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Carbuncle's Ruby

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  • Carbuncle's Ruby

    So... I want to be a Summoner. I've been trying to get that darn ruby for forever. I mean, you can get it from ANY leech, right? I've killed at least 50 of them in the Valkrum Dunes, and haven't gotten yet. How is the luck of everyone else? I want to know. How many did you kill before your luck gave you the ruby?

  • #2
    I got mine from the leeches on the beaches of Buburimu Penisula. I think the ones in valkurm don't drop them. Think it was 3 straight game days before it dropped.
    Galka Cor 75/Rng 37 Bst 75/Nin 37 Blm 75/Whm 38
    Taru Rdm 61 / Blm 41 *retired*
    Mithra - Rdm 53, Pld 45, Blm 38, War 23, whm 36 *retired*


    • #3
      You might want to try Leeches in the Maze of Shrakami(sp?), my ruby dropped on the second leech. Also I am NOT a lucky person
      ZM Complete
      Bard's Roundlet Obtained
      Rdm LV 74
      Crimson Mask Obtained


      • #4
        as far as i know, not all leeches drop the ruby. the ones in valkurm don't, as well as the ones in dangruf wadi. i'm not sure if pashhow's leeches drop them, i remember hunting them for beastmen blood for a long time without getting a ruby. there's 3 good places to get a carbuncle's ruby...

        buburimu peninsula (where i got mine, killed leeches 5 at a time for 2 hours)

        qufim (if you're leveling off of acrophies, but not many people do anymore)

        shakrami maze (get high level help and AE annihilate these suckers)

        i helped a friend get his ruby in shakrami recently, took about an hour to an hour and a half if i recall correctly. i killed every single leech in the leech king room with AE attacks quite a few times before it dropped. maybe 100 or so leeches.


        • #5
          ricebruner is correct. those are the 3 best places to get the ruby. well actually those are the 3 known places the ruby has dropped.

          as for the sites an guides saying they drop on all leechs is a lie. i have fought countless leecs in pashlow with no drops. in valkum with no drops. its safe to say these places are excuded. too think of it. there are leechs in the bastok mines.. i have never seen them drop it either. haha pretty funning for a lvl 5 war to have a carbuncle ruby..:p



          • #6
            while doing rse in the maze, our lv 48 thf managed to get 3 rubies within 25 min... took like another 20 min for us to get a key though >_<
            75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


            • #7
              I went somewhere, forgot where lol but on the way there i bumped into a lvl 63 SMN, she was nice enough to help me and kill leeches, we got 1 after about 4 leeches ^.^


              • #8
                i would suggest either korraloka tunnel or buburimu. ive seen 3 drop in korraloka within 40 kills. and ive had 2 drop in bubu within 6 kills each. qufim = D: and valk = D:

                I actually had mine drop in the leech room in the maze of shakhrami in beta


                • #9
                  from my experience, getting the ruby is pure luck. the drop rate seems to be the same no matter where you go, so then its only logical to pick the highest spawn area with the weakest leeches. in this case, it'd be the leech king room in shakrami maze, where 15 leeches or so spawn every 10 minutes and they're relatively weak (beware links!). i don't have solid evidence that my claim regarding drop rate for rubies is the same no matter where you go, though i have anecdotal evidence; however i've gone ruby hunting countless times in various places and so far, it has held true.


                  • #10
                    yah its pure luck... took me about 4hrs straight of killing the leeches in bubu(my problem with this beach was i would easily outkill the spawn time, but it did give me time to do other things away from the game while spawns came back).

