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Best party to get Fenrir?

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  • Best party to get Fenrir?

    What do you think the best party to get Fenrir would be? Obviously level 75s, but what classes?

  • #2
    smn smn smn smn smn pld
    omfgbbq ;3


    • #3
      apparently you have to go heavy on damage - 70whm I talked to said they failed 3 times because they could barely put a dent in him, they said they said brd was worthless to have along and pld could have been replaced with sam/war or something more damaging.

      3 Mithra are better than 1...
      Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
      Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
      Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

      Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
      Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


      • #4
        does anyone know if you have to get all 6 whispers again if you want to repeat fenrir after defeating him first time around?


        • #5
          no you don't have to go get 60 whisper again
          level 70 is seriously not enough for that monster
          5 smn 1 pld is the best formation i think, there is almost no chance of lossing there, smn take turn using levi to tank

          i won without even 1 smn in my pt
          i intergrated king behemoth beat down strat to fenrir
          it worked damn well too

          blm rdm rdm whm pld rng/nin

          2 rdm should both sub blm, but that's just a minor
          whm should sub smn
          and of course the normal blm/whm (/rdm works also)
          pld... duh /war
          omfgbbq ;3


          • #6
            Kirara, why do you say they take turns using Leviathan to tank? Is there any reason why Leviathan? Another strategy I hear with 5 75SMN and 75NIN was the NIN blink tanks and the 5 SMN use Astral Flow and he goes down pretty quickly? I haven't faught him yet so I was just wondering why you chose Leviathan.
            Yesterday is history, tommorow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.


            • #7
              astral flow sucks at 70+ against single enermy it's all about 70+ abilities
              this battle is meant for75s... even with 75s it's VERY difficult
              in another word, no leeching
              omfgbbq ;3


              • #8
                Yay, I love you Square-Enix! No Leeching! Take that~!
                ::Dark Knight:: 62
                ::White Mage:: 62
                ::Summoner:: 75
                ::Warrior:: 37
                ::Ninja:: 37
                ::Samurai:: 33
                ::Thief:: 37
                Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
                Summoning Skill: 312


                • #9
                  I think it was a little overboard, I wanted to play smn for a while, but i waited till i was 60, then i got all my avatars, and started playing i gotta lvl to 75?


                  • #10
                    heh if your level 60 job is drg , even at level 75 it's pretty useless to fight fenrir, one thing that's required is you to sub nin.... and even so i can't see too much contribution a drg can do to fenrir fight
                    omfgbbq ;3


                    • #11
                      Hmm, This sounds like bad news for me.

                      I intended on taking a different path to summoner, by going monk. But all this about most classes being useless against Fenrir is a bit sad to hear.

                      So, should I give up my plans and switch job, or is there any possibility to get a group at around 75 as monk and do Fenrir?

                      (This being pretty far into the future though, so maybe there are lvl 80s around by then)


                      • #12
                        noone said you HAVE to get fenrir. Personally I enjoyed the fact that he was so difficult, the others were of no challange. Fenrir provided something you had to work for, and when you won, it felt pretty damn good.

                        Fenrir is in my opinion the strongest summon, he gives summoners everything they've been lacking:Dispell, group buffs, debuffs, blind, paralyze, he hits the hardest, and costs less MP than other avatars to keep alive. Why should he be a free give away to any lvl 60?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kirara
                          astral flow sucks at 70+ against single enermy it's all about 70+ abilities
                          this battle is meant for75s... even with 75s it's VERY difficult
                          in another word, no leeching
                          Just an FYI - friend on my server is beating him with just 5 lvl 75s. Blink tanks are a must.
                          Legacy of Cid Forums


                          • #14
                            "a friend of mine"
                            "a friend of mine beated it with 4 people, 4 75 smn is doable"
                            howabout lets talk about something we have done
                            and no blink tank is not a must
                            i beated it with a pld/war tank
                            omfgbbq ;3


                            • #15
                              It may sound arrogant, but I believe tactics and player skill are far more important than any "Ideal party." I've seen many, many, many parties fall out of the battlefield completely wiped out. It's also happened to my party before. I don't like pointing fingers, but if the whm in my first party had a better mind for tactics we would've won first try. My 2nd party won without any problems, first try.

                              I know many parties have gone in with very different combinations and have won.

                              A few I know first hand that have won:

                              SMN, SMN, SMN, SMN, SMN, BRD

                              PLD, WHM, WAR, BLM, BLM, BLM

                              PLD, WHM, RDM, BLM, MNK, DRG

                              and mine:

                              PLD, WHM, BLM, BRD, SAM, MNK

                              People have told me how some posters over at some Shitaraba forum are talking about how bards aren't very useful for the fenrir fight. I told them they could go screw themselves, and guess what? I won the fight.

