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Just a few questions

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  • Just a few questions

    hi, i dont even have this game yet but i will get it soon and then im going for summoner ( i dont know anything about this game but summoner looks rlly nice to me) im just wondering ; some dude told me quit this game because he could never find any party, not my question is , is it really that hard to find a party?
    btw i read whitemage would be best class to go summoner with so i should do that then.

    sorry if this is in wrong section

  • #2
    This game is all about your own initiative.. Most who quit and say its hard to find a PT, dont make their own Pts and like waiting for others to do the hard work.

    If you can lead a party and get some basic info from members .

    things like how close to level are they ?
    Can they play more than a couple hours.
    can they not leave after leveling then its all good.

    Take the first step and you'll enjoy FFXI that much more.

    some advice. A large number of quiters also just grind to level cap and get bored..
    If youare into grinding have fun.. FFXI is an all around experience.
    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


    • #3
      LOL, i wouldn't quit over lack of parties, I'd quit over Genkai 1.


      • #4
        well i didnt saw the point of that guys problem either .. but i have to agree that if u want to train and u cant it will be kinda annoying.
        anyways how long would it take to reach level 30 whitemage?
        i got many free time so .. :p


        • #5
          lich paper SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all those people who wait untillv 50.5 to start looking for items deserve what they get
          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
          Use search, or deal with assholes like me


          • #6
            i dont know what the heck ur talking about but i agree xD


            • #7
              To get to lvl 30 WHM took me like 2 months, but i couldnt play all that much so thats why it took a while, but if u can play more than a few hours a day it could take under a month id say.


              • #8
                If you want to level WHM form 10 to 30 quickly - get a rich ranger friend, buy some astral rings, and kill worms - it takes 2 days =P
                Legacy of Cid Forums

