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Summoner AF 2

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  • Summoner AF 2

    I started up AF 2 this weekend, and since my LS is planning on completing mission 11 in Fei Yin tonight, we may try and attempt my AF 2 BCNM fight in the Cloister of Frost while we're there.

    Right now, the people doing for mission 11 and this are myself (50 SMN), 50 PLD, 49 DRK, 60 SAM, 45 SMN, and 58 WHM. I know people are suggesting to bring a BRD for this fight, but is it absolutely necessary? We will be doing this fight after mission 11, so I'm not sure how we should divvy up two-hours.

    Anyway, I couldn't find much info on either of these fights, so any info would be appreciated!
    Legacy of Cid Forums

  • #2
    Heh, seeing as the all-knowing summoner gurus on this board didn't deign to share any info, I shrugged it off and tried it anyway.

    We completed mission 11, with the only people not using their 2 hour being myself, the other summoner, and the WHM. Seeing as this involved killing about 6 sapling mobs, we decided that I would try single pulling them with carbuncle, and going from there. I buffed everyone with hastega and stoneskin and blink, and attempted this.

    At first, only one sapling came - so we're all thrilled, and start beating it up. However (and this was weird) about 15 seconds later, the remainder of the sapling buddies come along, and then things began to get interesting. Why they all agroed, and that late, is beyond me, but whatever. The SAM is tanking one, the PLD on another, and the DRK on another, which means 3 are running around. What sucks is with this many saplings, they go haywire with putting everyone to sleep. Using a SMN two hour is practically impossible with all of these mobs running rampant, cause he'll just get put to sleep himself.

    With all that said, we managed to finish off the battle using only the WHM 2 hour towards the end, and the only death was the 45 SMN (little taru + 300 hp = certain death). I think the fight took a total of 6 minutes.

    Anyway, if I would do this again, I would probably bring a BRD (for foe lullaby). The saplings themselves aren't all that hard, but when they are all using aoe sleep and you leave your poison potions at home - not fun. If you can't get a bard, I'm sure this would have been easy with a bunch of melees with their 2 hours up.
    Legacy of Cid Forums


    • #3
      Something to keep in mind for when I eventually level SMN that high. Good job on getting AF2.
      Generic Info!

