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Help me decide:

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  • Help me decide:

    ok i am stuck between 2-3 job combinations...

    right now i am blm/whm this is what i am doing till 30/15 but the high costs of all the blm spells is starting to get me down

    brd/whm seems like an interesting combo and seems to be lots of fun also... i might consider leveling this to 60/30 so i can get the summon primes also i have seen that music doesnt cost that much...

    and sum/whm... i always wanted to be this when i first heard about the game... but everyone says its so sloppy and boring... but for some reason i still have hope that square enix will fix this job soon... and im pretty sure this will be my final job i was just wondering after all you did to get the job and its summons do you feel like it was worth it? and is this job fun to play as with all avatars and elementals?

    so basically i think i should go blm/whm to 30/15 then brd/whm to 60ish/30ish then switch into what i really want to be with all of my summons sum/whm? does this sound like a good plan?

    things i hope se will change:
    make it so you can cure your summons and remove stat affects
    lessen cooldown of abilities
    make the abilities of summons alreayd have their therondy attached
    and se needs to decide if they want to make the sum job part of hte game at all... right now it has no role they either need to make it soloable like a beastmaster or have a red mage feel to it where your summons can damage and heal...

    on the path thing again should i just level blm to 60 instead of starting over on brd? the costs of getting all the blm's spells is ridicoulous and i will be having to get ancient magic by the time i am 60ish...

    ::post your thoughts please::
    :h and please only post positive opinions no flaming or mindless sum bashing if you say somehting please give a reason::

  • #2
    the summoner class is incredible. the summons at high level are extremely strong.

    take this job, and sub it with WHM (if you want to be a back up healer) or BLM (if you want to be a back up attacker)

    i might go for Both...or at least im going to try both. SMN / BLM is looking good thought, because im taking black mage to level 30, so it will already be ready for a sub job


    • #3
      i decided to go blm/whm until i can fight he summon primes and start summoner with all my summons
      thankyou for the positive reply im pretty sure im going to be sum/whm.


      • #4
        yeah i must say sum/blm or sum/whm looks cool escecially the eye candy of the summons and bard looks interesting to lol

        which race besides taru is best for them tho?
        In the dark realms of hell wether you are good or not doesn't matter, and that is where your true soul appears and really counts.

