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??? / SMN or SMN / ???

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  • ??? / SMN or SMN / ???

    I cant do my choice, I will do an summoner but with its the best ? BLM ? WTHM ? or others??? plz help me:dead: :sweat:

  • #2
    Read Sheila's Summoner FAQ at the top of the SMN page.

    The only reason to SUB SUMN, is for the huge MP boost you get.

    Don't feel like explaining the rest ;/
    The few....the proud....the Summoners.

    Be all you can be An army of one!


    • #3
      You lose the extra spells you would get from subbing BLM/WHM/RDM (Warp/Curaga/En-Spells), but you gain the most mp of any class, PLUS you gain a lot in both MND and INT. Being an RDM, I plan on SMN sub for the MND and INT, since I need both...


      • #4
        if you want best for reason of performance whm sadly is the way to go it makes you group friendly so you can level up fast enough, if you want mediocer black mage or red mage, i have been thinking a bard wouldnt be to bad if you dont want to go whm i know its only 1 song but 1 song is better then non and iam sure a group wouldnt mind to take you along

        but if its a personal thing go what ever you want i did some kinda maths and used a few calacs ect and worked out sum/mnk wouldnt be a bad combo and went it cos i liked the idea behind it but its totally up to you dont play what other tell you to play cos you'll get to 75 and regret it
        In FF -

        Drycha -Changing Summoner / monk (tarutaru)

        In Daoc -

        Drycha Fireflower -50th druid Guinever Convicts

        Dryche Shadowlilly - 50th Nightshade Guinever Convicts

