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Easy Avatar? Hard Avatar?

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  • Easy Avatar? Hard Avatar?

    Hey, are there any summoners, or those that have been in a SMN's party that can tell all of us WHICH Avatar we should go after first? I mean, one should be easier than another...or at least seem that way. Which is easiest...which is hardest? Something to give us hopeful SMN's something to think about.

  • #2
    Garuda is the most useful in my opinion...and the best choice for starting off with ^^

    PT Blink is the reason ~

    Hope this helps ^^

    Retired again, I'm no good at goodbyes...


    • #3
      I think he means which one is easiest to fight not which is most useful. I've heard that Titan is one of the easier ones but I've never fought one so i couldn't say for sure.


      • #4
        Well in my opinion all the summon FIGHTS themselves are very similiar (except for their elemental attacks, weaknesses etc). But the damage they do etc are all very similar. In my opinion, unless you are over 70- getting to the summons is really the worst part. The again this is my opinion.

        Titan and Ramuh have the easiest areas to get to since all you need is sneak. They are pretty easy also if you have a good group.

        Shiva and Garuda are pretty easy to get to also and aren't in difficult locations.

        Ifrit and Leviathan are the hardest to get to by far. Ifrit's Cauldron is very dangerous and you need the proper precautions before you try and get to him(Silent Oil and Prism Powder, and and Ice Cluster I believe?) Leviathan isn't THAT hard but it sure is a pain in the ass to get the Paint Brush to get into Den of Rancor if someone in your PT does not have it.

        So really Ifrit and Leviathan are the hardest to get to but in terms of fights, like I said they are all very similar.

        If I had to choose I would put Titan or Ramuh as the easiest and Leviathan as the hardest.

        If your group is good and is in the 60+ range ( its best really if your higher, especially the tanks, for the casters it does not matter as much, I got my Garuda when I was level 40 SMN and I did 700 damage x2 with my Astral Flows.
        Yesterday is history, tommorow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.


        • #5
          After I picked up the magic tome to get my teleport vahzl quest in Fei-yin tonight I snuck over to the cloister of frost in there. It is very easy like you said, you just need sneak and dont recast near the drones/pots.

          Most people I ask about avatar difficulty appear to be in agreement that leviathan is regarded as the toughest.

          Anyways I was alone so I entered the battlefield to take a peek at shiva then ran away Cool cinematic too ^^
          As a side rant, omg could they make Fei'yin anymore out of the way? No wonder theres like 5 people there at most and usually its all thieves chest hunting -_- Noone ever hunts in beaucadine/xarcabard too which makes me sad.
          Attached Files

          3 Mithra are better than 1...
          Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
          Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
          Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

          Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
          Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


          • #6

            Wow! Thank you to ALL of you that provided me the information about the hard/easy avatars. I really appreciated was exactly what I needed. ^_^


            • #7
              Scyrab I noticed that you are in the odin server, any chance you can help me with any of the avatar battles? Forgive me for asking this because I know it would be a lot of trouble for some one you don't even know but I'm getting kinda bored and I really want to try something new.

