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Hume vs. Taru

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  • Hume vs. Taru

    Exactlly how long can an avatar stay out at level 70 with each race?

    I know the Taru get's around 400 more MP than a Hume, but a lot of people make Hume summoners.

    How big of a difference are their in each race?

    Maybe that's why not many ppl like summoners lol
    The few....the proud....the Summoners.

    Be all you can be An army of one!

  • #2
    the warcry site lists mana diffrences ect and int/mind diffs i guess their the major ones between the races apart from that i reckon people just go hume cos they look better when summoning : P tt's arms are to short and stubby so they look funny < this gives a gen idea but like all estimations they are just that its just a basic templet to go off
    In FF -

    Drycha -Changing Summoner / monk (tarutaru)

    In Daoc -

    Drycha Fireflower -50th druid Guinever Convicts

    Dryche Shadowlilly - 50th Nightshade Guinever Convicts

