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Summoner Fix Petition

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mikeb
    Also, the lvl 70 blood pacts are apparently very strong. As for blood pact timer, that's addressed with the Relic gear.
    I wouldn't exactly call Relic gear something that fixes the job. With the amount of gil and effort needed for that stuff (you might spend 1 million gear, and only last a half hour in there, and it maxes out at 3 hours I believe, where 2 pieces might drop the whole raid), it's really not a fix.
    Legacy of Cid Forums


    • #32

      this is just a thought but the game is not REALLY done yet so maybe they will fix it on there own and add more powerfull summons very soon .. that is what i hope anywho
      i dont play anymore


      • #33
        My only gripes to this point are the blood pact timer and accuracy issues of the avatars in battle. The MP used during the blood pact should be the balance instead of a timer. It already takes a good chunk of time to summon the avatar, use the blood pact, release it, summon another avatar, rinse and repeat. The timer should be nil, if not just lowered to something more manageable like the release timer. The downfall to the blood pacts isn't just the one minute timer, it's the MP used. If you go spamming blood pact after blood pact, then sure, you're gonna end with zero MP and have a rather pissed of party on your back. Even if they leave the blood pact timer intact for the same avatar to re-use, that'd be fine. But if you release the avatar, you should also "release" the blood pact timer.

        As for accuracy, that's obvious. When I bring out an avatar for battle, he usually hits for the same damage as a Melee damage dealer, BUT, he doesn't hit as often because of accuracy problems. Perhaps this is my summoning skill, who knows. Either way I'd like to see a bit more accuracy built into their attacks.
        Rank 8
        "Help a noob, feel better".


        • #34
          I agree with Calianeri on this one. All you ppl whining about the wrongs and problems with the summoner job just stop! This job is supposed to be the crown jewel of jobs. The summoner job should NOT be fully available to play at lower levels. All this complaining cos u gotta do some work to earn the right of having cool abilities. If everyone could play as maxed summoners from lvl 1 then no-one would want to. Dont you see? The mere fact that you are all arguing about it means that it is something worth fighting for! The summoner job is not a right, it is a gift. The ppl who have worked thier ass off to get things like Fenrir have proved they deserve it, where as you obviously dont consider it worth doing properly. Just imagine if you recieved all the avitars with the job, what then? You get everyone being summoners, hundreds of Fenrir's running around, it would make it so much less special to have it. It would be no different from recieving a basic sword with the warrior job. And lets face it. . . if they had given you all the summons from the start then you would still be here, complaining that the job is too easy and they should have made it harder, no?


          • #35
            Artemecian - please go back and read. I don't care about having to get the job's avatars later on. My gripe is that they're not worth the effort put into it.
            Legacy of Cid Forums


            • #36
              I would like to see some new summon's for the lower level summoner's out there, or at least a modification to the current summon's difficulty. Or even increase the power of the elementals. This would help incite players to continue on their journey and not make it feel like a job where you must first be at lv. 75 before being a help to a party. When I finaly find this game for the ps2 I want to be a summoner. I don't want to just mindlessly level up with no benefits at first.


              • #37
                Artemecian, the problem isn't really the high difficulty to get the Avatars, it's that they really are not worth the effort. With all the bugs and glitches in this Job, no wonder it is so rare. And yes, I do intend to get the avatars and lvl summoner as well. But some issues seriously need to be addressed. I would love to see them kick the stupid "1 blood pact timer for all summons." And put in a timer for each ability or each summon. And sweet jesus do something with the spirits. Right now they are basically a waste of gil to buy. All you do is pop one out to take an aggro and run like hell. Not very useful for anything else.

                Avatars need to become smarter, because right now they are basically semi-retarded. And the big kicker, all the glitches NEED to be fixed. I don't think people are too happy when they use a bloodpact, and the avatar moves, the blood pact freezes, doesn't cast you loose the MP and the timer flags up. It's a bit frustrating.

                And the bit about Relic gear.... Yes it does cut down bloodpact timer, but have you even seen anyone in a single peice of any Relic Gear? Yea, didn't really think so. Just think about it, you have to get 63 people lvl 63+, spend 1 million gil for a hourglass, then hope to god you live. Plus the drop rates of any relic items are set at an ungodly low level. And then even if you are so lucky that a peice does drop, you have to get the winning lot. If you do have any relic gear, hey more power to you. I don't know about you, but I only know 1 person that even has a single peice.
                Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
                Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
                BST AF: 6/6
                RDM AF: 6/6
                "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


                • #38
                  Yes, well as someone already stated the game isn't finished, and there will be future expansion. There will be higher levels and there will be stuff better than relic. There may be a point where the Fenrir battle is as easy as the other primes, and there may even be new primes in the future.

                  There is stuff for low level players in the form of Carbuncle and the spirit pacts. If you don't like it then level up your smn or another job to get the Primes, or hire a high lvl player to put together an Avatar battle for you. Nobody said that you must have every Prime in order to be a smn. Also lvl 75 isn't required for Fenrir, just 71/72+. Complaining that stuff isn't handed to you at the beginning of the game isn't going to help anything, and I seriously doubt square will change the level requirements for smn battles.

                  Personally after having my azz handed to me by Fenrir 3 times, I want to beat him just so I can say I did it :p

