I have read forum after forum, message board after message board basically there is no way around it. lvll 60 to obtain summons. This is the first FF i have ever owned and played faithfully and the reason i got it was because i saw a buddy do a summon in an older FF. so be it. my SMN is lvl 7 now cuz i have been playing with friends who are level 8 DRK and PLD. so basically i am going to let my SMN job stay in mog house and level my dragoon and sub my lvl 17 rdm. DRG is 5 just got it once we get thirty decide if i want to go back to my lvl 30 BLM or stick to DRG. either way that RDM is going to need some work. so i guess any feedback on this plan would be greatly appreciated, especially from those who have walked the road to becoming a high level summoner already. thanks
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