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Summon testamony.

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  • Summon testamony.

    I was wondering if anyone knows either of the following:

    A.) Where to pick up the Summoner Test and

    B.) What exactly is the fight like, Like whats the winning conditions.

    Thanks again if you can help.

    P.S. Sorry I didn't post this under the Summoner form. I am
    looking for advance player advice in a single place.
    ::Dark Knight:: 62
    ::White Mage:: 62
    ::Summoner:: 75
    ::Warrior:: 37
    ::Ninja:: 37
    ::Samurai:: 33
    ::Thief:: 37
    Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
    Summoning Skill: 312

  • #2
    Um, I'm a bit confused. According to your profile, you're a 53 smn? Are you asking about how you obtain the tuning fork to fight an avatar?

    Logic would imply that you have gotten to 53...with only carbuncle and spirits, and you know nothing about any other avatars.

    Please fix this assumption of mine, cause I'm sure I'm off :sweat:
    Legacy of Cid Forums


    • #3
      get from ugg's tonberry , enter from rancor entrance.... it drops very often there

      smn fight is pretty hard from what i hear.basicly the condition is kill maat, or get him to very low hp
      omfgbbq ;3


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deedlit
        Um, I'm a bit confused. According to your profile, you're a 53 smn? Are you asking about how you obtain the tuning fork to fight an avatar?

        Logic would imply that you have gotten to 53...with only carbuncle and spirits, and you know nothing about any other avatars.

        Please fix this assumption of mine, cause I'm sure I'm off :sweat:
        He's talking about the lvl. 70 limit break quest against the Maat.


        • #5
          to win vs maat you need to use your two hour ability at least 2 times on maats avatar.
          most people use titan since his stone skin will stop maats attacks for awhile.
          please check the link below for a mov about summoner gemkai5

          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


          • #6
            I was just wondering, Where can you obtain all of the summoner AF and what do you need? and is there any good web site that shows pictures of the AF or could someone post a pic of themselves in full AF here? sry, i would have made a topic but it wouldnt let me -_-;; I was also wondering if anyone had pics of the RSE for smn, is it the same as relic armor? or what?


            • #7
              RSE = race specific equipment, has nothing to do with jobs at all.

              I haven't found a very comprehensive guide to SMN AF in english yet (most sites leave out mob stats, or are simply jp info put through a crappy translator).
              Legacy of Cid Forums


              • #8
                That video was...whoa.
                My job combos:

                THF:15 SMN:20 BST:7 BLM:15 RNG:10 WAR:21 NIN:39 rest i forget or 20+


