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  • Fire!!!

    ok have been trying unsuccessfully for the past few days now to get the 'fire' element to finish off summoner and its not happening
    i tried the dunes, meriphuted, rolanberry pratically most of the outdoor zones i know of but nada.
    does anyone know exactly where i can get fire please and around what time?

    :19:55:10 :12 :15 :20 :15
    :29:25 :20 :13 :9 :10 :1 :15
    Rank: 5
    Genki Obtained: 1 / 2
    Avitar's Obtained:Shiva-Titan-Garuda-Leviathan-Ifrit-Ramuh-Carbuncle
    Full AF for job's:

  • #2
    i got my fire element in altepa. waited through the first game day, then on the second game day it appeared.


    • #3
      i got mine in tahrongi canyon.....strategy: wait next to the weather guy in any of the citys(i am not sure if he is in kazham) and he will tell you the next 3 in game days weather of the zone u ask him...come back 3hrs later and ask again =D

      Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


      • #4
        just curious to as when you speak to the weather person and just says like heat with dust storms (usually means you can get earth) but will he say anything else with fure like 'scorching day' or anything or will it remain the usual 'sunny day' msg?

        :19:55:10 :12 :15 :20 :15
        :29:25 :20 :13 :9 :10 :1 :15
        Rank: 5
        Genki Obtained: 1 / 2
        Avitar's Obtained:Shiva-Titan-Garuda-Leviathan-Ifrit-Ramuh-Carbuncle
        Full AF for job's:


        • #5
          You can get the Fire effect in Valkurm... I had to wait 6 real life hours for it though. You can try the Desert like someone else posted, but good luck getting there.
          "From the void all things are born.
          To the void all things return."

          -philosophy of the Walahra


          • #6
            Altepa is almost constantly in heatwave weather. Reaching it is not difficult...

            Zeruhn Mines (Bastok) > Korroloka Tunnel > Eastern Altepa

            The tunnel is almost a straight run. Pugils, gigas and slimes will aggro you so just avoid them. I usually just ran through the shorter path on the bottom (where the spiders are) rather than the upper path. I know I've been aggroed up there more often than on the lower path, whatever anybody says.


            • #7
              Though very rare, you can get it in Rolanberry Field/Crawlers Nest. I got mine in Fields...

              Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool

