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Im a SMN (whats my job?)

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  • Im a SMN (whats my job?)

    Im a lvl 26 smn all skills maxed.
    Sometimes while im in parties I just feel like im a gimp.
    Whos spot do I fill? WHM?
    I spot heal ,blink the party then I just melee with carb if we have a WHM.
    I realy dont know what else to do.
    Sorry I dont mean to offend any SMN by asking this question.
    But as a lvl 60WHM I know my job and as a lvl 51 MNK I know my job. As a lvl 26 SMN im still trying to figure out my job.
    I dont mind playing the WHM role as a SMN.
    Am I atleast on the right track?

    Also how does a SMN do end game? I see them all over town but have never seen 1 in action. Are they used for HNM fights? BCNM's? Ive heard they can do crazy damage with Astril flow later on, but Im not sure how try this is.

    I had a lvl 75 SMN with me when we killed Shiva but at the time I had all filters on and didnt see what he did damage wise.

    If you want a damage dealer
    Get a MNK
    If you wanna waste MP
    Get a DRK

  • #2
    A SMN's main role in a party is buff, heal, heal, heal, buff, heal, heal, heal, buff. The process keeps continuing itself. Thats aboutall a SMN does :sweat: .

    For HNM SMN's are crucial to success, if you don't have one, you stand a good chance of dieing. BCNM fights there very helpful too.

    As for higher SMN's there role changes to; Buff, Avatar Blood Pact that kicks the mobs ass, heal, heal, buff, repeat .

    So thats pretty much what a SMN does from the experience i have had, and have seen my higher level friends do.
    -=Avatars Obtained=-


    • #3
      I been excited to be a SMN for months now, and now that i read those posts i get sad because you make them sound boring


      • #4
        I think every single job out there can get stuck into a routine.

        Look at whm: cure cure cure cure cure cure cure cure cure, cure status, cure cure cure cure cure cure etc....

        blm: nuke, debuff, debuff, nuke, nuke nuke nuke, debuff debuff, Magic burst, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke, etc

        melees: auto attack for 4 min, go to bathroom, come back, TP at 100%, do a skill chain, auto attack for another 4 min, go get a soda, TP at 104%, skill chain, repeat..

        Tank (varies): but gets into a rut regardless: voke, dodge, boost, warcry, spam
        or shihei buring goodness spam
        or voke, cover, cure, cure, voke, bezerk (then click it off really fast), voke, cure cure cover, repeat

        brd: sing, sing sing sing sing sing sing, melee for 3 hits, go back to singing ....

        LoL if you want more variety... uh... maybe try bst? At least you get to screw around and no one else would mind.
        75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


        • #5
          Originally posted by sudo
          I think every single job out there can get stuck into a routine.

          Look at whm: cure cure cure cure cure cure cure cure cure, cure status, cure cure cure cure cure cure etc....

          blm: nuke, debuff, debuff, nuke, nuke nuke nuke, debuff debuff, Magic burst, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke, etc

          melees: auto attack for 4 min, go to bathroom, come back, TP at 100%, do a skill chain, auto attack for another 4 min, go get a soda, TP at 104%, skill chain, repeat..

          Tank (varies): but gets into a rut regardless: voke, dodge, boost, warcry, spam
          or shihei buring goodness spam
          or voke, cover, cure, cure, voke, bezerk (then click it off really fast), voke, cure cure cover, repeat

          brd: sing, sing sing sing sing sing sing, melee for 3 hits, go back to singing ....

          LoL if you want more variety... uh... maybe try bst? At least you get to screw around and no one else would mind.
          LOL! Hahahaha good point, i guess SMN aint that boring when u put it that way, im a WHM and all i do is cure and i dont get bored i love it! Just didnt realise that was all i did lol.

          PS: Now i know why melee never zone when u tell em too, cuz there gone to get a soda lol


          • #6
            Originally posted by sudo
            I think every single job out there can get stuck into a routine.

            Look at whm: cure cure cure cure cure cure cure cure cure, cure status, cure cure cure cure cure cure etc....

            blm: nuke, debuff, debuff, nuke, nuke nuke nuke, debuff debuff, Magic burst, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke, etc

            melees: auto attack for 4 min, go to bathroom, come back, TP at 100%, do a skill chain, auto attack for another 4 min, go get a soda, TP at 104%, skill chain, repeat..

            Tank (varies): but gets into a rut regardless: voke, dodge, boost, warcry, spam
            or shihei buring goodness spam
            or voke, cover, cure, cure, voke, bezerk (then click it off really fast), voke, cure cure cover, repeat

            brd: sing, sing sing sing sing sing sing, melee for 3 hits, go back to singing ....

            LoL if you want more variety... uh... maybe try bst? At least you get to screw around and no one else would mind.
            quoted for truth

            this post should be stickied on every single forum so people realize that every job can be boring and every job can be fun

            my equipment

            I'm done - retired.


