spell.
            I am the forum God.


            • #7
              eh? considering he's dark (which is ice water stone and dark) you'd assume fire or thunder or something would hit best,


              • #8
                Originally posted by SlottyM
                eh? considering he's dark (which is ice water stone and dark) you'd assume fire or thunder or something would hit best,
                Every time I hear of the 5-6 SMN PT taking him on, they use Leviathan with Spinning Dive - maybe water then?
                Legacy of Cid Forums


                • #9
                  Spinning Dive is just the most powerful of all the summon attacks I belive. Thats why they use it.

                  CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


                  • #10
                    I fought him, did not win. But this is the main strategy you wont if you arent going with 4-5 smn's.

                    RDM - Gravity. Very important.
                    PLD (mayyyybe NIN) - Run in a huge circle, see why gravity is important?
                    WHM - Not only for curing if PLD is hit, but raise III when you die, and you will.
                    BLMx3 - Nuke the ass out of fenrir. Can use rng too i hear.

                    People say BLM's dont hurt him but we took two BLM's when we lost and got him to 50%hp. It's pretty evident what happened at 50% HP though lol.


                    • #11
                      dont' need marathon it
                      i beat it with
                      nin/war mnk/nin drk/nin rdm/whm whm/smn blm/whm
                      typical leveling up pt set up
                      the monk was gimped to only levle 22 nin sub -_-
                      but won the second try (first try got it down to 10%, trippled me before my last spell came out... could have won if not)
                      omfgbbq ;3


                      • #12
                        avatar lvl 70 abilities arent based on their elemental properties(predator claws isnt wind based, spinning dive isnt water based). also spinning dive isnt the best, its a toss up between predator claws, mountain buster and spinning dive depending on what you fight.

                        you also dont need to kite it,

                        we use war/nin nin/war (any melee) whm , smn, and any other mage


                        • #13
                          My thoughts on Fenrir is I hope he is worth the hassle when I get high enough level to beat him.^^


                          • #14
                            he is. For his mp cost he's the most efficient. He hits harder than normal avatars, and his specials are all fantastic. He also costs alot less (he costs me 5 mp to keep out per tick at 75, other avatars cost me 8 or 9.

