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What were square thinking?

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  • What were square thinking?

    Hey i wana be a summoner but u think its REALLY stupid that u have to be lvl 60+ just to get the other summon i dont wana run round with carbuncle till then? I mean whats is the point couldnt they just have it u get a summon every 10 levels? instead of waiting till ur lvl 60 to get em all its really off putting and boring if u was even to try and do it...

  • #2

    ...if I were a patron guardian of a universal element, I wouldn't want some greenhorn, wet-behind-the-ears Summoner bothering me all the time...

    ...I think Square, with the stories behind the summon quests/fights, really want you to earn the right to use them, not just supplant their power by mere leveling...

    Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


    • #3
      Yeah but summons are not worth the effect they suck in strength. Why would you take hours of your life to get sucky magic is what they are basicallY? Your not really earning anything getting sucky beasts. Hello Dragoon pet can kill them all off. Square messed this job up big time.

      If they had real strength i can agree but they have no worth at all except to make you a cheap RDM ripoff with a big title. Summoner is big bark but no bite.

      To wait till level 60 to get them and plus have to have summoner job to get them is worthless as Carbuncle. He is worst summons ever and he is starting summons? FFXI system for summons doesn't make any sense.

      Yuna would laugh as these pathic summons in FFXI.
      Country: Bastok
      Rank: 10
      Server: Midgardsormr
      Avatars: Diabolos, Fenrir, Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Carbuncle
      Elementals: Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Earth, Thunder, Light


      • #4
        I agree, the character design is one of the stupidest design Ive seen in any mmorpg, ever.
        30 BLM, 15 DRK, 14 WHM, 13 BST, 10 WAR, 9 RDM, 6 MNK

