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Gaining fame in each of the cities?

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  • Gaining fame in each of the cities?

    I have been doing quests in Windurst at the moment and its becoming a real pain ~.~; Anyhow I have a few questions concerning on how to get to get the SMNs in words of getting enough fame and such.

    1.) I have been told different things from about 4 different ppl about which cities share fame. Can anyone please clear that up for me?
    2.) I am having any extremly hard time doing the the quests, it seems to be getting rather annoying. Can anyone inform me of small repeatable quest for EACH city or extra areas(Tenshodo, Kazham, Radao, etc...)?
    3.) Lastly if there is a website that lists this sort of information, then can you please send me a link? *Note I am aware of the Strat. guide on Gamefaqs, its just it doesn't have easy quests to do alot*

    Just like I said before this is troublesome because I am getting mixed info from alot of ppl. Ack! One more thing..... Say that there are cities that share FAME such as ***Ex: Windurst & Kazham***
    Since I have all the fame I need in Windurst (assuming that I have enough fame to get what ever SMN I get from there) can I just run stragiht over to Kazham with that fame and nothing more, do the SMN quest there with out even doing any quests in that city?
    Thanks if you can help me.:sweat:
    ::Dark Knight:: 62
    ::White Mage:: 62
    ::Summoner:: 75
    ::Warrior:: 37
    ::Ninja:: 37
    ::Samurai:: 33
    ::Thief:: 37
    Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
    Summoning Skill: 312

  • #2
    note, the following info might not be 100% correct, hwoever that's how i got my summons

    shiva, straight out sandoria fame, sandoria fame can be checked by one of the guy in the bar in s.sandoria right out side of the moghouse. the easiest quest to do is of course! the bat wing

    garuda, rumor sandoria but i think it's actually jeuno fame (which means accumulate fame from around the world), the fame check guy is across from the magic shop in lower jeuno. i got it one rank in sandoria after shiva

    ramuh and ifrit are both windrust fame to me, the fame check is in win waters that pub place, the repeatable quest might be expansive, (i was lasy enough and did not do fish runs since that required zoning). i stocked up 30 stack of bee hive from ah and did the bee hive trading XD

    levi, pure norg fame, i have no idea where the fame check guy for norg is. however i got it after 100 zinc and 10 airship smuggling (since i do one everytime i have to airship from sandoria -> jeuno however sometimes fail =() and of course some random norg fame related quest.

    titan, bastok fame, in my opinion i hated bastok fame. the fame check guy is in port bastok in front of the inn (outside of the inn not inside). the fast way will probably be zinc quest (it counts as both bastok and norg) however that can suck up A LOT OF MONEY. so i did ingot trading quest, you ahve to zone for that. however the hp is right next to the house so i used dezone -_-;;;

    anyways... ya that's pretty much how i got my summons' fames
    omfgbbq ;3


    • #3
      Thank you so much...... but I have one question.
      Where and who offers the Bee Hive quest in Wind ^^?
      ::Dark Knight:: 62
      ::White Mage:: 62
      ::Summoner:: 75
      ::Warrior:: 37
      ::Ninja:: 37
      ::Samurai:: 33
      ::Thief:: 37
      Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
      Summoning Skill: 312


      • #4
        Oh one other thing. I never heard of the Airship smuggling. What do I need to do?
        ::Dark Knight:: 62
        ::White Mage:: 62
        ::Summoner:: 75
        ::Warrior:: 37
        ::Ninja:: 37
        ::Samurai:: 33
        ::Thief:: 37
        Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
        Summoning Skill: 312


        • #5

          omfgbbq ;3


          • #6
            What does the fame check NPC say when you have enough fame to get a summon quest? I tried getting the shiva quest but Gulmama still won't talk to me.


            • #7
              The fame check NPC won't say anything you just have to keep going back to the NPC that offers the quest. They'll usally give you a long silence and then say the quest. Thats How I know I got my first few. The fame checks usally say something like "You are the hero of our land, God bless Altenha" or something along those lines. They'll refer to their kingdom (Bastok, San'ordia, etc..) and say bless the goddess.

              >.> Well thats what did it for me.
              ::Dark Knight:: 62
              ::White Mage:: 62
              ::Summoner:: 75
              ::Warrior:: 37
              ::Ninja:: 37
              ::Samurai:: 33
              ::Thief:: 37
              Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
              Summoning Skill: 312


              • #8
                ok thanks... looks like I still have some work to do then


                • #9
                  I can only think of one thing... did you recently defeat one of the other summons/get one of the other summons quest accepted and not defeat it yet? If so... then that's your problem. You need to wait 24 (real life) hours to get another summon quest accepted after you get one.
                  "From the void all things are born.
                  To the void all things return."

                  -philosophy of the Walahra


                  • #10
                    Where R they???

                    Hey you guyz, i was just wondering if u knew where to get all of the summon quests at? If you do, could you tell me? Thx in advance!!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tomfin10
                      I can only think of one thing... did you recently defeat one of the other summons/get one of the other summons quest accepted and not defeat it yet? If so... then that's your problem. You need to wait 24 (real life) hours to get another summon quest accepted after you get one.
                      hmmm no... you can accept all 6 quests together if you wish, it's just that you can't fight the same summon twice in a one day period right now (prevent 20 min titan runs for 10k abuse)
                      damn... that was good money (misses the days where you can get almost 100k in less than 4 hours garenteed)
                      omfgbbq ;3


                      • #12
                        i know

                        THats cool, but what i asked was where you can get the quests, as in where they are located. If u can answer, thx.


                        • #13

                          (psst.... this is the forum right above this one, just look next time its the Summoner FAQ ^.~)
                          ::Dark Knight:: 62
                          ::White Mage:: 62
                          ::Summoner:: 75
                          ::Warrior:: 37
                          ::Ninja:: 37
                          ::Samurai:: 33
                          ::Thief:: 37
                          Summoner AF 2: Hands & Feet & Legs
                          Summoning Skill: 312


                          • #14
                            I have been doing quests for fame like crazy and I was wondering if there is a minimum rank needed for the prime fights?

                            3 Mithra are better than 1...
                            Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                            Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                            Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                            Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                            Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                            • #15
                              yeah, it would be really helpful if someone knows there's a rank requirement for getting the quest or not.

                              From the fame check npc in Wind, I got something like "....I heard nothing but good things about you, keep up the good work", is it still a long way to go?


                              P.S. 30 stacks of beehive is a lot of money...