            • #7
              Right now i`m a level 33 Summoner with all avatars except Fenrir.i,ve been enjoying the job immensly,basicaly,at the moment with the limitations square has done to the smn job,i see myself as a support player, depending on the mob,i will cast group blink or frost armor for pt protection,i can enhance the hitting power of the pt by casting group enthunder,i can slow the mob by casting leviathans tail whip,i back up the whm with cure 2 healing,cast the occasional banish on the mob,maybe contribute to a MB and while waiting for the blood pact timer to reset,i can throw out an avatar to melee on the mob,usually they hit for more than the melee`s.
              You have to make sure to keep up your armor and use as much MP enhancing equipment as you can,im an elvaan,which usually dont have the most MP however with my armor/equipment i have +80 MP,including RSE gloves,which brings my regular MP amount up to 406,i use pumpkin pies which adds another 40MP so my stats are 439 hp/446mp.
              As i get higher i will be able to cast slow (titan) hastega(ifrit) replace the entire pts hp (garuda).
              Experiment with your job,dont expect to be the uber damage dealer from earlier FF games but if you play the job right,you will find its one of the best out there.
              Elvaan male.
              53 Summoner,30 Red Mage,20 Ranger,27 White Mage,40 Beast Master,11 Thief,11 Dragoon,7 Bard
              Avatars collected:Titan,Shiva,Rumah,Ifrit,Garuda,Leviathan
              Rank 5.
              Summoner AF1: Complete.
              Summoner AF2: Complete.
              Genkai 1 Complete.


              • #8
                lv1-2x WHM clone
                lv2x-45 blink + lunar cry and healing + whm clone
                lv46-64 blink, stoneskin, lunar cry, ecliptic howl + whm clone
                lv65-69 same as above but maybe with occaisional eclipse bite + whm clone
                70+ whm clone that does dmg moves, or the above support


                • #9
                  Smn is quite versatile. Myself, and my two friends have a small 3 man pt that goes Pld, Drk, Smn.

                  The Smn does a little bit of everything. He buffs us, heals me (I'm the pld), melees (he does about 3/4 of the dmg of the drk when he uses a battle staff and ifrit or ramuh).

                  We're only lvl 22 right now but as we get higher he gets more skills to help out. Ramuh just got the paralyze attack (too bad its an aoe) and soon garuda gets wind armour and carb gets his def & mag boost skill. So if you have all the avatars there is always something new you can contribute to the pt.

                  The only catch is finding a pt that will let you contribute more then as just a gimped whm :sweat:

                  36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                  Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                  • #10
                    hello /wave Level 56 smn here with my thoughts:

                    Summoner is VERY fun "IF" you find or make good pts. I use all the avatars in a exp session(3-5 hours).
                    -Fenrir is my favorite, great buffs(acc + eva bonus and all stat bonus).
                    -Titan for stoneskin,
                    -Garuda for blink and hastega
                    -Leviathan for hateless curaga
                    -Ifrit once in awhile for warcry
                    -Carbunlce for his random stat bonus (rarely use)
                    -I use Shiva's double slap to finish off mobs sometimes, also sleepga is usefull if the rdm or brd is down.
                    -I cure but not as much as many people think

                    Ramuh's good at lvls 10-30 but is really useless later on. Maybe at 60 with the IV magic I will summon him again^^

                    Smn is GREAT for cutting downtime. Smn rdm brd = SUPER!!!!(you can play for 20 hours strait and never have any downtime)
                    Smn rdm whm = Pretty good

                    BTW Smn at lvl 70 is a attacker. The avatars are SUPER strong at 70+.


                    • #11

                      Blink: What is it? What job can use it? What does it do? Im guessing its a WHM's spell?

                      Oh and is there a site i can find the avatars abilities?


                      • #12
                        Blink is a LV 17 WHM spell, and RDMs can use it too. (I don't remember what LV RDMs can use it. I think its LV 17 though.)

                        And you can find all the avatar abilities (and mini videos of them) here:

                        (Original site in Japanese:

                        EDIT: Blink is LV 17... ((((゜д゜))) Stoneskin is LV 28
                        "From the void all things are born.
                        To the void all things return."

                        -philosophy of the Walahra


                        • #13
                          post 70 SMN is not an "attacker"
                          they're white mages who can occaisionally contribute to the damage output of the party, unless you're in an all SMN party.


                          • #14
                            Has anybody been in an all summoner party? That would be awesome!

                            I hear blink isnt worth getting, is that true?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cavill
                              I hear blink isnt worth getting, is that true?
                              If you're talking about Blink for a WHM... I don't know who told you that, but, Blink is worth getting. I'm sure most other WHMs will agree with me. Blink will absorb 2-3 shadows (shadows - usually the first 3 magic and/or physical DMG/spells. NOTE: Sometimes Blink won't absorb a hit/spell but it works most of the time.) which can save you from some nasty AoE or some WS's from grabbing too much hate.
                              "From the void all things are born.
                              To the void all things return."

                              -philosophy of the Walahra

