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SMN Magic Level skill

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  • SMN Magic Level skill

    I was wondering if anyone that complains about their avatars sucking has actually leveled up there summon skill?

    I here ppl complaining about how hard it is to level it up all the time, so I'm wondering if anyone actually does it at all?

    I've heard that the Summon Magic Skill hasn't a huge impact on the damage that the summons do.

    Could someone with a maxed summon magic skill, or high at least, reply to this thread?

    Others are free to give their input as well.
    The few....the proud....the Summoners.

    Be all you can be An army of one!

  • #2
    I think it would really come into play when you have group stoneskin as titan (level 40).
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      I wasn't positive it affected skills like that, but I'm sure it has to lol.

      I just wanted to have a highly experienced summoners outlook who also has high Summon Magic Skill, mainly to know the damage they do w/ a normal attack and say....their level 4 magic and level 70 abilitilies (Fenrir gets his at 65).
      The few....the proud....the Summoners.

      Be all you can be An army of one!


      • #4
        I had no idea that Summon Magic skills effected moves like Stone Skinega.

        A summoner told me that 3 simple levels to his summon skill magic started making Carbunle do (if I remember correctly) 7-8 more damage, which isn't bad if you ask me lol.

        Any input?
        The few....the proud....the Summoners.

        Be all you can be An army of one!


        • #5
          yeh. im a lvl 59 summoner, and i have attempted to max out my skill in the belief that it maxed at LV*2 + 13. after reaching that and my summon skill not maxing i gave it a rest..

          i tried lvling my summon skill while i was camping my coffer... i used over 900 mp and only went up 0.3 so i thought screw that.

          it'd be real nice if it didnt require me to use over 4k mp just to go up 1 level.
          -= Do you believe that my being stronger of faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place ? =-


          • #6
            Going from 60 to 92 skill I saw about a 40 point damage increase when using blood pact moves like Leviathan tailwhip/barracuda dive and Garuda claw. This is using them subbed mostly to gilfarm or kill damselflys when farming valkurm emperor though.

            Regular damage went up maybe 10 more points and they seem to miss less. It does take a ton of work to max summoning skill - a level 68 SMN in my LS has to practice summon for like 1 hour to get .3 skill up :dead:
            Rolanberry fields on Asura is where all the summoners go to practice skillup - there is usually a couple there at all hours of the day

            Having summon skill maxxed does make a difference with SMN as main job and you are soloing easys/decents while waiting for pt.
            I have reason to believe it helps with the duration of buff spells like carbuncles shining ruby - they seem to last longer before wearing off. I would guess stoneskin from titan would last longer before disappearing if it went unused, and improve the total amount of damage absorbed when you do take hits.

            3 Mithra are better than 1...
            Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
            Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
            Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

            Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
            Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


            • #7

              does anyone know the formula for what the maximum summon skill is per level?

              id actually like to know how far behind i am in terms of my summon skill.
              -= Do you believe that my being stronger of faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place ? =-


              • #8
                this site seemed pretty accurate here ya go


                • #9
                  sweet. thanks for that, *adds site to favourites*
                  -= Do you believe that my being stronger of faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place ? =-


                  • #10
                    I level SMN skills when I have about an hour or less to kill. At SMN23, my skill level is 68/72. I was thinking of subbing SMN to RDM to experiment. As a sub, SMN skill would be halved. Will this seriously undermine the effectiveness of Garuda's Blinkga?
                    RDM 75, BLM 73, WHM 42, SMN 41, RNG 40, NIN 37, DRK 37, THF 25, WAR 20


                    • #11
                      Garuda's Aerial Armor seems to be identical to the spell Blink, except that it is an area effect spell. Since Blink's effectiveness doesn't depend on any particular skill or stat (to my knowledge), most likely Aerial Armor won't either.

