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It's pathetic how hard this is....

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  • It's pathetic how hard this is....

    I'm on the Garuda server, and I just achieve level 7 fame and accepted the Shiva quest.

    I'm a level 30 WHM, and I need help badly in the Shiva fight. I can't find ANYONE to help me on game, but it's only been one day of trying.

    I really need a few high level players from the garuda server to help me out on this. I've sat at the protocrystal all day and no one ever came.

    Preferably, I'd like:
    1 PLD
    2 BLM
    1 WHM
    1 BRD

    and i'll make the 6th person. THanks, PLEASE reply.

    PS...Please no "You should level to 60 first", please I've heard it all, don't really care for the idea ^_^ thanks.
    The few....the proud....the Summoners.

    Be all you can be An army of one!

  • #2
    Well if you really want to get them, then I don't think there's anything else to do but sit outside the crystal. Better luck tomorrow hopefully.
    "From the void all things are born.
    To the void all things return."

    -philosophy of the Walahra


    • #3
      it all depends on how big your gil sack is. Lot's of high lvls will "sell" you the avatar. You give them the gil and they go pumepl it to death. I disagree with this method for two reasons:

      !) I'm too poor to afford it.

      2) I'd rather do it with friends that want to do it with me and have fun rather then pay some greedy "I'm so uber" upper lvl to do it for me.

      A few of my friends have done this, it all depends on the avatar difficulty for price. One of my friends got Ifrit and Ramuh for 120k.
      The other got Titan for free and Garuda for 16k. As soon as I get my fame up my friends will help me, so I don't have to worry. Even in a game it all depends on who you know. =/ So if you can't find anyone to do it soon, just start sending shouts out at jeuno and tell them you'll pay, it sucks but sometimes you gotta beg to get by.
      Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
      Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
      BST AF: 6/6
      RDM AF: 6/6
      "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


      • #4
        If you havn't already, please read up on how to play summoner before you start leaching avatars. Their are way too many people out there who leached and are bastardizing the reputation of this job.

        A level 34 Smn/blm on my server with Ramuh only comes to mind. He casts the godly enthunder on everyone of the melee, and then sits back and nukes for 7 damage
        ZM Complete
        Bard's Roundlet Obtained
        Rdm LV 74
        Crimson Mask Obtained


        • #5
          Well, I actually wouldn't mind to's just that I only have 3k right now, and have no map of Fei Yin, so I couldn't find my way back. And the thing is, to make more money, I gotta leave, which is a problem for me.

          And I've read the summoner FAQ up and down. Good FAQ but I can't say I aggre w/ everything. I don't like the idea of not letting my avatar attack, I'll do that, for at least a few seconds, and I don't think I need to be a cure tank. I've played WHM for a long time, and I never NEEDED backup heal. The WHM should be able to do their own job.

          The few....the proud....the Summoners.

          Be all you can be An army of one!


          • #6
            yay for your second please help feed me post. if you've read yeah, be level 60!!!!!!!!!!!! these rights aren't easy for a reason and if ur gonna bea sum/whm why not just level your whm to at least 37 so you'll never have to level it after you've leeched allthose summons from people. or perhaps go farming then you'll have the gil to buy your summons! sweet! money talks, and without it, you won't be heard, at least not until the level your suppose to fight them, get over it
            March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
            Use search, or deal with assholes like me


            • #7
              Originally posted by }PuPPeT^MaSTeR{
              Well, I actually wouldn't mind to's just that I only have 3k right now, and have no map of Fei Yin, so I couldn't find my way back. And the thing is, to make more money, I gotta leave, which is a problem for me.

              And I've read the summoner FAQ up and down. Good FAQ but I can't say I aggre w/ everything. I don't like the idea of not letting my avatar attack, I'll do that, for at least a few seconds, and I don't think I need to be a cure tank. I've played WHM for a long time, and I never NEEDED backup heal. The WHM should be able to do their own job.

              COMON PEOPLE REPLY TO THIS!!!!!!!

              You're basically saying, "I haven't prepared myself nor wish to, please hold my hand and walk me through this even though I've got nothing to offer, kthxbye."

              I'm sorry but it sounds pretty slim unless you make some friends higher up.


              • #8
                Well sorry to say, but I don't always have to raise people when I walk by, but I do. And I never ask for anything in return.

                And I definetlly did not ask for any flaming of me character, nor this topic. Since you speak down to me, I'm going to assume your both high level, because generally, most high level people are shall we say...pricks, ya. But it's like that in any game I guess.

                Please no more flame topic, that's not why I made this topic.

                Thanks for any replies that aren't off topic.
                The few....the proud....the Summoners.

                Be all you can be An army of one!


                • #9
                  Also, sorry to double post. I always help people when I can, and just don't think it's too much to ask for something in return.

                  And the avatar battles aren't nearly as hard as people say they are. I downloaded a Garuda fight (thought to be the hardest) and it was like cake. The 2 hour barely did over 100 damage to the PLD. His health didn't move down at all.

                  So it's not that much to ask.
                  The few....the proud....the Summoners.

                  Be all you can be An army of one!


                  • #10
                    I've been one shotted by shiva as a level 62 rdm for 1182 dmg, I had a full PT of level 64's get owned by shiva a bit later because of a sudden bar blizzard ran out right before an astral flow, one shotted a level 64 PLD, all others died shortly after.

                    I've heard of level 65 PT's being completely owned by leviathan. These aren't bad players, there are difficult battles where an unlucky event can kill a full PT.

                    If you had a level 75 do it for you don't say they are easy, if you haven't done it, don't say they are easy.

                    These are incredibly fun and difficult challenges for PT's between level 60-65. Your post of them being easy is complete ignorance.
                    The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

                    My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


                    • #11
                      You might be beter off posting in the Garuda forum.

                      You are asking for help from 5 high level people. High levels who are mostly P***** as you call them. Consider yourself warned. Next time it will be points.

                      I'm closing this since it will only result in more flames. Your chance of getting 5 high level Garuda players to help you are pretty slim here.
                      RDM 75, BLM 73, WHM 42, SMN 41, RNG 40, NIN 37, DRK 37, THF 25, WAR 20

