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Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

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  • #16
    ALT 1-7 i have Carbuncle and all the avatars in the order i defeated them

    CTRL 1 - Assault Macro
    CTRL 2 - Release Macro
    CTRL 3 - Attack
    i put each level 1 attack for non-carbuncle avatars in this one
    /pet "Axe Kick" <bt>

    CTRL 4 - Magic Macro
    here i put each level 10 magic attack for non-carbuncle avatars here
    /pet "Blizzard II" <bt>

    CTRL 5 - Buffs Macro
    here i put each non-carbuncle avatar's good buffing move
    /pet "Aerial Armor" <me>

    CTRL 6 - Debuffs Macro
    each non-carbuncle avatar's most useful (in my opinion or at my level) debuff attack
    /pet "Thunderspark" <bt>

    CTRL 7 - CarbyBP
    here i have all of carbuncle's blood pact abilities macroed and each of the lines are broken except the one i'd like to use. when i change my mind i'll unbreak one and break the current one. i havent worked a final idea for carbuncle's abilities so this is just an idea right now

    CTRL 8 - Astral Flow
    /ja "Astral Flow" <me>

    CTRL 9 - MegaAtk
    each of the avatar's 2hr blood pacts
    /pet "Diamond Dust" <bt>

    CTRL 0 - MP report
    /p MP ***<mp>***<mpp>***

    these work well for me and i welcome anyone to try it
    Blueshawk - Valefor Server
    75 DRK | 75 SMN | 75 PLD | 64 BST


    • #17
      this is a site that i went to that helped me with macros and my upcoming summon battles
      People look at the world and think why, i look at the world and think why not.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Akiro
        this is a site that i went to that helped me with macros and my upcoming summon battles
        pretty good website and probably best NA summoner page, ive seen.
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


        • #19
          that site is down quite a while now does anybody know when it goes back up i really need it now >.<


          • #20
            Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

            The site is up.
            白75 | 黒64 | シフ25
            白AF 6/6
            黒AF 6/6
            シフAF 0/6


            • #21
              Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

              Originally posted by vadrek
              The site is up.
              great its the best NA site out their for Summoners
              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


              • #22
                Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                Hmm.. Down again - Granted this was a few months back. Any news on that?


                • #23
                  Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                  My main summon macros were kinda unique but they got annoying to me so i just now have it that i press the macro, it changes my weapon to the appropriate staff and then it begins summoning, 5 secs after the saying was said it would say I Summon Thee!!!!
                  Carbuncle = Guardian of the Grand Light
                  Shiva = Goddess of the Deadly Frost
                  Garuda = Ruler of the Vengeful Gales
                  Titan = Beast of the Mighty Tremors
                  Ramuh = Elder of the Great Storm
                  Ifrit = Demon of the Merciless Flames
                  Leviathan = Serpant of the Raging Tides
                  Fenrir = Being of the Forgotten Abyss
                  Diabolos = God of the Apocolypse
                  To be Forgotten is worse than Death...


                  • #24
                    Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                    Thanks for that Tazirai I never thought of doing it that way..

                    I just had all my summons on one line and used menus.
                    Crank dat Soulja boy..


                    • #25
                      Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                      One thing I noticed is that as I rose higher in level, I didn't have the macro space for bloodpacts anymore in my macro set.

                      I'd advise you to get used to using ctrl-b for your bloodpacts as soon as possible because there's just that many to macro... you just won't have room to put them along side your avatar summon macros (all 9), Assault/Release (I don't use retreat), Cure spells, maybe a /heal macro if you use cookies/darkstaff/other gear... some -na spells, regen and so on.

                      And that's not even including Blink/Stoneskin/Raise + Reraise (which I don't macro) and all the other -na spells which won't fit into a macro set.

                      And yes, anything in /p for SMN macros is pointless.
                      Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
                      75 Summoner
                      58 White Mage
                      Pandemonium Server


                      • #26
                        Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                        I use 3 sets of macros for my SMN. One set contains each avatar with a macro swap to the appropriate staff, assault, release, retreat (which I do use quite often for link-free pulling) Cure2 & 3, and some of my more commonly used buffs like Earthen Ward. Another set contains all the high-end attacking blood pacts with various equipment swaps, and I haven't added a lot else to this set. The third set contains some of my less-used buffs that I still want macros for nevertheless, such as Noctoshield, Dream Shroud, Hastega, Spring Water, etc. It also contains -na spells, erase, and Divine Seal.

                        I use 3 macro sets for my RDM also, and I am able to cycle through them with ease. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you're used to it, your brain is just automatically trained to press the right sequence of buttons and you don't really think about what you're doing, you just DO it. ^^
                        召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
                        San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


                        • #27
                          Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                          If you want to save space for BP macros (and don't switch equipment for attack bonus on them), then put them all in one macro. I only need 2 lines of macros because of this.

                          Alt1 Ward
                          /pet "Earthen Ward" <me>
                          /pet "Healing Ruby II" <me>
                          /pet "Hastega" <me>
                          /pet "Spring Water"me>

                          If you have af2 boots you best put them on before you do your bp (I switch between AF2 boots and AF+1) or macro it into it.


                          • #28
                            Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                            Originally posted by Akiro View Post
                            this is a site that i went to that helped me with macros and my upcoming summon battles

                            Best site ever for smn. Used it to get my avatars @ 20. Everything is clear and well written.


                            • #29
                              Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                              with the new 20 macro books and 10 macro pages per book, couldn't we in theory have a macro page dedicated to each of the main avatar's at this point (unless we get some additional avatar's I really only count 9 Avatar's so that is 1 less than the 10 pages that we need, so we could actually dedicate the 10th page to something entirely different!)?
                              Astral Candescence = Astral Candy (Yummee)!!!

                              Member of the Vermy Cloak is overrated club


                              • #30
                                Re: Summoner Macroes,, Chenn take a look

                                Since you can switch macro sets from within a macro now, you could technically have a "root" book with summoning macros for each avatar that would switch to an avatar-specific set when used, then have each book use a release macro that reverts you to the root book when used.

                                Summoning macro:
                                /ma Carbuncle <me>
                                /equip main "Light Staff"
                                /macro set 2

                                Release macro:
                                /ja Release <me>
                                /macro set 1

                                SE has said that there are new avatars coming in the near future though, which throws something of a wrench in the works if you want every avatar to be represented with its own book.
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

