Originally posted by Oceanfish
if you think levelling a job to 20 (doable in a day) and buying a couple yagudo drinks (you can avoid getting aggro using them, fyi) to get avatars with 0 risk of experience loss or having to travel to the cloisters is justified, then that's fine.
if you think levelling a job to 20 (doable in a day) and buying a couple yagudo drinks (you can avoid getting aggro using them, fyi) to get avatars with 0 risk of experience loss or having to travel to the cloisters is justified, then that's fine.
Don't forget the 30 levels required to unlock SMN, PLUS the time still needed to hunt for the RUBY. I was really unlucky and it took me over 20 hours to get my ruby.
Also fame, you still need a good amount of fame. By some accounts they are maybe one rank lower than the regular one. However, that still puts fame level to at least rank 5 or 6 for the summons. We all know how much money we blew on getting the fame in ALL fame groups. Tenshodo fame anyone?
It's not just a matter of farming 30k for some potions and drinks for the fight. There's huge amount of effort involved beforehand to even get to that point.
Oh and don't forget that you need those drinks for EVERY SINGLE prime. If you so much as slip and died, you need to FARM AGAIN. Looking around on all the message boards, only a handful of people say they are cakewalk, while most others die several times before they can get the strategy nailed down.
One can argue it's easier than before, but one cannot say it's a cakewalk to get all the summons, and discounting all the effort required outside of the fights.
It's also rather arrogant to have the idea of "keeping the bad players in other jobs". Everybody learn how to play while leveling up. In EVERY SINGLE job there are bad players, even ones who get all the way up to level 60. If it was really intended for SMN to have a level 60 pre-req, the quest wouldn't be able to be unlocked at level 30. Think about it. For once SMN is on a somewhat level playing field with the other advanced jobs as far as playability goes. People get to party with SMN more often, learn their strength and weakness, and learn what they can do in parties. It's a good thinig!
I know it hurts to see bad players playing your job, but it's the fact of life for every job in the game. The existing method sure weeds out some bad players, but also weed out the ones that don't have as much time to level another job to 60 first, but are still good players. Now these new quests do is open the door to these players. I honestly think it does more good than harm. Think about these players, and stop being selfish or how this will damage the reputation of your job. If you have taken a job to level 60, you know it's your NAME that your reputation is linked to. Even right now, do you expect people to think you are a good player automatically simply because you have all the summons?
Afriad of SMN with bad combos? Those won't go far beyound level 30! It's the same with other jobs! They get a bad reputation to their NAME!
Look at the big picture people, and stop bickering from the bottom of a well.