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  • SMN vs. BLM

    Will summoners ever do more damage than black mages? Seem kinda unfair that little Taru's can dish out more damage than these godly creatures can.

    Anyone else feel that way?
    The few....the proud....the Summoners.

    Be all you can be An army of one!

  • #2
    No I think it is completely fair and just for a Blm to deal more damage then a Summoner. That is what Blm are for to deal high amounts of damage. I think that the fact that Blm are probably the hardest characters in the game to lv, makes that justifiable.
    "*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"


    • #3
      But BLM use elemental spells. These are the gods of those elements lol. I can see where your comin from though.

      The summons are so hard to get though, for them not to be as good.

      I don't really have much trouble leveling my BLM. My friend has a RDM and we always PT together so we watch each others backs.

      Party w/ warriors a lot, their provoke is great for the hate you draw.
      The few....the proud....the Summoners.

      Be all you can be An army of one!


      • #4
        Its soo true ; ; BLMs are the hardest to Lv up in the entire game. But..... I think the SMNs can Deal out more Damage at Lv 70. So until I have a Lv 70 SMN, BLMs are stronger.
        ::Dark Knight:: 62
        ::White Mage:: 62
        ::Summoner:: 75
        ::Warrior:: 37
        ::Ninja:: 37
        ::Samurai:: 33
        ::Thief:: 37
        Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
        Summoning Skill: 312


        • #5
          Ah cool. Well either way, I'll have to level my BLM up so I can get the summons. So....
          The few....the proud....the Summoners.

          Be all you can be An army of one!


          • #6
            if blm is the hardest to level int he game...
            then i have accomplished the hardest
            but i dont' think i have...
            smn isn't that easy to play to be good either.... especially how suck your beasts are
            omfgbbq ;3


            • #7
              Summons don't have to be like the rest of the FF's summons like all strong and powerful. And they aren't in here... they're a supporting job for most of their LVs not DMG dealers. In FFXI its different, its not like most of other FFs. But I have to agree, I wish they were somewhat stronger...
              "From the void all things are born.
              To the void all things return."

              -philosophy of the Walahra


              • #8
                My thought was summoners were not supposed to be a supporting job. If you go by the own story of FFXI they are suppost to be heritic mages trying to obtain great power. Go to the official usa FFXI site and it says summoners were mages who wanted pure power.
                So where is the power? Why can't summons attack like Square is hyping about the job?
                Country: Bastok
                Rank: 10
                Server: Midgardsormr
                Avatars: Diabolos, Fenrir, Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Carbuncle
                Elementals: Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Earth, Thunder, Light


                • #9
                  My feelings about SMN vs. BLM

                  OK guys - here is the deal.... I have lvled up my BLM to lvl 30 and in my opinion, BLM's is without a doubt the hardest job to lvl up with in FFXI. Now - I did get my Summoner job last night and I feel so weak! That is because if you check the INT if the summoner at a low lvl - a BLM is way better.

                  Now on the other hand - I have the up most respect to any summoner who has the ability to summon the other avators. With each summon you get - your INT raises (not much - but it does). Furthermore, a lvl 30 Summoner with all of the avators does stand an equal to a lvl 30 BLM. However, I must debate whether or not the BLM is the hardest job to complete.

                  Sure the BLM spells are very expensive (9.5k for Firaga - 188 damage) - but that is the only conscerne with a BLM. With a Summoner - you must realize the extreme effort you must put into aquiring more then just Carbuncle. Now since I have not attempted to battle such avators such as Ifrit - so I can not tell you how hard the fights are. But every Summoner I have met in game has so much pride and self-confidence in himself for achieving what other gamers dream of - and that is my goal for FFXI.

                  I wish not to be the most powerful gamer in FFXI - but simply to have the ability to help others with my abilities... which is the soul purpose of being a summoner and a white mage.

                  Now I know the last paragraphs were kinda extensive compared to the previous posts on this thread - but to those of you who did read my words... please take what I said into consideration. Thank you for your time.



                  • #10
                    Well I don't think the INT of a summoner really matters, someone told me that the damage your summons do, depends on the level your SMN job is.

                    So one level 75 SMN would be no stronger than another level 75, not speaking of subjobs.
                    The few....the proud....the Summoners.

                    Be all you can be An army of one!

