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Prime guides?

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  • Prime guides?

    Does anyone have a link to a guide for obtaining the Summons? I know all about getting fame, and what level you should be and all that. I just can't seem to find a guide that describes who you need to talk to and where exactly the Prime fights take place.

    I've searched the forums with no luck. Can anyone help me out?

  • #2
    I dont know the names but I can tell you locations.

    Titan: Tarutaru in port bastok, between exit to N Gusta and Residential Area. Takes place in Cloister of Tremors, located in Quicksand Caves.

    Ifrit: Kazham (haven't got the quest yet). Located in none other than Ifrit's Cauldron.

    Ramuh: Mhaura (no quest yet). Cloister here is off the Boyahda Tree.

    Shiva: Tarutaru in NSandoria, near the gate. Cloister is in Fei'yin.

    Garuda: Tarutaru in Rabao, first oasis. Cloister is located in Cape Terrigan (secret part of map).

    Leviathan: Tarutaru in Norg. Located in Temple of Uggalepih > Den of Rancor.

    All of the tarutaru's are wearing regular tunics and are standing next to a tall Hume (or elvaan?).

    Leviathan is by far the hardest to get to, no matter what other people say. Good luck.


    • #3
      >All of the tarutaru's are wearing regular tunics and are standing next to a tall Hume (or elvaan?).

      The one in Kazham is standing in the corner with a Galka.
      Kuno's super cool stats!
      Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

      Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
      Lushang's: Ok!


      • #4
        Do you need to be a certain level to get each of the summons?
        Do you need a strong party to beat them? If so, what level party?


        • #5
          Traditionally, people recommend a level 60 party.

          Ideally, if you could find a high level pld (~67) and a mage heavy party (blm, blm, whm, brd), you'll be okay. Bar(elemental)ra and the corresponding bard Carol will really help against their 2hrs.

          If you can find a party to do it and have the forks, I guess you could get them at any level. Summoners do not have to be a certain level to use the summons.

          This advice works for the avatars aside from Fenrir, who is considerably harder (or so I've heard).


          • #6
            Fenrir is scary... He can easily eat a 70+ party if they don't know what they're doing... ; ;
            Happy happy gogo Mana is full of


