Also remember that pre Zilard, the lvl cap was 60. Already there were alot of JP people at lvl 60, hence they made the avatar fights 60+. Its quite logical since all the closiers where the avatars are located the mobs around are 60+. They have not changed the lvl required to obtain the summoner since all the other advanced jobs were setted to 30, feels very wierd if only one advance job is 60 no?
My whm friend wants to be a summoner. He wants all the summoner aswell. He asked around people on how to obtain and such. He already have max fame on all kingdome except Norg. And now he is working on his Whm to 60. He is now 50, 10 more to go. His sumoner is lvl 1. He has his blm sub to 37. Sure he could have asked around some other people, but all the summoners he asked said its better to start at 60. So now here he is working his whm till 60. (although he said he might get to 75 for the heck of it)
Summoner avatars are very hard considering the summoner can be obtained at lvl 30 I know... But since Summoner is a Zilard expantion job, its quite logical to think they setted the lvl as they are now. US release came with both the original game and expantion at the same time. So no one is at lvl 60 for starters anyway. Probably here it comes to some new commers not understanding why the avatar fight requires high lvls.
My whm friend wants to be a summoner. He wants all the summoner aswell. He asked around people on how to obtain and such. He already have max fame on all kingdome except Norg. And now he is working on his Whm to 60. He is now 50, 10 more to go. His sumoner is lvl 1. He has his blm sub to 37. Sure he could have asked around some other people, but all the summoners he asked said its better to start at 60. So now here he is working his whm till 60. (although he said he might get to 75 for the heck of it)
Summoner avatars are very hard considering the summoner can be obtained at lvl 30 I know... But since Summoner is a Zilard expantion job, its quite logical to think they setted the lvl as they are now. US release came with both the original game and expantion at the same time. So no one is at lvl 60 for starters anyway. Probably here it comes to some new commers not understanding why the avatar fight requires high lvls.