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basic info on summoner?

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  • basic info on summoner?

    So the summoner is basically a pet class, right? From what I read you have to go and do a quest for each summoned pet you want, right?

    I was thiking smnr would be a good sub, due to high mp for my whm primary...and pets are nice also, i played a cabalist in daoc so i think pet classes are decent.

    how hard are the summons to get? is summoner an okay sub if im just using it for a good MP boost?

    any basic clarifying info is appreciated

  • #2
    As far as using it for an MP Boost, SMN is great. I am a BLM/SMN, and it works out pretty well for that purpose. The problem is, most parties will want you as a cure tank, so summoning is out of the question. Even so, you wouldn't be able to really use the Avatars for their Party-effects until past 40 (because the sub level is halved).
    <edit> To clarify, regarding the pets, their "level" is bound to yours automatically. Therefore when you sub it, you have half-level pets that don't do competant damage against IT mobs- but they still leech your MP :\

    The Avatar battles are very, very hard, requiring a well-balanced party of 60+ players. You also must acquire level 7 (pretty darn high) fame in each city, and in Norg, to be able to accept all of the different Avatar quests. Therefore you will need to do this as some other class first... If you wait and do it as your WHM, you'll need to do something else for sub in the meantime.

    Therefore you'll have to make a choice. Use SMN with only Carbuncle and no other Avatars, and level it for sub ignoring that other Avatars exist, or ignore it for now and pick another sub in the meantime. Most purely WHM players sub BLM for the mp boost. If you don't have a problem playing SMN without Avatars, SMN should be even better for that purpose.

    -The other solution is to go in way ahead of level and get the Avatars by leeching battles off high levels.. but that comes across mixed emotions with some players, and I'm not sure how feasible it is. I myself am leveling my BLM further until I hit a sweet-spot, where I can ask to tag along, but still maybe contribute to the battle.

    The good part is... you're WHM. When you decide to level your SMN, at least you have the right main job to re-sub. I have to level that separately.


    • #3

      Woo heehe Rivant hit that one right on the spot. Right on! That's exactly what I did. I level'd SMN to Lv.10 and then started on my WHM. Why Lv.10? You get Clear Mind. Also, did you know SMNs can see monsters on their Radar? I just found that out. So in a party as my WHM and having SMN sub'd I was able to tell my party that... "Hey, there's a red dot on my radar getting close." After Lv.20 on your WHM you'll feel the MP boost SMN gets yea. Although I did envy the other WHM in the party that Sub'd BLM. He was able to help enfeeble and cast elemental magic.
      Now I'm leveling BLM. Well, hope you find what fits you best. Take care!

      Siren Server
      LS: Resonance

