K, people say that BLM really isn't that good of a sub job for SMN right?
I just read a reply on here that I hadn't thought about. WHM really isn't that good of a sub anyway, because if your SMN/WHM your supposed to be a backup healer, but even with Cure III, you won't be curing for too much, in relation to what a real WHM can cure for.
Other than spells like Poisona, how is WHM better than BLM? BLM gives a tad more MP, and isn't that what counts?
So really, other than the MP boost, what is good subjob for SMN?
Until level 70, then you prolly won't even need a sub other than for more MP :D
I personally think SMN/BLM would rock, but anything weak against any element, would be dominated, because you could just nuke it w/ elemental spells strong against it from yourself and your avatar!
I just read a reply on here that I hadn't thought about. WHM really isn't that good of a sub anyway, because if your SMN/WHM your supposed to be a backup healer, but even with Cure III, you won't be curing for too much, in relation to what a real WHM can cure for.
Other than spells like Poisona, how is WHM better than BLM? BLM gives a tad more MP, and isn't that what counts?
So really, other than the MP boost, what is good subjob for SMN?
Until level 70, then you prolly won't even need a sub other than for more MP :D
I personally think SMN/BLM would rock, but anything weak against any element, would be dominated, because you could just nuke it w/ elemental spells strong against it from yourself and your avatar!