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batallia, ice

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  • batallia, ice

    now i know ice in batallia is really really rare, but a bizzare occurence happened the other day. a ls mate of mine said hey looks its almost christmas, in game that is. short while later somone else said its snowing in batalia. anyone else noticed this? maybe it was just a freak coincidence? figured i'd put it to the experts
    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
    Use search, or deal with assholes like me

  • #2
    I've seen it snow in Batallia once. It does happen, but its pretty rare to catch it.
    "From the void all things are born.
    To the void all things return."

    -philosophy of the Walahra


    • #3
      I have yet to see the ice weather in Batalia myself. I have passed it numerous times on my chocobo ride between Sand d'Oria and Windurst.

      When I was doing my summoner quest, I waited for 2 games days at Batalia, then gave up and went to the galcier instead. The glacier, by the way, is aways icy.
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      Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


      • #4
        Its not always icy. It had a clear weather and a double dark (or was it a single dark? can't remember) effect when I went there a few times.
        "From the void all things are born.
        To the void all things return."

        -philosophy of the Walahra


        • #5
          I have never seen Ice in Battalia either.

          After loosing 1,500 EXP on my journey to Glacier (and lvling down) I got there and it was not Ice. I was most upset.

          Had to wait a full day Vana diel time before it started to ice.

          Curiously I noticed that my weather icons went all screwy as well. It was snowing in Glacier but I cuoldn't see it as snow next to my compass. It was raining in LaTheine and couldn't see that either. Dust in Valkrum was missing too. It seems to be intermittent as I saw them back agian last night.

          Anyone else noticed this?
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          • #6
            I have noticed that a couple times myself. I checked with a summoner quest guide and it suggests that I zone out and zone back in. I did that and it worked. I got the cut scene and the icon is correct again.

            And yeah, I was exaggerating a bit, but it is very often icy up there. A lot more often than Batalia I'd say. A good way to figure out what the weater is going to be at a certain area when you get there is to talk to the various weather forecasters located all over Vana'diel.

            As for the trip to Glacier, you just need either to cast sneak+invisible, or bring some silent oil and prism powder. I got through it with out a scratch on me. It took about 3 recasts depending on luck. The trick it when you see the red warning message, you need to immediately dodge for a safe spot, take off both sneak and invisible manually, then recast.

            Here is a map of the Ranguemon pass. Just go right, right, left, right.
            Junior Member?

            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


            • #7
              I got ice to finish my smn quest in batallia last night Pure luck just passing through into Jeuno
              Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5


              • #8
                I saw it snow in Battalia when I went into Eldieme for my AF...and then again when I escaped out. It was weird.
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                • #9
                  excuse the double post >_<;;
                  For The Horde!!
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